The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 137: , Invite Master Wu to dinner

Chapter 137, Invite Master Wu to dinner

 After she protected Kang Geer, she saw the three naughty children running over.

 They looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, and were much taller than Sister Ying.

 Seeing Brother Kang hiding behind Sister Ying, he immediately laughed at him.

"Didn't you laugh at us girls just now? Why are you hiding behind girls now? Are you ashamed?"

 Brother Kang was not fooled, he still hid behind Sister Ying.

He also angrily confronted them, "You are so much older than me, but you beat me up as a child who has no strength to restrain me. It's a shame for you to tell me."

When those naughty kids from the Wu family heard that he dared to talk about himself, they immediately picked up the soles of their shoes and flew over.

 Nearly hit Sister Ying.

Seeing how violent they were, Sister Ying protected Kang Geer and said to the leading boy, "If you come here again, I will cry for you!"

 After saying that, he pursed his lips, as if he was about to start crying.

 Kang Geer was very cooperative. He flattened his mouth and sat directly on the ground, ready to cry when his sister gave the order.

 Their movements quickly attracted the attention of the adults.

 The women immediately came over and accused him, "Hey, why did the young master of the Wu family beat the child again? It's really bad."

“I’m already fifteen years old, but I’m still spanking a child, and I don’t know how my family teaches me.”

The women all knew the young master of the Wu family. Seeing that the children on the ground were weak and helpless, and the young master of the Wu family looked vicious, they naturally regarded the young master of the Wu family as a bad guy.

  The children in their family have all been bullied by the young master of the Wu family, and they are even more aggrieved.

When the young master of the Wu family saw that everyone was attacking him, he glared at Brother Kang and Sister Ying fiercely and said, "Let's go!"

He took his two henchmen and left.

Seeing them walking away, Sister Ying patted her clothes and then stood up with Kang Geer.

Kang Geer said, "If we weren't short, we would really want to fight with them."

Sister Ying shook her head and advised him, "Dad has just taken office not long ago, so let's not cause trouble for them."

 It's okay for children to fight. The key is that Liang Jin is the county magistrate, so his face will be tarnished if children fight.

Kang Geer was furious, "But if I howl like this, will people laugh at me?"

Sister Ying coaxed him, "This is called acting!"

 Two children sit on the ground and howl a few words, and no one will feel at ease.

 It’s better than being beaten, right?

  Who told them not to know martial arts?

Speaking of this, Sister Ying said, "It seems that we have to learn some martial arts."

 Otherwise, if you encounter this kind of thing next time, you can’t just cry to solve it.

 Kang Geer nodded and decided to talk to his mother about learning martial arts after he went back.

Sister Ying patted her clothes and saw that it was still early, so she took Brother Kang to her private school.

The teacher in the private school next door is a female teacher.

  It is said that this lady was also a wealthy young lady, and later she married here. Her husband passed away due to illness. She had to teach to support her family.

There are also wealthy families in Lihua Town, and girls also need to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so she set up this private school.

At this moment, Sister Ying brought Kang Geer in, explained the situation to the madam, and asked the madam if she could let Kang Geer study here all morning?

The female teacher saw that Brother Kang was small, white and cute, so she asked the female students if they agreed.

 The female students saw that Kang Geer was very funny, so they agreed.

 Kang Geer looked at these beautiful elder sisters and suddenly grinned.

Today is really a blessing in disguise. After being beaten, a beautiful young lady comforted me. It was a blessing in disguise.

Sister Ying saw how crazy he was and couldn't help but pinch his ears and told him, "Study hard and don't look at other ladies less."

 Kang Geer said oh and really stopped reading. He concentrated on learning chess from the wife.

The siblings have all learned Go from Jing Shirong before, and now they can listen to the female master’s explanation and learn faster.

 The girls saw that they were playing well, so they came over to play with them.

These little girls are all very polite and easy to get along with.

They sat around and played Go with Sister Ying, and asked, "Did your brother get beaten by the young master of the Wu family?" Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, he just went to private school on the first day. After being beaten, I don’t know what will happen next.”

