The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 144: , someone came in the middle of the night

Chapter 144: Someone comes in the middle of the night

Sister Ying was reading in the courtyard when she saw Liang Jin coming in angrily and said strangely.

 “Dad? Why are you back?”

Liang Jin was very angry and couldn't complain in the courtyard, so he could only take Sister Ying to the study to talk.

 Kang Geer also followed.

Liang Jin looked outside and saw no one, so he whispered, "As the official document said, all the government officials and masters here have been bribed by Qian Laisheng."

Even if he wants to handle the case, others will not give him real power.

 It seems that the imperial court should have observed the chaos here, so it secretly sent another team over to rectify the situation.

But he didn’t plan to tell his family about this, for fear that walls might have ears.

Liang Jin thought that since he couldn't handle the case, he might as well make a private visit incognito and go out for a walk.

So he changed into casual clothes, wearing a black cloth, and took Sister Ying, who was dressed in cloth, to go out with Kang Geer, intending to visit the neighborhood.


 Several people went from the back door to the street together, walking and shopping.

Compared to the streets of Lihua Town, this place is obviously much more smoky.

 The streets of Lihua Town sell food and clothes and are very lively.

But on the streets of Qianjiazhuang, except for some wonton stalls and some shops selling rice and wine, there are not many other shops. Maybe they all lost the bet.

Liang Jin previously received a private message from the official document saying that Qian Laisheng was not originally from here.

 It is said that he came from a gambling house in a big place.

Later, he came to Qianjiazhuang to open a gambling house and began to trick all the men in the village into gambling.

  When Qianjiazhuang has almost all the money he has earned, he will take the money and run away.

A good Qianjiazhuang, the smoke that he made, was dilapidated, and of course the court had opinions.

This time he came here just as a pretense, to provide money first as a cover-up.

As long as the court team comes and tidies up the place, he can take over the following matters.

So now he can just be idle and look at the situation first.

Sister Ying looked around the street and found that there were many beggars sitting on the street, including adults and children.

I heard from the meat seller that the men in the family went to gamble at a money-making gambling house and lost all their family property, so the whole family had no choice but to go out and beg.

 Family after family, one after another, they either starved to death or were sold.

 No wonder later societies wanted to ban gambling, which was really harmful to others and ourselves.

 After shopping around, Liang Jin took the children to buy food before going back.

 After arriving home, Mrs. Liang asked Sister Ying, "How is it outside?"

Sister Ying, wearing a little girl's pigtails, said to Mrs. Liang, "It's really chaotic outside, and there are beggars everywhere. Even the food sellers have to have someone watch over them. If they don't open the shop easily, they are afraid that the beggars will rob them of the food. ”

However, in recent years, there have been fewer beggars. It is said that they were shipped out and sold by the money.

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang opened her mouth and whispered, "What a crime. That money comes to win, it's really not a thing. You deceived people into gambling, raked in all their property, and sold them. What a crime." "

Sister Ying sighed, "Who says it's not the case?"

The imperial court is also convinced that in such a serious area, if no one is sent to take care of it, Qianjiazhuang will be destroyed in the future.

Old Mrs. Liang sighed, "Except for buying rice, you should not go out if you have nothing to do from now on."

 Otherwise, one thousand taels won't be enough if you get caught up in those beggars.

Liang Jin also said, "Originally, I wanted to buy some steamed buns for those beggars. But the man who sold the steamed buns said he couldn't give it to them."

 As soon as he gave it, a whole swarm of beggars came to him.

From now on, the back door of the county government office will be surrounded by beggars. You have to give them something to eat every time you come out, otherwise they will follow you all the time.

Mrs. Liang sighed, still sighing.


 After everyone in the family knew about this situation, they basically didn’t go out.

 Fortunately, this county government office is quite big, and the children have a place to play, so they won’t be bored. The situation in Qianjiazhuang is definitely not suitable for business.

Wu doesn’t plan to open a store anymore, so he plans to buy some seeds to grow vegetables in the yard to be self-sufficient.

  Rice is also bought quietly at night by Da Tou, trying not to be seen by others.

 Days like this are quite stable.

However, the twins had also reached the age of enlightenment, so Wu asked Sister Ying and Kang Geer to teach them how to read, each teaching them one.

Sister Ying taught Sister Yang, and Brother Kang taught Brother Sen.

 Sister Yang and Brother Sen are both lively and active children who cannot sit still at all.

Sister Ying has only been teaching for a while, but she keeps moving here and there, and can’t understand a word she says.

Mrs. Wu was sewing clothes on the side. When she saw two naughty children moving around like this, she threw a ruler over them angrily.

Sister Ying took it with a smile on her face, patted her hands, and signaled her younger brothers and sisters to study harder, otherwise they would be beaten.

 Sister Yang and Brother Sen are also very discerning.

Seeing that my mother was angry, I became honest for a while.

But after sitting for a while, I started scratching again, and then started to move.

Although I can’t learn anything at all in one day, I can at least memorize a little bit of the Three-Character Sutra.

Liang Jin occasionally went out for a walk to see how the people were doing.

 I didn’t say anything when I came back, as if nothing happened.

The Yamen has always been very clean, and most of the people have been settled by Qian Laisheng.

 The whole family is at home every day. Although it is boring, the days pass day by day.

 It was not until three months later that the people sent by the court finally arrived.

But no one knows who is coming this time.

 Including Qian Laisheng, no one knew about this at all.

Liang Jin has been looking forward to the arrival of the other party.

It was a dark and windy night, and three uninvited guests suddenly came to the backyard of the Yamen.

Datou was the first to notice the situation. Just as he was about to take the knife, the other party said, "Tell you, sir, I'm coming."

Having received instructions in advance, Datou went to knock on Liang Jin’s door.

Liang Jin got up immediately when he heard the noise.

After learning that people from the imperial court were coming, he immediately became energetic and quickly invited the people in.

The other party was dressed in black and came in with an outstanding temperament.

Liang Jin didn't light a lamp, just lit the moonlight. Looking at the noble demeanor of the other party, he felt that this was a high-ranking official in the capital, and his temperament was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

 After entering the room, he did not light a lamp, but said respectfully to the other party in the dark, "Sir."

The other party gave a cool hum and said to Liang Jin, "Have you noticed anything unusual in the past few months?"

Liang Jin nodded and whispered, "I went to Xiaguan for a while and found that the dock is full of people who want money to win. Those cargo ships not only transport money, but also people."

The money should be transferred.

 As for the people, I think they were sold.

The visitor nodded and said to Liang Jin, "These days, you can go to the Yamen as usual. You don't need to do anything for me, as long as you don't let others see anything unusual."

Liang Jin saw that the other party had a plan, so he responded with clasped fists.

 After the other party finished speaking, he left the room.

 He swept around the yard, glanced in the direction of Sister Ying's house, and left.

 On the second day.

 The days are as usual.

Sister Ying still teaches her younger siblings to read or plays with toys with them.

Liang Jin still went to the Yamen twice to see if the master was there.

 (End of this chapter)

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