The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 159: , steal the chicken but lose the rice

Chapter 159: Stealing the chicken but losing the rice

For example, when Sister Ying comes to the academy, they will ask the maids to come over in advance, and then put ink on Sister Ying’s desk.

Sister Ying was also tricked in the beginning.

She didn’t look carefully at that moment, and as soon as she put the school bag on, it was immediately stained black with ink.

But she ignored it and continued reading her book.

The ladies saw her being so boring and immediately felt bored.

Originally, they thought that Sister Ying would scream, cry, and quarrel with them after touching the ink.

Who would have known that he didn’t take it seriously at all, but instead took the snacks in the box and started eating them in a leisurely manner.

Those ladies didn’t want to give up, so they decided to do it violently.

I don’t know who the devil gave them the bad idea to get the chicken blood on Sister Ying’s mat. When Sister Ying sat down, she felt like she was having menstruation. Let’s see what that country bumpkin will do then!

Sister Ying is not stupid. As soon as she entered the academy, she noticed the difference among the rich ladies.

 She scanned the classroom carefully, but didn't see anything different.

However, learning from the past, she still looked at her table cautiously.

But the table is dark brown and there is no ink visible.

 Before she finished checking, the master came over to start the class.

Out of precaution, Sister Ying carefully hung her schoolbag on the wall to avoid getting blackened by ink later.

 The lady asked her to sit down quickly and was about to start the lecture.

Sister Ying hummed, then sat down suspiciously.

 The moment she sat down, she immediately realized something was wrong.

The cushion was covered in something unknown, and as soon as she sat down, it felt like it was exploding.

She stretched out her hand and touched it, and the palm of her hand was covered with red chicken blood.

Sister Ying gave a cold snort, looked around the classroom, and raised her hand to tell the lady for the first time.

“Sir, someone put chicken blood on my mat.”

 After saying that, he put his cushion on the table.

The rich ladies did not expect that she would tell this, so they snorted angrily, but no one admitted it.

Some concubines directly shouted to catch the thief, "Who knows if you are menstruating? I don't understand at all, but you still have the nerve to say that you are a young lady from the Zhizhou family."

Sister Ying snorted coldly and scolded her directly, "Ms. Li's menstrual period came out of the mat, which really gave me some experience."


The other party didn't expect her to dare to attack directly, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

 After all, they bullied Sister Ying before, but Sister Ying never refuted or talked to them.

 So they thought that Sister Ying would endure it silently this time just like before.

Who would have thought that not only did she refute, but she was also so choked up.

Ms. Li was speechless by her retort, snorted, and sat down angrily.

When the wife saw that this incident had occurred, she didn't want to take it lightly. She could only ask, "Has anyone seen who did it?"

 She was just invited by the prefect with a lot of money. She didn't dare to ask directly who did it, so she could only mention it tactfully.

After hearing this, the other rich ladies were silent and said coldly, "Yes, did anyone see who did it? If no one saw it, please don't accuse Miss Liang unjustly."

Sister Ying knew they wouldn't admit it, so she said "Oh" in exasperation.

 Then, there is no more.

 All the ladies looked at each other and really didn't know what she wanted to do.

 After all, this young lady from the Zhizhou family never plays by the rules, and they don't know how she will deal with this. All we can do is wait.

 When it was time to finish school, Sister Ying held her **** full of red chicken blood and led Sister Yang out.

 The other ladies were dumbfounded and hurriedly stopped her.

 “Hey, just go out like this!”

 It will be shameless to be seen by others later. Sister Ying really stopped, glanced at everyone with her big eyes, and asked in a tone of voice, "What happened to me going out like this?"

The ladies really don’t understand what she thinks.

"You will be laughed at if you go out like this, and your father will be laughed at by others too. What do you think?"

Sister Ying was once again so angry that she didn’t pay for her life and said, “But it’s not me who did this. When people ask about it, I can just tell them that it was you.”

"Anyway, I'm new here. I can't resist a dozen of you by myself. It's normal to be bullied. Everyone will pity me."



 All the wealthy ladies were also frightened by her naked threats.

  That's right, she is a new girl, and some people believe her when she says she was bullied.

 At that time, the common people will spread word of mouth that their rich daughter from a dignified official's family actually did such a despicable thing.

By then, their family’s face will be completely lost.

 The parents will definitely teach them a lesson when they find out.

 So these instigators began to worry.

 She is actually the legitimate daughter of the magistrate's family, pretending to be calm.

He looked at Sister Ying and threatened, "Liang Ying, aren't you afraid that if you go out like this, your father will be disgraced? Don't forget, your father is still working under my father."

This threat is too obvious.

However, Sister Ying did not continue, but the old **** said it.

"My father is your father's subordinate. If you bully me, he won't dare to make the decision for me. But when people ask, we will not cover for you. Even if the capital asks for official documents, my father will tell the truth. "

“When the ladies of the officials’ families in the capital hear that the ladies from the Jiangnan family are so mean, they will dare to get chicken blood on their butts, and they will be so angry that they will die. Then you will be famous.”



 Several ladies were frightened by her description of the scene, and they refused to allow her to go out.

“Xiaocui, go home and bring Miss Liang some clothes. Hurry up.”

The maid went immediately after hearing this.

 But Sister Ying didn't want to, she just wanted to go out after crossing the crowd.

Those girls wanted to surround her, but they had martial arts skills, so they just grabbed Sister Yang and jumped onto the roof.

Then he looked at his defeated general and looked at them, "Well, if you don't want to be embarrassed, how about we live in peace and harmony in the future?"

 A group of ladies were so threatened by her that they wanted to agree, but they couldn't make the decision. They could only look at the eldest daughter of the prefect Lin's family.

Miss Lin saw Sister Ying being so cruel and really didn't want to be embarrassed, so she could only grit her teeth and agree.

“I know, I won’t deal with you anymore, come down!”

Sister Ying did not go down and asked them, "You must first swear that you will not bully anyone in my family in the future, otherwise you will be punished."


These words were unpleasant to hear, but the ladies had no choice but to swear angrily.

Sister Ying saw them finish swearing, and then she brought Sister Yang down.

The maid quickly brought over clean clothes, and Sister Ying came out after changing them.

When those people saw that she had finally changed her clothes, they immediately asked the maid to get rid of the chicken blood-stained clothes so that no one would see her.

 After taking care of this, they left angrily.

 But Sister Ying stopped them, "Wait a minute."

 (End of this chapter)

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