The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 163: , smell the fragrance and find someone

Chapter 163: Find someone by smelling the fragrance

Jing Shirong invited them to sit down, then he sat among them and became the target of their complaints.

He planned every step of the way, waiting for these people to pour out their own troubles.

"Murong, you don't know that we have made trouble for those corrupt officials over the years. They are simply vampires."

Earning one thousand taels requires drawing three hundred taels.

 In addition to the cost, they also need workers' fees, shipping fees, and their own expenses.

They will draw three hundred taels for one thousand taels. How can they make any profit?

 If the business hadn't been so big, they wouldn't have wanted to do it.

Jing Shirong took advantage of this and asked, "Why are they so brave? Aren't they afraid of investigation from above?"

The wealthy businessmen spent a lot of money on corrupt officials at night, and when they felt unhappy, they complained.

“Don’t you know that the reason why corrupt officials are so bold is because there are people above them?”

Jing Shirong frowned, "Is there anyone up there?"

He looked puzzled. The wealthy businessmen looked outside and whispered to him, "We treat you as one of our own, so don't tell anyone."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Don't worry, as long as it's a problem with corrupt officials, you will be fine."

After hearing this, the wealthy businessmen sighed.

“In the past few years, corrupt officials have restrained themselves, but in the past two years, they have become bolder.”

“At first we bargained with them to ask them not to take so much. But they said there was someone above them, and if we didn’t pay, we wouldn’t be allowed to pass through the various shipping points. We wouldn’t be able to do business.”

Jing Shirong frowned, as if he understood something.

Co-author The reason why these corrupt officials are so bold is because they have joined forces with the high-ranking officials above?

 No wonder the accounts sent by Jiangnan every time were so perfect. There was no evidence of leakage at all. It turned out that they were all calculated from top to bottom.

 It seems that the people above have particularly high official positions. Otherwise, you won’t be able to move in and out of various checkpoints.

 It seems that he has to report this matter to the emperor secretly.

 Let the emperor have a map in his mind.

After listening to what the wealthy businessmen had to say, everyone drank some wine and dispersed.

During this period, there was a wealthy businessman who wanted Jing Shirong to be his son-in-law, but Jing Shirong excused himself from drinking too much and went back without waiting for anyone to mention him.

On the way back, he didn't ride a horse and walked slowly on the street.

When we reached the intersection of the alley, we suddenly smelled the aroma of rice.

That smell of rice seems familiar.

So he walked into the alley with the smell of rice.

 When he arrived at Sister Ying's inn, he walked in and took a look, and then he suddenly saw Xiao Hong's figure?

Jing Shirong has met Xiaohong. Xiaohong has not changed much over the years, but she has grown older.

Jing Shirong recognized her at a glance and immediately knew who owned the store.

 “Objective, do you want to order food?”

Xiao Hong saw him coming in and hurriedly came over to ask.

Jing Shirong hummed and asked her what kind of food she wanted.

Xiaohong smiled and gave him the menu, "If you want to order something to go with the wine, our thinly sliced ​​pig ears and fried crispy pork are very good."

Jing Shirong nodded and asked for a few points by chance, "Then give me five portions."

Just in time to take it back and give it to my brothers to try.

Xiaohong smiled and said yes, and asked him to wait for a while.

Sister Ying’s inn not only sells staple food, but also drinks and snacks.

 The food that goes with the drinks are all prepared in advance, so you can just heat them up when you want to buy them. More convenient than staple food.

Xiaohong handed the packaged snacks to Jing Shirong and said with a smile, "My guest, there are fifty taels in total."

Ordinary sauced pig ears only cost 2 taels, but Jing Shirong wanted more, and Sister Ying’s products are mostly expensive, so they cost 50 taels.

Jing Shirong has eaten at so many Mingjia inns in Jiangnan, and a meal costs two to three hundred taels. These fifty taels are already considered very cheap.

 He paid the money and left with the fried crispy pork and sauced ears.

On the way back, he picked up the fried pork and smelled it.

Thinking that Sister Ying and the others were here, the corners of her mouth could not help but raise. "That little girl is really capable. She can open an inn."

Just now he could see the four characters "Yingjia Inn" written on the inn's plaque.

   That girl didn't do it, he didn't believe it.

 I didn’t expect that they were quite destined.

We said goodbye three years ago. He didn't ask where they would go when their three-year term was over, but he didn't expect that they would still meet.

 The emperor reused him, but he didn't like the emperor controlling everything about him, so he had no choice but not to inquire about the Liang family's affairs.

 The emperor saw that he was not interested in the Liang family, so naturally he would not pay attention to it.

I didn’t expect that this girl would come to Jiangnan this time.

 I don’t know how tall she is now? She only reached his belly three years ago, and now I don’t know if she has grown.

Jing Shirong turned 18 this year and has an excellent figure and height.

 The ladies in the capital all said that he was more handsome than Pan An and more than five feet tall. (About 1.83 meters)

Coupled with his gentle appearance and personality, all the ladies especially admired him.

Jing Shirong was not keen on matters between men and women, and his family did not plan to marry him so early.

He has not yet reached the age of weak crown. Both Jingshi and Jing's father planned to wait until he was crowned weak before proposing marriage to him. They also wanted to train him more in the past two years.

Jing Shirong himself did not want to get married so early, and wanted to do errands for a few more years.

Speaking of marriage, Sister Ying, that girl, is also 12 years old this year, right?

  She is six years younger than him. When we met three years ago, she is missing one of her side teeth and has a childlike appearance.

Now that I am twelve, I don’t know if my appearance has changed.

 Poor Sister Ying, she didn’t even know that people’s memory of her was that she was missing a side tooth.

If she had known that Jing Shirong would remember her for her teeth leaking, she would not have smiled in front of him.

Jing Shirong couldn't help but laugh when he thought of her naughty temperament.

On the way back, he looked at the street and saw that it was so late and there were many people drinking.

 After he took the things back, he thought about it and went to the roof to get some air.

Finally, I blew and blew and suddenly looked for somewhere.

 It wasn't until he arrived at the magistrate's mansion that he quietly got out of the courtyard.

 Because he doesn't want to look at anyone who is not polite, he can't take a peek, so he can only look for him by smell.

Sister Ying’s girl likes fragrant jasmine oil. She will definitely apply it when it’s dry in winter.

So Jing Shirong smelled the smell and accurately found the location of Sister Ying's boudoir.

He stood on the roof, quietly lifted up a tile, and then dropped a gummy candy into it.

That is Persian fudge, not available in Jiangnan.

As for the inside of the house, he stopped looking at it, and he didn’t look at anything inappropriate.

 Evening wind blows.

 Hoods up the sound of gummies falling to the ground.

Sister Ying who was in the boudoir suddenly sneezed.

 “Ah sneeze~”

  She rubbed her nose, "Who is scolding me?"

 Muttered something and fell asleep again.

Jing Shirong heard it on the rooftop and couldn't help but laugh or cry. Finally, he jumped up and left Sister Ying's house.

 On the second day.

The maid came in and asked Sister Ying to get up, only to find a gummy candy on the ground.

“Miss, why are you eating sweets secretly again? Madam told you not to eat sweets because your teeth will get worms.”

Sister Ying just woke up, her eyes were bleary, "What kind of candy? I didn't eat it?"

 She is also afraid of getting cavities, so she seldom eats sweets and mostly eats snacks.

 (End of this chapter)

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