Chapter 136, Kang Geer was beaten

How could Mrs. Wu not understand her, but she didn't agree with her.

“I agree with you making glutinous rice to earn pocket money, but don’t think about going out. You still have to study and become a female celebrity.”

Sister Ying sighed, "How come my schedule is more full than my father's?"

His father was busy with a case for several days, and she and Kang Geer had no time to spare. They took various interest classes every day and had no time to rest.

Mrs. Wu couldn't help but smile when she saw the sad look on her face.

“Okay, I know you are tired, so my mother has specially found a private school for girls this time. When the time comes, you can go over and learn piano, poetry, calligraphy and painting from my wife. Don’t lose your talent.”

  "I don't have to ask you to do whatever you want to do tonight, is that okay?"

Sister Ying pouted and exposed her, "It's already dark at night, and you can't even try to get me to study." What kind of mercy is this?

  Wu glared at her, "Besides, I'll let you practice calligraphy at night."

As soon as Sister Ying heard that she was getting angry, she really shut up and stopped talking.

Mrs. Liang put the twins to sleep before coming over to listen to their talk.

She asked Sister Ying, "Has the glutinous rice been sold today?"

Sister Ying nodded and said proudly, "Everything is sold out, the food bucket is empty. Not a drop of soup is left~"

 The little face is particularly proud.

Mrs. Liang didn’t expect that the stall would actually sell so well on the first day she opened it?

But the glutinous rice tastes really good, I think it is attractive.

It’s only 20 yuan, “Is it a little expensive?”

Sister Ying shook her head and made a calculation with her, "Twenty cents is still too little for me."

 Pork belly is not cheap.

 Add mushrooms, eggs, glutinous rice, and chopped green onion oil, which all cost money.

 Even firewood costs money.

If the place where they stayed was not big, Sister Ying would have wanted to open a higher-end restaurant.

  It’s a five-star restaurant or something like that.

 Otherwise, I only earn a few pennies, and I don’t know if I will make it until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

With the skills she learned from her mother, it should be quite promising to open a high-end inn.

 At that time, she will come up with the recipe and invite a professional shopkeeper to visit the store.

This way, you don’t have to show up in public, and you can still be the boss behind the scenes. It’s perfect.

Wu also thinks her idea is a good one.

 I don’t oppose it, but I support her.

“Although I always ask you to study, I also hope that you can have the ability to make money.”

 When a woman gets married and goes to someone else's house, it is best for her to have the capital to settle down and live on her own, so that she doesn't have to look at other people's faces everywhere.

As long as Sister Ying can earn her own money in the future, she doesn’t need to ask her husband’s family for any clothes or jewelry she wants to buy, she can just buy them herself.

  What she said about opening an inn and being the boss behind the scenes, Wu thought it was quite good.

“Don’t worry, if you want to open an inn or a shop in the future, my mother will support you.”

 She had been saving a dowry for Sister Ying, and she would give it to her when she gets married. It doesn't matter which store she opens.

Sister Ying's heart felt warm after hearing this, and she moved over to hug Mrs. Wu's thigh.

 “Mother, you are so kind.”

  Wu smiled and touched her head, "That's right."

Old Mrs. Liang looked at the deep love between mother and son and couldn't help but say something sour.

 “Are you really sold out?” You didn’t eat it yourself, right?

Sister Ying hummed and handed the money to her.

He raised his chin high and said, "No, I just finished counting this. You can spend it and leave some money for me to buy meat."

Mrs. Liang shouted and praised, "Are you capable? Can you really make money for your family?"

Sister Ying snorted, "That's not good. You and my mother have carefully trained me, how can I let you down?"

 If the stall was not small, she could earn more. Seeing how proud she was, Old Mrs. Liang marveled, "It's amazing. You can even make money for your family. You're quite capable."

Sister Ying said of course, "No, I told you that I would buy you a gold gourd, so just wait. When I make a lot of money in the future, I will buy you a gold bracelet and necklace to wear."

These words made Mrs. Liang happy, "Okay, I'll remember it."

 On the second day.

Sister Ying continued to steam the glutinous rice, and sure enough, it was still sold out.

 Because Da Tou leaves immediately after selling his food, people who want to inquire secretly cannot find out anything.

 Wu and Xiaohong continue to make pork jerky at home.

 As for the private school, we have already found it.

Kang Geer and Sister Ying went to different private schools respectively. One studied the Four Books and Five Classics, and the other studied piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

 The two private schools were right next door, and the sister and brother went there hand in hand.

 Kang Geer was bullied by the older children on the first day he went to private school.

 Because he knew all the questions asked by the master, he was annoying to the older children.

Every private school has one or two gangsters who are not good at reading and like to bully others.

 Kang Geer is not a soft persimmon. When someone hits him, he will resist.

  If the resistance fails, then you will scream at the top of your lungs.

The Master was afraid that something might happen, so he had no choice but to protect Kang Geer.

 He knew that Kang Geer was the son of the county magistrate's family, so how could he dare to let an older child beat him up?

The remaining eldest children are young masters from wealthy families in the town.

 There are three big shops in Lihua Town, all selling fruit preserves.

It is said that their preserves are sold exclusively to princes and nobles, and their business is ten times better than other families.

  Master Zhou was originally the only scholar with relatively good grades in the town, so these wealthy people sent their children to him.

But he was also troubled when a young master from a wealthy family fought with a young master from a magistrate's family.

He has heard about the new county magistrate. He is said to be easy-going and diligent in handling cases. He has a good reputation among women.

 But these young masters from wealthy families are also not afraid of trouble.

People don't take the county magistrate seriously at all, and they beat him up whenever he wants.

Master Zhou had a headache and hurriedly tried to persuade him to make peace, "You are grown-ups, and you can be considered upright men. How can you beat a child? This makes us look ungrateful."

 “Be more generous and don’t be as knowledgeable as a child.”

This Kang Geer didn't like hearing it anymore, "If I do something wrong, it's okay for them to attack me. The key is that they beat me because I'm good. They're not manly at all. They'll be jealous, like a girl."

These words obviously made the older children even more angry, and they immediately wanted to beat them.

 Kang Geer is not stupid, how could he stand and let them beat him.

He was also smart and ran out quickly, shouting loudly, "The Wu boy is beating someone~~"

The teenage boys from the Wu family immediately rushed out to chase Kang Geer back.

Sister Ying heard the noise in the girls' private school next door and hurriedly came out to take a look.

As soon as she came out, Kang Geer immediately ran behind her.

The little fat finger pointed at the naughty kids in front and complained to Sister Ying, "Sister, they beat me."

When Sister Ying heard this, she frowned and said, "They beat you? Why?"

 Kang Ge'er is always lively and cute, and he gets along well with the children. He doesn't like to fight with others, so how can he be beaten properly?

Kang Geer said angrily, "Master asked me questions just now, and I answered them all correctly. They got upset. They stretched out their hands to pull my hair and flicked the back of my head with their fingers."

As soon as Sister Ying heard this, she knew that the other party was a naughty kid.

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 (End of this chapter)

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