The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 164: , you also need to take care of yourself after giving birth.

Chapter 164: You have to take care of yourself even if you have a child

Seeing that Sister Ying refused to acknowledge it, the maid immediately handed over the gummy candy.

“No, you said you haven’t eaten it yet. Isn’t this just candy?”

Sister Ying was ashamed and took the candy, only to realize something was wrong.

 “Hey, Persian fudge?”

 Why do you have this kind of gummy candy at home?

 Could it be that the ladies of the world were left behind?

That day she happened to take the ladies to visit her boudoir.

I think they left it accidentally.

 Otherwise, I haven’t bought any candy at home these days, especially this kind of soft candy is not easy to buy.

The maid thought what she said made sense, so she said nothing more.

Sister Ying didn’t think it was a big deal, so she didn’t think much about it.

 Jing Shirong after knowing the truth.


 A few days later.

The old lady of the prefect's family celebrated her birthday, and Sister Ying and her family were all invited.

Jing Shirong also came together.

 He came here with other wealthy businessmen.

Today is the sixth birthday of Mrs. Lin, the prefect, and there are many guests coming.

 Because it is the birthday of the old lady, everyone can come and have fun, regardless of official or business level.

It said so on the surface, but I also knew that the reason why these corrupt officials invited those wealthy businessmen over was simply to receive expensive gifts.

Jing Shirong came here with several wealthy businessmen.

The gift he brought this time was the Persian crown that was not sold last time.

 He wanted to use this crown to see Prefect Lin's reaction.

 In the whole of Jiangnan, Lin Zhifu had the highest official title. Jing Shirong wanted to see if he would accept the crown?

Or after accepting the crown, which official in the capital will he give it to?

With inquiry, he personally gave the crown to Magistrate Lin.

Zhifu Lin met him several times and investigated Jing Shirong’s background.

 But he searched again and again, but could not find out the mystery of Jing Shirong.

The only difference found is that this young wealthy businessman is said to be the son of a high-ranking official in the capital.

Because it was inconvenient for the three legitimate sons in the family to do business, the senior official assigned the business to his sons from outside the family.

However, few people know about this. After all, the business is so big that it will inevitably arouse jealousy, so others do not know that this young wealthy businessman is the son of the high official.


 This news is also false. It was created specially for Jing Shirong by the emperor.

The son of an outsider does exist, and the business does exist, but the real person is not Jing Shirong.

The emperor asked Jing Shirong to use his identity to act, so he naturally made a foolproof plan. No one else could find anything.

 Zhifu Lin is an old cunning man and is no match for the emperor.

Jing Shirong generously presented the gift with a gentle attitude, "Sir, this is a birthday gift from Xiaosheng to the old lady. I wish the old lady a long life."

Zhifu Lin said a cold "hmm" and quietly opened a corner of the box. He was immediately surprised by the shining pearl crown.

He had heard from his subordinates before that the wealthy businessman "Murong" had found a crown from the former dynasty from Persia, and the base price was three hundred thousand taels.

No one took the photo back, after all, it was a big price.

  Unexpectedly, this young wealthy businessman actually gave him the crown?

 He squinted his fox eyes and looked Jing Shirong up and down, trying to see something in him.

 But Jing Shirong looked calm, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't figure out anything.

Only when he saw the cousin of the prefect Lin's family, Jing Shirong turned his head away pretending to be unnatural. Magistrate Lin looked back and saw his niece blushing and looking extremely shy, as if she understood something.

 Could it be that this young wealthy businessman has fallen in love with his niece?

It's a pity that my niece is already married, so I came here specifically to wish my mother a happy birthday, otherwise it would have been a good marriage.

Jing Shirong didn't say anything. After delivering the gifts, he resigned from Magistrate Lin and went to sit at the wealthy businessman's table.

Zhifu Lin took a look around and felt that marriage was not out of the question.

This "Murong" wealthy businessman not only has money, but also has a father who is a high official. Even if he is the son of a foreign family, but outsiders don't know about it, it doesn't matter.

 If the concubine or niece is married to him, the family will not have to worry about running out of money.

So he glanced at the concubines and found that they were also peeking at "Murong" with blushing faces.

Zhifu Lin narrowed his fox eyes. The more he looked at it, the more he thought the marriage was a good idea.

 This head.

Sister Ying and her family are at the official wife's table at the moment.

 Because they were new here and had not yet become familiar with the ladies, they were somewhat left out when they sat down.

However, Sister Ying doesn't care whether others talk to them or not. Mother and daughter are chatting happily.

Those officials' wives saw that Mrs. Wu was still so beautiful after giving birth to four children, and her skin was fairer than that of their authentic Jiangnan girls. They were immediately curious about how she took care of herself.

So the ladies started chatting with her.

“Mrs. Liang, you have such a beautiful complexion. You didn’t get tanned all the way to Jiangnan?”

 Even if you are sitting in a carriage, you must get off at some point.

  Why is this Wu family not black at all?

 Everyone was very surprised and asked for Wu’s secret whitening recipe.

Mrs. Wu covered her handkerchief and laughed, not hiding anything, and told them, "Of course there is a secret recipe for this. If you want to whiten your skin, firstly, you need a good foundation, and secondly, long-term maintenance."

“If you only maintain it in the short term, it will lose its effect soon, so you need to maintain it for many years to consolidate the effect.”

Even though Mrs. Wu is usually busy taking care of the house and the children, she also pays great attention to maintenance.

 She has been a beautiful girl since she was a child, and she naturally loves beauty more than ordinary girls.

Even if you are pregnant, you still need to apply sesame oil every day to ensure that your skin is not dry.

These officials and ladies were surprised when they heard what she said was so exaggerated, "How dare you apply sesame oil when you're pregnant? Didn't you say you shouldn't apply sesame oil if you have a big belly?"

Mrs. Wu whispered to them, "How can I not apply it? My belly is so big. If I don't apply sesame oil, the skin will be cracked. I'll scare myself to death."

Among these ladies, some of the skin actually cracked, and they were immediately very upset.

“But the elders all say that wiping is not good for the children, otherwise.” Otherwise, they would not really stop wiping.

  This time I really suffered myself. Those cracks on my stomach will never heal.

Mrs. Wu had a heart-to-heart talk with them, "Children are the most harmful thing to us women. If we don't take good care of them, the men will be seduced. So take care of them as you should, and don't listen to what the elders say."

  At first, when Mrs. Liang saw that Mrs. Wu had a big belly and applied sesame oil on her, of course she would recite it.

 But Wu's left ear went in and the right ear went out, so he went back to his room and continued to apply it.

 Her skin has recovered well after giving birth to four children, which has a lot to do with her persistence in skin care.

 Several officials and ladies were curious and disbelieving, "Do you really have no cracks in your stomach?"

Of course, Mrs. Wu said, "I started to apply it when I was three months pregnant, and I even used it on my waist after giving birth. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I just love beauty, and I also love tormenting."

The ladies saw that her waist was indeed very thin, and her skin was hydrated, as if she had been smeared with sesame oil, which showed that what Wu said was true.

 (End of this chapter)

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