Chapter 149, hot and cold

Sister Ying has always learned everything very quickly.

 Wu taught her how to make dim sum, and she became familiar with it after seeing it a few times.

Xu has a talent for cooking. In addition to what Wu taught her, she can also make other snacks on her own.

At this moment, Mrs. Wu asked her, "The sweet-scented osmanthus roll cake you made is not bad. Make some for the adults and let him take it with him on the road."

Sister Ying saw that her father and mother admired her so much, so she responded with a smile.

 “Okay, I’ll do it right now, there’s just a little bit of osmanthus left.”

 She rolled up her sleeves and went to the cupboard to get dried osmanthus flowers and the leftover bean paste she made yesterday.

To make sweet-scented osmanthus roll cake, glutinous rice flour, bean paste, sweet-scented osmanthus, and sesame seeds are needed.

 This is a traditional snack, simple and easy to make.

Sister Ying added water to the glutinous rice flour and milled rice flour, stirred them evenly, and when the water boiled, steamed the glutinous rice flour.

When the glutinous rice flour is almost steamed, add some osmanthus and stir evenly so that the glutinous rice ball is covered with the aroma of osmanthus.

 After the glutinous rice and sweet-scented osmanthus **** are steamed, take them out to cool for a while.

 Sprinkle some fried dry powder on the chopping board and roll the glutinous rice ball with osmanthus into a rectangular shape.

The bean paste is also rolled into a rectangular shape. When the filling is placed on the rectangular glutinous rice skin, it is then rolled into a small roll-like shape and finally sprinkled with white sesame seeds.

The sweet and soft sweet-scented osmanthus roll cake is ready.

Sister Ying made the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and Mrs. Wu’s food was also ready.

 She asked Xiao Hong to take the food out quickly, and then went to the cabinet to get the good daughter Hong out.

Jing Shirong saw that she was busy going in and out, treating guests attentively as she had been a few years ago, so he asked her to rest for a while.

 “Ma’am, take a rest, don’t be in a hurry.”

Mrs. Wu saw that he was quite considerate and said with a smile, "It's okay. It's all done. Let's sit down and eat."

Because Liang Jin went to deal with the mess that Qian Laisheng left behind and didn't have time to come back to eat, Wu asked Jing Shirong, "Sir, could you please let me sit with you for a while?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay."

His tone was calm, giving Wu the impression that he was inexplicably like a well-behaved child.

Mrs. Wu looked at his cold figure and thought to herself that she might be thinking too much.

 She brought all the food over and asked Kang Geer to eat with Jing Shirong.

Sister Ying also made the sweet-scented osmanthus roll cake, put it on a plate and took it out to Jing Shirong.

"Sir, this is a snack made by my little girl. Can you take it with you to eat on the way?"

Just as Jing Shirong was about to accept it, he heard movement near the wall. He pulled his face and spoke indifferently.

 “No need. Go down.”

Sister Ying did not expect his sudden change of expression, and she was a little sad.

She was holding a sweet-scented osmanthus roll cake, her beautiful big eyes a little aggrieved.

Jing Shirong felt guilty when he saw her like this, but he still asked her coldly, "Back off."

Sister Ying didn't know why he suddenly changed his face, so she could only go down holding the sweet-scented osmanthus roll cake.

Mrs. Wu saw her coming in with a disappointed look on her face and asked her what was wrong. "Master, don't you want to eat?"

Sister Ying hummed in aggrieved tone, "He suddenly became so fierce."

Mrs. Wu touched her head and comforted her, "It's okay. Most men don't like sweets. It's my mother's fault. Otherwise, you can send the pork jerky over."

 The four children in the family all like to eat snacks, and Mrs. Wu also makes snacks for them every now and then.

Pork jerky is a must-have at home. Mrs. Wu picked out a bunch of good-looking ones, put them in a nice box, and asked Sister Ying to say, "If you give this to me this time, the adults will probably accept it."

Sister Ying was not sure, "Really?" Will he really accept it?

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Yes, this imperial envoy seems to be very friendly to the people. Don't be so afraid of him. He doesn't eat people."

Sister Ying pouted and hummed, "I'm not afraid of him, I'm just."

I just don’t like people being so hot and cold.

Mrs. Wu didn't listen to her explanation and pushed her out. "Go quickly, otherwise they may have to leave after eating."

Sister Ying said "oh" and hurried out. Wu suddenly remembered something and told her, "By the way, you can ask the adults later if you want to stay at home for the night. If so, I will ask Xiaohong to clean up the house for him."

Sister Ying nodded and said yes.

She took a deep breath and carried the box containing the pork **** out.

Jing Shirong glanced at the wall and saw that the person following him was gone. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and started eating with his chopsticks.

 Aunt Wu’s cooking skills are still so good.

 He hadn’t eaten for a long time, so when he took a piece of meat with chopsticks, it still tasted so good.

When Sister Ying came out, she happened to see him eating.

She observed carefully that the imperial envoy was quite attentive while eating.

Especially since he ate several bites of the food on the table, he obviously liked the food cooked by his mother.

 That's the charm of her mother's cooking skills.

  No matter how aloof a person is, as long as he takes one bite of his mother's cooking, he can continue to eat it one bite after another.

Sister Ying thought to herself that she would do it herself next time to see how much her cooking skills have improved.

Jing Shirong was eating when he saw her coming out. He thought about how he had been indifferent to her just now because someone was watching.

 After the person who was watching him left, he asked Sister Ying to come over.

 “You can come and eat too.”

Sister Ying didn't expect that he suddenly became talkative again, and she really couldn't understand the temperament of this imperial envoy.

 But she came anyway.

“Sir, this is the pork breast made by my mother. Can you take it back and serve it as a banquet?”

 She just asked tentatively. Not sure if people want it.

Jing Shirong, of course.

 Not only him, but also his parents like Wu's craftsmanship.

So he took the box and thanked Sister Ying.

“Tell your mother thank you for me, and I’ll bring you some gifts next time we meet again.”

His gentle attitude is much better than just now.

Just now he was sternly telling him to leave.

Sister Ying tilted her head to look at him, wondering why the big man had such a strange temperament. But he also responded obediently.

She asked him, "Sir, after dinner, do you want to rest in the guest room?"

 Mainly because Liang Jin wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with others when he came back at night, otherwise he wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

Jing Shirong thought for a while and felt that it was not impossible to stay.

He was about to agree, but when he saw Sister Ying's nervous little face, he had an idea and deliberately teased her, "Do you want me to stay?"

Sister Ying:

 Why did you ask her like this suddenly?

 She is still a child.

But she saw that he was serious and had no strange thoughts, so she answered wisely, "Daddy hopes that you will stay. He admires you very much."

Jing Shirong saw that she was still as smart as ever, so he raised his hand and rubbed her head again.

 As if responding to her, "Okay. I'll listen to you."

Sister Ying really can’t understand his temper.

 Sometimes fierce, sometimes gentle, making people confused.

 And why is he always rubbing his head?

 Kang Geer saw his sister being touched on the head by an idol, and he also wanted to be touched. He immediately went over to flatter her and said, "Sir, my head is rounder than my sister's. If you hold mine, mine is easier to touch."

Sister Ying:

What a brat, how could he be so eager to have his head touched? Hum, he has no ambition!

However, your head rubbing skills are quite good. The quilt you just rubbed was quite comfortable.

 (End of this chapter)

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