Chapter 158, Jing Shirong is here

Seeing that their four siblings were back, Mrs. Wu quickly asked them, "How did you study today?"

Sister Ying said, "It's very good. The ladies are worthy of spending a lot of money to invite them. They are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and their calligraphy is even more outstanding."

 Compared with those wives from high-ranking families, she is not bad at all.

 The so-called masters among the people are not false at all.

Seeing her praising her wife, Mrs. Wu nodded happily.

"I just saw that they have real skills, so I went to the prefect's wife to tell them about this."

 Otherwise, it wouldn’t be that easy to get into that women’s college.

Sister Ying asked hurriedly, "Is the prefect's wife giving you any trouble?"

Wu Shi shook his head, "That's not true. The prefect's wife seems to be quite smooth, and her behavior makes people feel comfortable."

But Mrs. Wu knew that although the prefect's wife was very polite to her, she could not hide the look of contempt in her eyes.

 But Wu doesn't care about this, as long as the children can learn well.

After asking about studying, Wu asked again, "How do you get along with your classmates in the college?"

 Kang Ge'er and Sen Ge'er exchanged words, not very good at lying, and said dejectedly, "We were bullied by our classmates on the first day we went there, but Sen Ge'er and I could bear it and didn't quarrel with them."

 Otherwise, there will be quarrels and fights on the first day at the academy, which will not be good for the family.

Mrs. Wu sighed when she heard what her sons said.

"There is no way. When you first get a job, it all depends on the person's face. You have been wronged today, so you have to study hard. When you become famous one day, those people are still playing soy sauce."

Kang Geer knew this was true, so he smiled and agreed.

“Don’t worry, mother, I understand the truth.”

Mrs. Wu reached out to touch his head and comforted him, "You can ignore the small grievances, but if those people go too far, come back and tell me, and I will rush over to settle accounts with them."

It is not convenient for Liang Jin to come forward, but she is not afraid of being a woman.

 Besides, there is Mrs. Liang.

 At that time, Mrs. Liang and another old lady will go over and make a fuss to see who loses face in the end.

 Kang Geer laughed after hearing this, "No, I will be so embarrassed when my grandmother screams in that loud voice."

 Even if he is a boy, he still wants to save face.

Seeing that he was sensible, Mrs. Wu smiled and touched his head, and then asked Sister Ying and Sister Yang.

“What about you, how do you get along with the ladies from the prefect’s family?”

Before Sister Ying could say anything, Sister Yang rushed to answer angrily.

“Mom, you don’t know, those ladies are like little gangsters, they even stepped on my sister’s table, how irritating!”

If her sister hadn't used her eyes to signal her not to move, she would have started howling at the top of her lungs.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu frowned and said, "Aren't those people ladies? Why are they behaving so rudely?"

She thought that girls would not talk to each other at most, but she didn’t expect that some people would be so rude and even step on the table?

 The image is too ugly.

Sister Ying smiled and said it was okay, "Mom, I'm not at a disadvantage, so don't worry."

Not only did she not suffer a loss, she also made those wealthy ladies very angry.

 They are probably complaining about themselves at home.

Mrs. Wu also laughed, "I know you are smart, so it's okay if you don't suffer any loss."

 In the evening, Liang Jin came back from work.

The family was having dinner. Liang Jin asked about the children going to school, and the four children chirped in answer.

Liang Jin saw that they were being ostracized and said, "Not only yours, my father was also ostracized on his first day as a errand."

 Originally he was the county magistrate, and he was the biggest in the entire yamen.

 Now he has been promoted to the fifth rank, which is worse than the county magistrate.

As soon as I entered the magistrate's office to do business, I would be ignored by this person and impatient with that person. I would be annoyed all day long. After hearing this, Mrs. Liang immediately said, "I'm just saying, I'd rather be the head of a dragon than the tail of a snake. I'll let others bully me."

Liang Jin said to her, "Mom, don't keep saying this, be careful not to let others hear you."

  How dare Longtou say it easily?

Mrs. Liang looked outside and whispered, "I'll talk at home."

Sister Ying encouraged Liang Jin, "Dad, don't be discouraged. You should find out the situation first and see that they don't have gangs or anything like that. Then you can act accordingly."

 A prefect is so big and there are so many officials in it, they must have formed their own camps or something like that.

Liang Jin was not stupid and understood immediately.

If he wants to get around in a place with many officials, he has to be more tactful so as not to suffer losses and still get things done.

Mrs. Wu herself is also busy with the shop.

Nowadays, the whole family needs expenses. Although they have a salary, they have many children. Mrs. Wu wanted to save money for them, so she devoted her time to running an inn.

That inn has been renovated after Sister Ying's design.

Old Mrs. Liang is very sociable. She has gone out several times and has become close to the old ladies from several official families.

 Finally, she took people to the inn for dinner, and the old ladies liked it very much.

After that time word spread about the taste, and after that, those old ladies came over to order takeout from time to time.

Sister Ying knew about this and called Mrs. Liang awesome.

“Grandma, you are so awesome~ Our whole family is relying on you to support us.”

Mrs. Liang was so excited that she pretended to be humble and said, "No, I will just show off my skills casually. I am not as good as you young people."

 When he said this, his mouth was raised to the sky.

 This head.

Jing Shirong has also arrived in Jiangnan.

After getting off the ship, he asked plainclothes soldiers to pretend to be servants carrying goods and deliver the cloth brought from the capital to the fabric store he had contacted in advance.

 What he has to do is use money to approach the corrupt officials of the prefecture, lure them out, and find out evidence of their corruption.

 So he spent the past few days wandering around in various major business houses. I have done a lot of business with many bosses.

He has a flexible mind, and the business owners admire him very much.

Especially since he has strong business skills, he will also give them profits. If his family still has money, they will introduce him to the prefect.

Zhifu Lin is the biggest corrupt official in Jiangnan.

However, he lives a normal life on the surface, with normal levels of food and clothing. He is neither poor nor rich, so no one can tell about his family background.

 Only the top bosses of the business firms know how greedy he is.

 There are many wealthy people in Jiangnan, and their export business is very large.

We have to deal with the government every year, and the money given is more than one yuan.

Prefect Lin not only has to collect cash, but also joins the business owner of the commercial bank to draw annual dividends.

 The business owner also needed to use his power, so he agreed.

Had Jing Shirong not brought enough wealth to come out, he really would not be qualified to enter the more upscale circle of business bosses.

 Fortunately, he brought enough banknotes, and the emperor also gave him many treasures to show off, so the business owners recognized him.

Sister Ying didn’t know about his coming here and was still studying in a women’s college.

 She and her female classmates were on good terms these days.

 After all, those ladies could not get any favors from her time and time again, so they had no choice but to stop.

However, those ladies are not discouraged, and they can't get any advantage with their words, so they just come to play tricks on them.

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 (End of this chapter)

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