Chapter 150, Recognized

 Seeing how much his sister was enjoying it, Brother Kang immediately came over, grabbed Jing Shirong's big hand with his little chubby hand, and put it on his head.

 “Please touch it, my lord, my head is rounder.”

Jing Shirong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he reached out and rubbed Kang Geer's round head.

 Kang Geer, the one who is enjoying it, has his little feet curled up.

Sister Ying is really blind.

He secretly thought that this little fat guy is really good at being a dog licker at such a young age.

 Kang Geer was despised by his sister. Instead of feeling ashamed, he proudly showed off to Sister Ying.

Sister Ying scoffed and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Jing Shirong kneaded it for a while and asked them to come together, "Let's eat."

 Brother Sen and Sister Yang couldn't stay in the house, so they ran out to have dinner with Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong had no objection and let them sit at the dining table to eat.

It was the first time that the two little ones were so enthusiastic about eating. Sister Ying couldn't help but start chatting with Jing Shirong.

“Sir, you don’t know that Sister Yang and Brother Sen usually have to invite three or four guests to eat. Now that you are here, they actually take the initiative to eat.”

 Jing Shi Rong? "I didn't expect the twins to hate eating so much?"

 He asked, “Don’t they usually like to eat?”

He remembered that Sister Ying and Kang Geer both ate well when they were children, and they didn’t need to be fed by adults.

 Didn’t you expect that twins don’t like eating so much?

 He thought that the children taught by Aunt Wu would be keen on eating.

Seeing that the imperial envoy didn't quite believe it, Sister Ying smiled and chatted with him.

“Sir, stop talking about you, my mother doesn’t believe it herself. My daughter and Kang Geer are both good students at eating, but my two younger siblings don’t like to eat, which makes my mother very angry.”

Wu, a cheerful person, was almost mad to death by Sister Yang and Brother Sen.

It can be seen that rice residue is really a headache.

Jing Shirong never expected that the four children were so different, so he shook his head in confusion.

He stretched out his chopsticks to pick up food for Sister Yang and Brother Sen, and asked them, "I heard that you don't like to eat?"

It was the first time that Sister Yang and Brother Sen were embarrassed by their elder sister in front of the handsome imperial envoy, and their faces turned red with embarrassment.

Both of them stared at Sister Ying angrily, and said in childish and angry voices, "Sister, I hate it."

 Brother Sen was also very angry, "My sister hates me."

The two of them are twins, not only they look alike, but they even have the same angry expressions.

Jing Shirong found their angry looks very interesting, so he smiled and pinched their round cheeks.

The eldest brother generally coaxed, "Okay, let's eat. Children who eat well will grow taller."

Sister Yang and Brother Sen were rarely praised by their handsome brother, so they immediately picked up their rice bowls and started eating excitedly.

Sister Ying and Brother Kang looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

 Then, Jing Shirong gave the two siblings a piece of meat each.

 “Eat it too, otherwise you won’t grow taller.”

Sister Ying saw that he treated them all like children, and finally decided that the imperial envoy was quite good.

 At least he is good to children.

 After eating.

Jing Shirong stood up and wanted to go out.

"grown ups?"

Sister Ying hurriedly followed her, "Didn't you just say that you would wait for my father to come back tonight?"

 We agreed to stay overnight.

When Jing Shirong saw this, he said, "I'm going to find your father now and come back with him in the evening."

After hearing this, Sister Ying felt relieved.

 Send him to the door.

 After Jing Shirong went out, he went to meet Liang Jin.

 The two of them went together to clean up the mess Qian Laisheng had created.

At night.

Wu had finished cooking, but Liang Jin and the imperial envoy did not come back.

Seeing that they hadn't come back yet, Sister Ying took Brother Sen and Sister Yang to take a bath first.

  At the end of the day, the whole family went to bed to rest, and they had not come back yet.

 It wasn’t until late at night, when everyone in the family was asleep, that the two of them came back together.

Mrs. Wu was still asleep. When there was a sound outside the door, she immediately got up and served them hot food and wine.

Sister Ying also got up to help. She is now Mr. Wu’s little helper. She helps Mr. Wu no matter what he does.

After the food was heated, Sister Ying took it out for Liang Jin and the others to eat.

 “Dad, you are back.”

Liang Jin saw that she was still asleep, so he stretched out his hand to rub her head.

 “Go to bed quickly, dad can do it himself.”

Sister Ying hummed and glanced at the man who had changed into a green robe.

"grown ups?"

Jing Shirong was wearing a white robe during the day, and his temperament looked celestial.

 This will be changed to cyan, and the temperament will become elegant.

Sister Ying said to herself, this person is really a clothes hanger, he looks so good in any color of clothes.

 Although I can’t see my face, my temperament is really good.

 She bowed to the other party and finally went back to her room.

 Wait until you wake up the next day.

Liang Jin has already gone out to do some business.

Jing Shirong is currently feeding the horses in the courtyard.

 After the horse drank the water, he was about to leave.

As soon as Sister Ying woke up, she heard the sound of a horse grunting.

The horse’s braying and whining have the meaning of coquettishness.

Sister Ying said "Huh?" and felt that the voice seemed familiar.

Just as she was about to step out the door, the horse was taken away.

Jing Shirong turned around and saw her peeking by the door, so he walked over and stopped in front of her and said goodbye to her.

"I gotta go."

Sister Ying hummed, "You have a good journey and ride more slowly."

Jing Shirong nodded, stretched out his hand to rub her head again, and then took out a delicate silver carved mirror from his sleeve and gave it to her.

Sister Ying took it flattered and thanked her hurriedly, "Thank you, sir."

Jing Shirong hummed with a mask on his face, "Go back."

After saying that, he got on the carriage and said, "Go back to Beijing!"

 The servant replied, "Yes."

 After saying that, a group of people left in a mighty manner.

Sister Ying looked at their leaving figures, and a black horse in front suddenly looked back at her.

The big flattery is still arrogantly twitching.

Sister Ying was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized what she was doing.

 “Xiao, Xiaohei??”

Seeing that she was thinking of him, Xiao Hei immediately showed his big white teeth.

It yelled "Uuuuu~" and twisted its big buttocks back and forth, looking very happy.

Sister Ying was surprised and happy, and her mind suddenly turned around.

 “Xiao Hei? Imperial envoy?”

Could it be that the imperial envoy is Jing Shirong? ? ?

Oh My God…

She just said that the black horse has such a raised **** and twists and turns when walking, it is very enchanting.

 Except for Xiao Hei, no horse is so arrogant.

But, is that adult really Brother Rong?

 If it was him, why didn’t he recognize him?

But if it weren't for him, why would he be so kind to her and give her such a beautiful carved silver mirror?

Mrs. Wu saw her dazed at the door and came over to call her.

 “What are you thinking about?”

Sister Ying shook her head and asked Mrs. Wu, "Mom, do you think the Imperial Envoy looks familiar to you?"

 Wu Shi nodded, "Yes, a little bit."

 But since they didn’t want to recognize each other, there must be some inconvenient reason, so I didn’t ask more questions.

Sister Ying nodded, "That's true."

If Brother Rong could recognize her, he wouldn't hide it deliberately. It is probably because it is inconvenient for him to recognize her.

The comments were quiet, the fairies must be playing hide and seek.



 (End of this chapter)

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