Chapter 147: Bring to justice

 As Liang Jin bowed respectfully to invite.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand, trying to get Liang Jin to get up. Knowing that this was not the time to recognize each other, he walked out of the crowd with a cool look.

 He was wearing a white robe and had an aristocratic air. At first glance, he was no ordinary person.

The people saw that he had a cold temperament, was tall, and looked like a high official, so they all made way for him.

 But the strange thing is that this imperial envoy has an excellent temperament, but he wears a fox mask?

 Everyone could only see his clear chin and cold red lips.

 Further up, there is only a straight nose bridge, but the eyes are covered by a fox mask.

Liang Jin couldn't see clearly who the other party was, but he felt vaguely familiar.

But this is not the time to guess this.

 He hurriedly brought the people into the Yamen.

He asked loudly, "Sir, are you here just for money to win over a murder case?"

Jing Shirong nodded and walked into the courtroom with a solemn temperament.

 People came in one after another to watch.

The master was arrested, and Liang Jin acted as the master to assist the imperial envoy in handling the case.

Sister Ying also heard the noise in the background, so she and Kang Geer went to the crack of the door to take a look.

 She glanced with her big eyes and saw the man in white sitting in the courtroom.

Sister Ying felt that the other party looked familiar.

Look carefully, isn't this the person who saved her that day?

Although she didn’t see anyone that day, her intuition told her that this person was the one who saved her.

However, the other person wore a fox mask on his face, so she couldn't see his face, which was a bit of a pity.

Jing Shirong looked seriously at the people in the hall.

As soon as he hit the wooden door, a loud "bang!" sound woke up Qian Laisheng from his coma.


The government officials were stunned at first, and then quickly shouted in unison, "Wei~~Wu~~"

Qian Laisheng woke up in a daze with a splitting headache. He wanted to reach out and touch his head, but found that he was **** and couldn't even move.

He was furious and wanted to stand up, but found that his feet were tied with large iron ball chains weighing hundreds of kilograms, making it impossible to move.

 Before Jing Shirong came, he found out that this person was not only good at gambling, but also not weak in martial arts.

In order to clean up the place as soon as possible, he secretly kept an eye on Qian Laisheng, in order to win him in one fell swoop and not give him a chance to escape.

Qian Laisheng couldn't move. He looked around angrily and found that he had been kidnapped to the Yamen.

He raised his head and glared fiercely at Jing Shirong at the desk with a scarred face.

He asked angrily, "Who are you! You dare to tie me up."

Jing Shirong looked at him indifferently, "I am still an imperial envoy sent by the Holy Emperor to punish you, a heinous sinner. Money will win, but you know your sin!"

Qian Laisheng retorted without thinking, "Ah, the villain really doesn't understand what you are saying. Although the villain runs a gambling house, he didn't steal or rob, so why is he guilty?"

Over the years, no one has seen evidence of his murder, so he doesn't believe that this **** imperial envoy can find evidence to convict him.

Jing Shirong knew that he would not admit it, so he immediately slapped the desk and said, "Bring witnesses."

 The soldiers he brought immediately brought up five or six witnesses.

Those people were all the former shop owners of Qianjiazhuang.

 Some of them sell antiques and some sell gold. They are all families with good business.

 But a few years ago, these people went to gambling houses, lost all their property, and then disappeared.

This meeting suddenly appeared in the hall, and the people started talking about it.

 “Oh my God, isn’t this the antique master? I thought he was dead.” He hasn’t appeared for so many years.

 Other people said yes one after another.

Qian Laisheng didn't expect that these people would be found out, but he still spoke harshly. "What does this mean, your Majesty the Imperial Envoy? I do know these people, but what does it have to do with whether I commit a crime or not?"

Seeing his sharp teeth and sharp mouth, Jing Shirong slapped the table and asked his subordinates to pull back the sleeves of the gentlemen.

 “Oh my God, their hands”

As soon as the sleeves were pulled open, it was seen that the arms of these men had been chopped off.

 The people were shocked and speculated that these people were being harmed by money.

 Qian Laisheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Jing Shirong sinisterly.

Jing Shirong didn't wait for him to speak, and said in a majestic tone, "You opened a gambling shop to cheat cheaters, and you gave the gamblers drugs, which caused them to become addicted to gambling and become insane. In the end, you took out all the money on your gambling table."

“In addition to being a con man to defraud people of their property, you also used the pretense of repaying their debts to sell their wives and children to Yangzhou and make them slaves or even beat them to death.”

“Because they wanted to report to the official, you broke their arms and used them for your use. Is what I said above true?”

 If Qian Laisheng opens his mouth, he will deny it.

Jing Shirong did not give him this opportunity and asked his subordinates to bring his lackeys.

“I will give you a chance to reveal everything you know so that your family members can be found as soon as possible.”

The group of people wanted to be tough at first, but when they heard the news that there was a family member, they immediately hesitated.

Jing Shirong struck while the iron was hot and told them the truth, "Don't you ever suspect that your family was sold out for money?"

“He can sell the women of his guests, but can’t he sell yours?”

 When he said this, the group of thugs reacted immediately.

“Sir, is this true?”

They were all red-eyed. They never expected that the master they were following would deal with their family members, and they were immediately furious.

Qian Laisheng saw them blushing and said hurriedly, "Don't listen to his nonsense. There is no good person in the court. Your family members were obviously abducted by kidnappers."

When this group of people heard this, they hesitated again.

Jing Shirong had already thought of this and asked his subordinates, "Bring people up."

 The soldiers immediately brought out several women.

 “Mr. Gong~~”



As soon as several women and children saw the man in the hall, they immediately cried and went to recognize him.

 The thugs could hardly believe it, "Mom, you guys."

I have been looking for relatives for several years, but I didn’t expect to be reunited this time.

The thugs were very confused and looked at Jing Shirong in the hall.

 “Sir, what is going on?”

Jing Shirong told them with a serious look on his face, "Qian Laisheng deliberately hid your family members in order to let you concentrate on his work, and would give you some news from time to time."

“But in fact, all your family members are on his ship, and some of them were even sent by him”

He didn't say what they were sent to for, but the thugs had sold women for money, so they naturally knew where they would be sent.

So this group of people immediately became angry.

 Hurry and rush for money to win.


Five or six men played together to win or die. I want to tear him apart.

Jing Shirong let them fight for a while before letting someone pull them apart.

He slapped the table with a serious look on his face, "Qian Laisheng, now that witnesses and material evidence are gathered together, what else do you have to say?"

Qian Laisheng knew that the court would not give him a way to survive, so he sneered, "What if you kill me? Now Qianjiazhuang has been almost destroyed by me. If you have the ability, you can change him back to his original state."

 (End of this chapter)

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