Chapter 157, College Violence

Sister Ying admired her mother's open-minded remarks.

 It seems that their whole family are open-minded people.

 The vision is also much higher than that of ordinary ancients.

 She was so lucky to be reincarnated into the Liang family.

Seeing that she was in a daze, Mrs. Wu asked her to clean the piano and take it with her tomorrow.

 On the second day.

Mrs. Wu personally took Sister Ying and Sister Yang to the women's college. Also brought gifts.

When the female steward saw them coming, her eyebrows were raised high, as if she looked down on them.

Mrs. Wu saw her dragging her up to the sky, so she pretended she couldn't see her, and gave her a package of snacks. She didn't care whether she disliked it or not, and took Sister Ying and Sister Yang to see the wife.

The five ladies looked very knowledgeable. Mrs. Wu smiled and talked to them, "Hello gentlemen, this is my eldest daughter, Sister Ying, and that is my youngest daughter, Sister Yang. Please come later." You guys are so troublesome.”

 The five ladies are well-educated and are quite polite to Mrs. Wu.

“Madam, please rest assured, we will definitely teach you well.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu felt relieved.

 After she returned, Sister Ying and Sister Yang went to class to stay.

As soon as they entered the classroom, they saw a dozen girls in the room looking at them.

 In a group of ladies, there are always several gangs.

 Leading among them are the ladies from the prefect’s family.

Those young ladies are about the same age as Sister Ying, all around 12 or 13 years old.

But they are not tall and are shorter than Sister Ying.

 As for looks, there are beautiful ones, ugly ones, ordinary-looking ones, everything.

The legitimate daughter of the prefect's family is pretty and lovely, but she is much inferior to Sister Ying.

 Other concubines saw that Sister Ying's big eyes and white skin were actually more beautiful than girls born and raised in Jiangnan, and they were immediately envious and jealous.

Sister Ying saw them looking directly at her, so she went over to salute them and say hello.

“Hello, sisters~ My name is Sister Ying, and this is my younger sister, called Sister Yang.”

 There is no other way. Who told me to work as a servant for someone else’s father? I should try to be as polite as possible so as not to attract anyone’s attention.

But the ladies from the prefect’s family obviously didn’t buy it.

He raised his chin proudly, hummed and left.

The remaining concubines and concubines also snorted and said in disgust, "country bumpkin."

After hearing this, Sister Ying just thought that the other party farted.

Her mother was right, she couldn't quarrel with these bad guys, so as not to embarrass her father, she just pretended it didn't happen and took Sister Yang to find a seat to sit.

 The lady asked them to sit in the first row on the left, next to the wall.

 But the ladies were immediately dissatisfied.

“Master, I am smaller than her. If you ask her to sit in front of me, how can I see clearly?”

 The person who said this was the concubine of the prefect’s family.

Even though her mother was a concubine, she was quite favored. Especially her eldest daughter did not like the newly arrived sisters, so she was even more rude and told Sister Ying to go away.

 “You go up to the back, you are so tall, you have the nerve to sit in the front?”

 She said it arrogantly, as if she was superior.

Sister Ying glanced at her, then said "Oh" expressionlessly, and walked to the last row.

  She was so obedient that even in the back row, that concubine had no excuse to get angry.

Originally, she wanted to see if this country bumpkin would get angry, but she didn't expect her to be so unresponsive. It was really boring.

Seeing how useless the concubine was, the daughter-in-law of the magistrate's family let out a sigh and said in disgust, "It's really useless."

After hearing this, the concubine also snorted and turned away from them. After the little episode passed, the first lesson began, piano art.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang both listened carefully, while the other ladies looked at Sister Ying as if they were just watching the fun.

Sister Ying was puzzled by their looks. Before she could say anything, she was provoked.

“Miss Zhizhou, I heard that you came from the countryside before? Do you understand the lectures taught by my wife?”

Sister Ying chuckled in her heart, and deliberately remained expressionless on her face, saying again, "Oh."

 She was too lazy to argue with them, and she didn't want to make them feel better, so it would be better to just say oh.

When those young ladies saw her saying "Oh" again, they felt angry in their hearts.

But they didn’t say anything. They had no reason to criticize Sister Ying for the moment, so they could only swallow their anger.

 It had only been two rounds, and instead of getting any advantage, the prefect’s lady was almost furious.

They were not willing to accept the insult. As soon as the break came, seven or eight people immediately gathered around to cause trouble for Sister Ying.

The leader is the legitimate daughter of the prefect, but she relies on her status and does not want to be the bad guy. Instead, she lets the daughters of other petty officials go and be bad guys.

That young lady has a face with a Chinese character, which is really not in line with the beauties from the Jiangnan water town.

She stepped on Sister Ying's table and said in a bad tone, "Hey, newcomer, we haven't had anything to eat today, why don't you treat us to a treat?"

Sister Ying looked up and saw them surrounding her in a circle, looking like they were violent in the academy.

However, she was not afraid. Instead, she asked them with a straight face, "Shall I treat you? How much does it cost? I can't afford more than fifty yuan."

 You can blackmail me if you can, just a little bit.

The ladies saw that she only offered fifty cents, and they immediately said in disgust, "You are too shabby, aren't you? The eldest daughter of the dignified Zhizhou family can only offer fifty cents? It's a joke to say the least."

Sister Ying asked, "How much can you take out?"

The lady gestured with her fingers proudly, "Five taels."

They have six or seven shops, and their monthly allowance is twenty taels.

 Unlike this country bumpkin, what's the use of being beautiful? He's not so shabby that he can't afford money.

Sister Ying looked at the others calmly, "What about you?"

Other ladies showed their money one after another, "I also have five taels."

"Me too,"

 Other minor characters have five liang, and those from the prefect’s family have even more.

But the prefect’s daughter knew how to keep a low profile, so she didn’t say anything.

When Sister Ying heard the last thing, she asked, "Since you are so rich, why do you still need me to treat you? I'm from the country. How dare you let a poor country bumpkin treat you?"


 The other ladies didn't expect her mouth to be so strong, and they were almost furious again.

They were careless. They didn't expect this little girl to be so naughty despite her honest appearance in the film.

First show your trump card that you have no money, and then ask them to come up with their own pocket money.

Such a comparison, they are so rich and she is so poor, how dare she treat them again.

 If she were really forced to treat her, people would think they were bullying her.

So the treat was ruined again.

The ladies were gnashing their teeth angrily, secretly saying that they would grab Sister Ying's pigtails next time.

Sister Ying chuckled, lowered her head and raised the corners of her mouth, secretly saying, "Boy, my aunt can't cure you anymore?"

 The wife also saw that they didn't like Sister Ying, but there was nothing she could do about it.

We can only hope that they don't fight.

 In the evening, school is over.

Sister Ying took Sister Yang back together, and Brother Kang and the others also came back together.

 (End of this chapter)

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