Chapter 145, Come out and fly a kite

When the master saw him wandering around, he mocked him and said, "There's nothing to do in the Yamen, you'd better go and have a rest."

Liang Jin was not annoyed by his rude treatment.

 Still sitting at the desk, looking at the previous cases.

The master was not surprised to see him coming here every day, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he just sat here and stared at him.

Master Qian asked him to keep an eye on Liang Jin, but after observing him for several months, he found that the county magistrate didn't have much ability.

 The family is ordinary. Apart from being good-looking, they don’t have much to offer.

Just like that, Master Qian still asked him to guard against them, which was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Liang Jin knew that he was Qian Laisheng's spy, and he stared at him in turn.

 As long as there is any trouble with the master, it means there is a problem with Qian Laisheng.

At night.

 It is still calm outside.

 But under this calm, there are often storms hidden.

But Liang Jin didn't say anything, nor did he tell his family.

 A few more days.

The twins suddenly developed fever and diarrhea, so Liang Jin had to call the doctor quickly.

The doctor came over and prescribed medicine. After drinking the medicine, the twins felt a little better.

 But sick children are very noisy, crying and clamoring to go out to play.

 Wu felt sorry for her children and could only allow them to go out and play for a while.

Liang Jin was responsible for taking them out and planned to go shopping for a while and then come back.

It was rare to go out, so I couldn't just take the twins with me, so I simply took Sister Ying and Kang Geer out as well.

Sister Ying's teething period has not yet ended, and she was afraid that it would look ugly when she opened her mouth to speak, so she simply disguised herself as a boy, with thick eyebrows.

Liang Jin asked Da Tou to lead the carriage, and they went out in the carriage.

There was nothing interesting in the street, so Liang Jin took the children to play in the nearby suburbs.

Liang Jin brought kites for the children, and the carriage swayed past the street. Sister Ying opened a corner of the car curtain and took a sneak peek at the scene outside.

 The streets outside are normal, but there are a lot of beggars.

Liang Jin also took a sneak peek and thought to himself, that adult doesn’t know what the layout is?

 It was too dark that night and he could not see the person clearly. He only remembered that the other person was similar in stature to him, but not as strong as him and looked more handsome than him.

But the extraordinary demeanor in his body is not comparable to his.

Sister Ying saw her father in a daze and asked with concern, "Dad? What's wrong?"

Liang Jin shook his head and said, "It's okay."

He didn’t want to say more, so Sister Ying stopped asking.

 The carriage soon arrived on the lawn in the suburbs.

Liang Jin put his youngest son and daughter down and asked Tongxi to look at them.

Sister Ying sat down and chatted with Liang Jin.

“Dad, it seems like there are people following us along the way.”

Of course Liang Jin noticed it and comforted her, "It's okay. It's clear and sunny. They don't dare to do anything."

 Besides, if Qian Laisheng wants to leave here smoothly, he will definitely not get involved in a life-threatening lawsuit, otherwise he will be wanted.

 So they are safe for now.

Sister Ying sighed and half-joked with her father.

“It seems like this time, it’s quite a training for us.”

Liang Jin couldn't help laughing and said, "Yes, but don't worry, dad will protect you."

Of course Sister Ying believes him. Tiantian hummed and went over to fly the kite with the twins.

The wind is not strong today, and the kite cannot fly even after several times.

Sister Yang pulled the kite and ran for a few steps, but the kite fell out of breath.

She was so angry that she crossed her waist and cursed at the kite. All she could say was, "Oh, I'm so angry." The baby's fat little face was bulging with anger, like a little frog.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, so she asked her to calm down and said, "Sister, let me go. You wait."

After hearing this, Sister Yang immediately handed the kite to her sister with bright eyes. Look like I trust you.

Sister Ying smiled, pulled up the kite and started running.

 The grass here is soft and easy to step on, and Sister Ying ran happily while pulling the kite. I didn't pay attention to my steps for a moment and tripped over a stone.

 Because she was running too fast, her body fell out.

"I go!"

 She opened her eyes and saw a small river in front of her.

In this autumn season, the river water is already cold.

 She doesn’t want to be a teal.

Liang Jin heard the noise and was about to run over to save her, but he couldn't catch up because he was too far away.

Just when Sister Ying thought she was about to fall into the river, a figure quickly flashed over and with a big hand, she fished her directly into her arms.

As soon as Sister Ying realized what she was doing, she was already carrying her and landing on the grass on the shore.

She exclaimed in alarm and hurriedly patted her heart.

He waited until he stood firm before looking up at the other party.

 But when she looked up, the other party suddenly reached out to cover her eyes.

 The voice was cold, "Don't look."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" Although she didn't understand, she did as she was told.

Since they didn't want her to see it, she simply closed her eyes and thanked them, "Thank you."

The other person hummed in a calm tone.

There was no movement behind.

Sister Ying waited for a while but heard no movement.

So he closed his eyes and asked, "Excuse me? Are you still there?"

Just relying on the strength of those long arms, you think he is an adult?

 But the other person didn't have the smell of an elder. Instead, he smelled quite young.

 Old people have a unique smell, and young people also have a different smell.

Sister Ying has a very sensitive nose. She can tell that the person is a young person just by smelling the person without looking at him.

Liang Jin hurried over and asked her, "Are you okay?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "It's okay, someone just saved me."

Liang Jin was surprised, "Where is that person?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know, she seems to be gone."

 She didn’t believe in qinggong before, but in the blink of an eye, the person disappeared.

 It seems that it’s not that he doesn’t have qinggong, it’s just that she hasn’t seen it before.

 Today I have gained a lot of experience.

Liang Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was okay.

"Don't tell your mother about this today, or she will glare at me."

Sister Ying laughed loudly when she heard this, "You are the head of the family, how can my mother glare at you?"

It doesn’t matter if Liang Jin is teased by his daughter.

With a look of understanding on her face, she said, "They say that a woman who gives birth to a child is a tigress. Your mother has given birth to four and can bear four tigresses. I don't dare to cause you any losses. I will be the one who gets beaten when I go back." "

 The twins ran over and heard this, and immediately imitated the words.

“Dad said my mother is a tigress. I will tell my mother when I get back.”

Liang Jin was startled and quickly covered the little girl's mouth, "Don't talk nonsense. If you go back and tell your mother this, I won't take you out to play next time."

Sister Yang said "Huh?" and pouted, saying that only those who know the current affairs are distinguished.

“That’s good, I won’t tell you, daddy will take me to play next time.”

Liang Jin saw that his goal was achieved, and then he patted her head with satisfaction, "Okay, let's pull the hook."

Sister Yang also stretched out her chubby hand and made an agreement with him.

Kang Geer and Sen Geer who were standing aside saw their father cheating on the child, and they both shook their heads in disdain, secretly thinking that their father was so childish.

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 (End of this chapter)

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