The little girl sighed and explained for the young master of the Wu family.

"He has a weird temper, but he has a good heart. Look at Kang Geer, there is no injury on his body. It can be seen that he is just scaring Kang Geer."

As soon as Sister Ying heard her tone, she knew there must be some story between her and the young master of the Wu family.

Then he asked, "Sister Lianhua, are you familiar with the young master of the Wu family?"

This little girl’s name is Lianhua, and she is also the daughter of a wealthy family in the town.

 Her family originally had a very good relationship with the Wu family, and the two families even agreed to get married.

Later, the two families fell out due to business matters.

 The marriage was not cancelled, but no one mentioned it again.

Sister Ying asked her, "Then do you like the young master of the Wu family?"

 Lianhua nodded, "I like it, but the current situation between our two families is incompatible. I don't know what to do."

Sister Ying asked, "Does the young master of the Wu family like you?"

That boy looks quite upright, but he has a weird temper during adolescence. It will probably take a few years for him to get better.

Lianhua sighed, "I don't know if he likes me. But my mother said that if he didn't have the ability, he wouldn't let me marry into the Wu family."

What her mother meant was that she hoped that the young master of the Wu family could move out and live alone, so that Lianhua would not have to worry about her parents-in-law when she married.

But the young master of the Wu family has no fame, and there are many sons in the family. He is not the favored one, and he has no money to move out.

So no one mentioned the marriage for a long time.

Based on Sister Lianhua’s intentions, Sister Ying actually wants to marry the young master of the Wu family.

However, no one mentioned the marriage, and it was impossible for their woman to propose marriage, so as not to make people laugh.

Lianhua also said, "My mother didn't look down on him to begin with, but now that his reputation is even worse, she looks down on him even more."

Lianhua is also worried, "He was originally the legitimate son of the family, but later his father's business became bigger, so he took a concubine. Later, the concubine gave birth to a son, but his father ignored him."

 Because he is not favored and because his father is partial to his bastard, the young man will naturally feel resentful.

 Coupled with the fact that his mother was said to have little status in the family, his life was even worse.

 A mother who is not strong cannot protect her son.

There was no comfort for his grievances, and he had to accept his anger, which created his weird temperament.

Sister Ying understood it completely and said to Lianhua, "How about you come to my house for dinner at noon? The matter between him and Brother Kang must be resolved, otherwise it is not good to fight all the time."

Lianhua didn’t want her sweetheart to fight with others all the time, so she agreed.

"Then let's ask a few more people to go together so that no one will talk."

Sister Ying nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go back and talk to my mother first, and you can come find me later."

Lianhua nodded and made an appointment with her. When the private school took a break at noon, she took a few little sisters there with her.

 Brother Kang also ran to call the young master of the Wu family.

The young master of the Wu family is named Wu Shaokang, and his name also happens to have the word "kang" in it.

 When he saw Kang Geer coming to him, he looked disdainful, "What? You still want to fight?"

 Kang Geer heard about Wu Shaokang's family affairs at Sister Lianhua's place, and felt sympathy for him, so he came over to talk to him like a good child.

“Sister Lianhua said that we are all brothers from all over the world. Our family will prepare delicious food for lunch, so you can come and eat too.”

As if she was afraid that he wouldn't come, she added, "Sister Lianhua is coming too."

 Wu Shaokang's face lit up when he saw him mentioning lotus. "I'll go if you ask me to? Wouldn't that make me lose face?"

Kang Geer knew that he wanted to save face, so he said, "Then I sincerely invite you as a friend. What do you think?"

Wu Shaokang originally wanted to see Lotus, but when he saw Brother Kang handing him the steps, he agreed.

 “Assuming you are wise, I will barely give you face.”

Kang Geer thought to himself, this man has a really weird temper. It’s no wonder that people say he is a bad boy. He can't speak and his face still smells bad. No wonder he has a bad reputation.

 But face to face, Kang Geer felt that he was not very mean-spirited, but at most had a weird temper.

 (End of this chapter)

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