The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 146: , layout and network closing

Chapter 146, Layout and Closing the Network

 After returning home, Mrs. Wu asked the children how they were playing.

Sister Yang opened her mouth and was about to say something when Liang Jin looked over and she shut up.

He ran out to play in a hurry.

 Watching the way their father and daughter interact, what else doesn’t Wu understand?

She snorted at Liang Jin, meaning she would deal with you later in the evening.

Liang Jin smiled and went out to the study to take the children to practice calligraphy.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, was holding a book and recalling the mysterious man who saved her.

This was the first time she was rescued by someone, but the person didn't show it to her, which really aroused her curiosity.

The man's figure looked similar to her father's. Maybe she is a little shorter than her father, but she is not very short either.

 Her father is considered quite tall among ordinary men. He is a big man in his mid-180s and has strong muscles.

 The person who saved her gave her no more senses than 178.

Although he is not very strong, the muscles on his body are also strong, which shows that he is a person who has practiced martial arts for a long time.

It's a pity that she didn't see the other person's face, otherwise she would have wanted to invite the other person to her house for a meal of glutinous rice.

Since they were running so fast, she obviously didn’t want to have anything to do with them, so she didn’t want to make any noise, so she could only invite him over for a meal when we meet again next time.

 A few more days.

 The gambling houses in Qianjiazhuang began to have problems one after another.

For example, if someone dies suddenly in a gambling den, their family members will hate it and report it to the official.

Liang Jin, of course, had to take care of people's lives when they saw it.

Master originally disagreed, but since everyone has complained, you can’t really turn them away.

 In the end, I just wanted to pretend to go through the process and just let it go.

But Liang Jin didn’t want to let it go, but took people to the gambling house to investigate the crime scene.

As soon as he passed the gambling house, he was immediately greeted by dozens of pairs of eager eyes.

Those people are all losers who only win with money.

They are responsible for managing the order of the gambling house. They asked Liang Jin to come here today, and they just wanted him to go through the process. They didn't intend to let him take a closer look.

Liang Jin did not disagree with them. After a few glances and no clues, he took the people back.

The master saw that he was still doing his duty, so he didn't say anything.

 A few days later, the same thing happened again.

Liang Jin took the government officials to look, but still found nothing.

 Since then, such murder cases have appeared one after another.

 After hearing this, the people said one after another that there was an innocent soul in the gambling house where Qian Laisheng came from.

 Said that he had committed too many sins and killed too many families, and his retribution had finally come.

Qian Laisheng was on a business trip, so he didn't take the lives of those gamblers seriously and continued to do things outside.

While he was away from Qianjiazhuang, a group of people dressed in Qiaozhuang had sneaked into his territory.

  Many fatal incidents continued one after another.

Not only are the gambling houses, but also weird things happening at the docks.

 For example, the ship on the pier suddenly disappeared.

 Or maybe there are will-o'-the-wisps by the river at night.

 The people were frightened and spread rumors that the ghost of the enemy was looking for money to seek revenge.

Seeing that the people were spreading rumors more and more, the master asked Liang Jin to lead the suppressors out to suppress them.

Liang Jincai didn't listen and said, "My power is not as powerful as the master's. The master's going will be more oppressive than my going."

He is not stupid and goes out to be this evil person.

There is no official of the imperial court who personally goes out to suppress the people, and it’s not that he doesn’t want to do it.

The master was so angry that he dared not listen to him, and there was nothing he could do.

 In the end he had to go alone.

 But because of his suppression, the people became angrier.

He said, "This master is also a Qian Laisheng person. Every time we go to report the case, he is the one who is in charge of the trial. I think the county magistrate has also been ignored by him."

Others said, "Yes, this master is clearly a loser of Qian Laisheng. He is with Qian Laisheng and wants to kill us. We must resist." One person in the crowd said this, and other people agreed.

“Yes, we must resist and we cannot let them kill us!”

“Yes, let’s go up and kill him together so that these pests can no longer harm our man.”

Having said that, several fat women immediately rushed forward and beat up the master and the government servants.

While one person was being beaten, others came up one after another, beating the master and several government servants until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

They are in chaos here, and so are the gambling houses.

Several unfamiliar faces among them set the table and said, "If you have a crook in your gambling shop, I will tell you why you lose every time!"

 He ​​muttered loudly, asking all the gamblers to see, "Come and see, there are cheaters in gambling houses. No wonder we always lose, otherwise with our luck, we will definitely win."

Other gamblers have long been unhappy because they lost all their money. Now when they heard what the other party said, they immediately believed it.

“It must be true, these people must be cheating, otherwise how could we always lose.”

 After saying that, the commotion started.

  When one person makes a fuss, others also start to make noises.

When the thugs saw them making trouble, they immediately beat them with sticks.

 But due to the large number of gamblers, the six thugs were no match for them.

 Because a few people from the imperial court were mixed into the crowd, the fight became even more chaotic.

 The whole gambling house was in chaos for a while.

Taking advantage of the chaos, some men in black sneaked into Qian Laisheng's house to look for the ledger.

 There are thugs watching from upstairs on weekdays.

 There was a fight on the first and second floors today, and the thugs went down to help.

The men in black took the opportunity to get the account book, money, and some harmful poison powder.

When Qian Laisheng heard the news and hurried back, the gambling house was burned down.

The fire was so strong that only one room was burned when he came back.

 Qian Laisheng saw his favorite gambling house being burned down and was furious. He asked the thugs, "What's going on!"

The thugs reported truthfully, "Some gamblers said that we were cheating, so they started making trouble. Our people went to suppress it, but it aroused public anger, and finally they all started fighting."

 I don’t know who set the fire behind and poured oil on it, so the fire spread so quickly.

 It is not simple that money trumps intuition.

But no one in Qianjiazhuang dared to burn down his gambling house like this.

He sent people to check, but nothing happened.

The gambling houses were all burned down, and it was difficult to find evidence.

 Before he could catch his breath, there was also a fire on the other side of the pier.

Qian Laisheng was so angry that he hurriedly went to the dock to check.

 Finally, he rushed to the dock and was knocked unconscious with a stick.

When the master got the news, he wanted to rush to see him even though he was injured. As soon as he left the house, he was captured.

 “Don’t move!”

It turns out that the soldiers have been ambushing in front of the government office for a long time, waiting for today's show.

As the master was arrested and Qian Laisheng was knocked unconscious in a sneak attack, people came to watch the excitement.

Liang Jin hurriedly called to the government officials, "Hurry up and open the door!"

Yamen servants are not stupid. When they saw the master was arrested and Qian Laisheng was knocked unconscious, if there was anything they still didn't understand, they immediately went to open the yamen door.

With the sound of the Yamen gate, Liang Jin came out to greet him respectfully, "Welcome to the Imperial Envoy~~"

 “Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy?”

 The people were all confused, "Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy?"

They looked at each other and couldn't believe for a moment that an imperial envoy actually came to the village.

 (End of this chapter)

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