Chapter 138, Life Coach

At noon, Kang Geer ran back and told his family about the matter.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu also said, "I should have invited the children to have a meal. I was negligent."

 Originally, she thought how contradictory it would be for children to study?

Who would have thought that my son would have his hair pulled on his first day at school.

 Wu was a little angry.

But after listening to Kang Geer's description, we can understand why Wu Shaokang has a weird personality.

 But having an eccentric personality does not mean that he can bully children.

Wu decided that Wu Shaokang would come over later and educate him well so that he could not make any more mistakes.

 After a while, Sister Ying brought a group of young girls and older girls over.

The girls in their private school are all of different ages, some are older and some are younger.

At this moment, the girls came in smiling, and the sisters got along well.

 Wu Shaokang also came in together.

 Kang Geer went out to pick him up. Today I will only invite him as a man. In case there are too many men, it would be difficult to eat with the girls.

   Wu also remembers the great defense between men and women.

 Children are fine and can eat together, but those aged fourteen or fifteen are definitely not allowed to sit and eat together.

So she asked Aunt Xu to move the screen out and place it between the men's and women's tables so that they could not see each other.

  Wu Shaokang felt happy when he saw the shadow of the lotus, but he did not dare to look for her.

His father is now obsessed with his concubine and doesn't take him seriously at all.

 In addition, his father had a quarrel with Lianhua's parents, so no one mentioned the marriage.

But Wu Shaokang wholeheartedly believed that Lianhua was his future wife and wanted to marry her no matter what.

 But now he has nothing. His father only has a concubine and a concubine in his heart.

His mother is cowardly and doesn't dare to fight for him, so he is living a very difficult life now.

Lianhua wanted to persuade him, but unmarried men and women could not get together alone, otherwise they would be gossiped about, so she never had the chance to talk to Wu Shaokang.

It was Mrs. Wu who listened to Lianhua’s description and wanted to persuade Wu Shaokang.

 The girls were eating at the moment, and Mrs. Wu went over to Wu Shaokang’s table to chat with him as an elder.

“Your name is Shaokang, right?”

Wu Shaokang saw that Wu was gentle and an elder, so he nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Wu said familiarly, "My second son is also named Kang Geer. You two are also destined to be together."

 Master Wu thought she was blaming him for beating Brother Kang, but he didn't expect that she was not.

Mrs. Wu talked to him like an caring elder, "I heard from Lianhua about your matter. Lianhua is a good girl who thinks about you wholeheartedly. I just don't know, can you also think about Lianhua?"

Wu Shaokang certainly wanted to do the best for Lotus, but what could he do?

Mrs. Wu told him, "If you really want to marry Lianhua, you should study hard or do business well. No matter which path you take, you should do your best. Otherwise, how will you marry her in the future?"

 Wu Shaokang's heart was moved when he heard this, "But my father doesn't let me get involved in his business, for fear that I will damage his family property."

His father has been teaching the concubine step by step, trying to get the concubine to do business.

How can he make money if he can't touch the business?

Mrs. Wu said, "Since your father doesn't let you do business, how are you doing in school?"

Wu Shaokang said, "I'm not very good at studying, so I'm not qualified for this. I would rather do business."

Mr. Wu gave him an idea, "Since you want to do business, go for it. No matter how troublesome it is, no matter what happens, if you can get the opportunity, go and try it."

He is his biological son after all. I don’t believe Mr. Wu can really leave him alone.

Wu Shaokang was overjoyed when he heard that someone supported him for the first time.

 “Do you think I can do it?”

Wu said of course, "Of course you can. As long as you do it with your heart and learn with your heart, there's nothing wrong with it." "And as you get older, you can't continue to be decadent, otherwise you will have nothing when you get old. You don't want your mother to do it either." Let Lianhua marry someone else in her old age?"

 Wu Shaokang nodded vigorously, "I don't want to. I want to marry Lianhua."

Mr. Wu said, "Then go for it and do a good job in business. As long as you have the ability and make the business big, you will be able to give Lotus a good life in the future."

 Wu Shaokang felt that what Wu said was right.

 In the past, his mother always advised him to endure it. Ask him to make various concessions.

Only Wu's words were what he wanted to hear.

So he said goodbye, took one last look at the lotus, and hurried back.

Lianhua glanced at his retreating back and asked Sister Ying what was going on?

Sister Ying said in her ear, "My mother has persuaded me. He said he wants to marry you, so he has to go back to do business now. I hope you can wait for him."

Lianhua is fourteen this year and will be sixteen in two years. It's not a bad idea to wait for him for two more years.

 I just hope that Wu Shaokang can make a difference.

When Brother Kang saw that Mr. Wu had persuaded him to go away, he immediately worshiped him and said, "Mother, it would be a pity if you don't become a master. Even Master Zhou can't cure him."

Wu Shi smiled and touched the back of his head, "I think besides studying, you also need to learn martial arts."

 Otherwise, it would be miserable like the one who was beaten today.

Just when Kang Geer was about to tell him about this, he said excitedly, "I want to fly over eaves and walls, and walk as fast as flying."

  Wu Shi: ..."You should practice the basic skills first."

   Kang Geer, "Does sister want to study?"

Wu Shi nodded, "It's good to let her learn a little bit." Girls have some self-defense skills and can protect themselves.

 A few more days.

 Wu Shaokang really had trouble with his family.

 Finally, he threatened not to give him any business, so he burned down his house.

Mr. Wu was afraid that he would really be a fool, so he gave him any business.

That business had a low turnover rate because the employer was difficult to service.

Mr. Wu didn't want to sell some fruit and still be angry, so he simply gave this difficult employer to Wu Shaokang.

Whether it succeeds in the end depends on the fate of the legitimate son.

 Wu Shaokang is not bad at all. He actually succeeded in doing business for the first time.

The employer felt that he was resilient and could be cultivated, so he asked him if he would like to work with him.

Wu Shaokang was willing, but said he would come back and say something.

Later, he went to Lianhua and told Lianhua's parents to let them wait for him for two more years. He would come back in two years and marry Lianhua in a sedan chair.

Lianhua's parents saw that he was sincere and thought it would be okay to wait for him for two years, so they agreed.

 After explaining the matter, Wu Shaokang went out.

 Later, I heard that he followed that employer and got better and better, and his business grew bigger and bigger, and he gradually gained momentum to compete with the Wu family for business.

Mr. Wu saw him snatching business and scolded him for being unfilial.

 Wu Shaokang just pretended not to hear it and continued to expand his business.

Finally, when his employers saw that the fruits he sold were big, sweet and of good quality, they all came to him to buy them.

Mr. Wu saw that his business was plummeting, and he was so angry that he wanted to settle the score with Wu Shaokang.

But they didn’t take it seriously at all and continued doing business. When they came back, they built a large courtyard to serve as a wedding room.

Two years later, he actually went to marry Lianhua with eight carriages. The wedding banquet was so big that it became a hot topic in Lihua Town.

Mr. Wu saw how promising his eldest son was and wanted to save him, but he ignored him at all.

Later, Wu Shaokang sent a large box of gold to Mrs. Wu, saying it was a thank-you gift for her as a matchmaker.

 (End of this chapter)

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