Chapter 162, Selling Antiques

Seeing that the inn's business is booming, Sister Ying has no plans to expand.

 Those who come to eat still need to make reservations in advance.

 At first some people were impatient to wait and stopped eating.

 But those who like this taste will still come.

 In fact, everything that is expensive has a reason for being expensive.

Although the inn is small, the taste is really good.

  Sometimes when an old lady wants to celebrate her birthday, she will come here to order food.

Whether they are officials or wealthy businessmen, they all come here to order food.

 When the business of the inn got better and better, Sister Ying decided to let Xiaohong accept an apprentice.

There are several little maids in the family who were brought from Qianjiazhuang. Because their parents were killed, they had nowhere to go, so they were taken in by the Wu family.

Sister Ying originally wanted to have a few loyal maids, so she asked Xiao Hong to take care of them.

 The little girls are very smart. After learning for a month, they can already make their own dishes.

Now that there are more kitchen staff in the inn, it will not be so busy.

As for Jing Shirong, he is already familiar with the top ten wealthy businessmen.

He imported many unique fabrics from Persia and sold them not only to the capital, but also to Jiangnan, specializing in these wealthy merchants.

 The most important thing for wealthy businessmen is money, so they will naturally buy any rare items they see.

Even though Jing Shirong looks like Pan An, he looks gentle and gentle, but he understands human nature very well.

 He brought some strange antiques from Persia and prepared to hold an auction with wealthy businessmen.

 Rich businessmen are not short of money, but they love rare treasures and want to buy them one after another.

Jing Shirong mainly wanted to see which officials from the city would come, and by the way, find out which officials these wealthy businessmen had given to buy things.

 The taxes paid to the court the year before last were more than three times less than before, and the emperor was naturally unhappy.

Jiangnan is so wealthy that it should have turned over more, but it was pocketed by corrupt officials, leaving the court with no money to treat the people in the disaster area.

 The emperor was short of money, so it was naturally impossible for corrupt officials to covet his taxes.

However, these corrupt and cunning people not only make false accounts, but also cry poverty.

 Those who were sent before could not find any evidence that they had made false accounts, so they naturally returned without success.

The emperor sent Jing Shirong over this time. Of course the emperor hoped that Jing Shirong could solve the problem.

Jing Shirong has his own plan and is implementing it step by step.

 He scheduled the auction for the Lantern Festival, the busiest day.

On the Lantern Festival, wealthy businessmen all stopped to celebrate the festival.

 After dinner, they all went to the mysterious flower boat to take pictures of antiques.

Jing Shirong built a unique flower boat and displayed antiques inside.

 The guests who came today are either rich or noble.

He made a big move and told everyone that among the items being auctioned today were antiques exclusively used by the Persian royal family, which attracted many antique enthusiasts.

Because it was done in a secretive manner, corrupt officials got the news and changed into plain clothes to watch.

After everyone arrived, Jing Shirong glanced at the corrupt officials and profiteers in the ship and basically remembered their faces.

 The next step is to ask the antique boss to introduce the antiques.

 The first exhibit is a Persian carpet unique to the Persian royal family.

The color of that carpet is noble and calm. It would look great if placed at home.

The wealthy businessmen looked at the expressions of several officials and saw that they were quite satisfied, so they immediately took pictures.

 There are more peculiar collections at the back.

The antique owner introduced, "Dear guests, please take a look. This is a crystal glass cup unique to Persia. It is very eye-catching whether you are drinking it or keeping it at home. We don't have anything like this in Jiangnan. If you like it, you can take a photo."

That crystal cup is very dazzling and sparkling under the light. It would be nice to put it back home.

The remaining antiques are quite unique and have basically been photographed. Jing Shirong’s asking price ranged from low to high, but to his surprise, all of the photos were taken. This shows how big the wealth of these people is.

 The last one, "This is a crown left over from the pre-Persian dynasty. There is only one in the world."

The crown was all golden, with shining gems on it.

 The entire crown is almost covered with gems and small diamonds, almost sparkling under the light.

 As soon as the wealthy businessmen saw the crown, they knew it was not cheap.

Sure enough, after displaying the crown, the shopkeeper made an offer, "Dear guests, the base price of this crown is three hundred thousand taels."

 “Three hundred thousand taels?”

At the current price, you can buy a city.

Although these wealthy businessmen had 300,000 taels, they still felt a little painful when they took it out all at once, so they hesitated immediately.

 Several corrupt officials liked it very much and winked at the wealthy businessmen.

The wealthy businessmen calculated carefully, but were still reluctant to pay, and finally fell silent.

Jing Shirong was observing their little movements.

 He clearly saw one of the corrupt officials winking at the wealthy businessman, asking them to buy it and give it to him.

 But the wealthy businessmen are not fools. How could they spend 300,000 taels to buy it for him at once?

 So everyone was silent.

The antique boss got Jing Shirong's order and saw that everyone was silent, so he smoothed things over and said, "Everyone, this crown is indeed a bit expensive, but many guests also want to see it. If I ask you to buy it today, others will also want to see it." Not yet, so we plan to show it to other guests tomorrow, so please let us stay for a few more days."

These words were smooth, and the wealthy businessmen breathed a sigh of relief.

 Hauntedly said, "It's okay, we're not in a hurry."

 The antique boss smiled and said yes, then put the crown into the box, locked it and took it away.

A few corrupt officials looked at it reluctantly, and finally gouged out the wealthy businessmen with hatred.

Hunted until all the corrupt officials left, the wealthy businessmen dared to speak.

  “Huh, what the hell. If they can afford it, they can buy it themselves. What the hell!”

 It is really shameless to want to be the boss while asking for their money.

Other wealthy businessmen also said, "We have given them so much over the years that they have developed their appetites. Even 300,000 taels are enough for us to take."

"That's right. I think people from the imperial court should come to deal with them, lest they go too far."

 A few years ago, we only gave some facilitation fees.

 Nowadays, in addition to facilitation fees, valuable items must also be given during the New Year and holidays.

 Even the annual dividends have to be large, which makes them miserable.

Jing Shirong came out and asked them, "Is it the same here?"

After the wealthy businessmen became familiar with him, they did not hide anything and asked, "Is it like this over there?"

Jing Shirong nodded melancholy, "Yes. But we don't have as big an appetite as you do here. Ten thousand taels is the most."

After hearing this, the wealthy businessmen opened their mouths in surprise.

"Only ten thousand taels? Can they agree?"

Jing Shirong said of course, "I went to the capital to do business, and there were people above me who were suppressing me. Although I didn't make much money, I wasn't greedy either, so I could still make money."

 After hearing this, the wealthy businessmen were immediately envious.

“Then you’re really lucky. Not like us, alas.”

 In the past few years, they made more, but they also suffered a lot.

 The business this year is not as good as last year, but the corrupt officials still have to pay so much, which makes them miserable.

   Thank you fairies for your votes~ eh~



 (End of this chapter)

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