The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 165: , conversation between women

Chapter 165, Conversation between women

   The ladies at Mrs. Wu's table saw that her skin was so good, and they felt envious and jealous.

At that time, they listened too much to their mother-in-law, so they didn't take care of themselves. Look at their belly sagging now, and their waists are much thicker. It's too late to regret it.

But my belly couldn’t be restored, and I still wanted to take care of my skin, so I asked Mrs. Wu.

“Mrs. Liang, where did you buy the sesame oil you applied? We want to buy some too.”

Mrs. Wu looked around and whispered to them, "I saw a few Persian cargo ships on the road before. I saw that they were selling flower scented oil, so I bought a whole box. I didn't expect it to be so useful. But it usually doesn't work. Meet those Persians.”

 The lady at the table heard this and immediately wanted to buy it.

“Where did you see the Persian cargo ship? There are people selling Persian sesame oil on our street, but I don’t know if it’s the same kind as the one you use.”

Wu said, "I don't know which one I used, and I can't understand the words on it, but I can still recognize the bottle."

After hearing this, all the ladies said one after another, "How about this, let's go shopping together tomorrow? There is a rouge shop on this street, which is full of Persian goods shipped by wealthy businessmen from across the sea."

“When the time comes, help us see if there is the kind of sesame oil you use.”

After hearing this, Ms. Wu responded with a smile, "Okay, let's go and have a look tomorrow. It just so happens that there is no one at home."

So they made an appointment and planned to go shopping tomorrow.

Seeing that her mother was chatting with these women all at once, Sister Ying raised her lips and lowered her head to eat.

Jiangnan cuisine is also quite delicious, with a sweet and salty taste.

Of course, there are also sweet and spicy ones.

 There are many migrant populations here. Because commerce is developed, many businessmen like to come here to sell supplies.

 So there are many strange and weird objects here.

Sister Ying lowered her head and ate her meal. After finishing her meal, Sister Yang ran to play with other little girls of the same age.

 Kang Geer and Sen Geer were also playing hut among the boys.

Sister Ying is not full yet, so she wants to eat more before going to play.

But she was particularly conspicuous as she was eating among the ladies.

The official ladies finished talking about skin care and started talking about children.

The ladies raised their heads and glanced at Sister Ying, and saw that her brows were bright and her big eyes were bright and she looked pretty and charming.

And her skin is also very white. Although her face is small, her facial features are very delicate.

 Compared to my own daughter, this young lady from the Zhizhou family is really good-looking.

They asked Mrs. Wu, "Are you in charge of all four children in your family?"

They have never had any contact with the Wu family, so naturally they don’t know about her family’s affairs.

We only know that she gave birth to four children, but we don’t know about the others.

Mrs. Wu replied, "Yes, I am in charge of the children. It would be better to take care of them myself."

The children at home are all happy. Mrs. Liang dotes on her children and will be tricked by them. Liang Jin is not free, so naturally she is in charge.

 But in the ears of other ladies, it sounded like she was guarding against Mrs. Liang.

So they looked at the mother-in-law's table and whispered, "Will your mother-in-law criticize you when you take care of the children?"

Mrs. Wu didn't realize what they meant. She just thought they wanted to know about parenting, so she said, "They can talk about it. After all, she loves her children."

After hearing this, the other ladies thought that their mother-in-law was also difficult to get along with, and they immediately felt the same way.

“Well, mothers-in-law are the same all over the world. Even if they are in their fifties or sixties, they are not willing to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy. They still have to manage the house.”

 Let alone the children, the mothers-in-law also want to take care of their clothing and travel.

 It makes me upset just thinking about it.

When Ms. Wu heard what they said, she realized that they were complaining about her mother-in-law's nosy nature.

In order not to make people jealous that she was the master of the house, Wu pretended to be in charge and sighed.

 When the women talked about their mother-in-law, they all shook their heads in disgust. Some ladies even said angrily, "It's okay for your mother-in-law to care about your clothes and travel, unlike ours. I have given birth to three sons and three daughters to my husband. My mother-in-law still has to find a baby for him." I was almost mad to death when I gave birth to a child.”

 She knew that her mother-in-law did not like her, so she tried her best to have children to consolidate her status.

Unexpectedly, after giving birth to six children, her mother-in-law still dislikes her.

She said angrily, "If you didn't like me, you shouldn't have come to my house to propose marriage in the first place."

But she only said this in a low voice, and the mother-in-law's table couldn't hear it at all.

 Other women knew about her family's affairs and sympathized with her.

“Hey, no matter how powerful your mother-in-law is, you are still not the one who calls the shots in the end? Besides, your three sons and three daughters are all quite promising, and they will be blessed with children in the future.”

  When talking about her three sons and daughter, the lady breathed a sigh of relief and said proudly.

“My eldest son passed the Juren exam last time, but his results were not ideal and he didn’t win the first prize.”

Other ladies praised one after another, "It's pretty good, but our family is not good at it. We didn't pass the exam this time."

After all, they are all minor officials. If they don’t have the title of Spyker to inherit, they still have to take the test for merit.

 After they finished talking about sons, they started talking about daughters.

“Let me tell you, your eldest daughter is the best to marry. She gave birth to twin sons as soon as she got married. This shows that she is a very lucky person.”

 Speaking of the fact that her daughter married well, the lady was also very proud.

 “Yes, she is quite lucky.”

As he spoke, he suddenly looked at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying's scalp felt numb, but she had forgotten what women love to say about unmarried girls.

  If I had known earlier, I would have taken some snacks and went to eat among the children.

 This is going to be discussed.

Sure enough, the ladies glanced at Sister Ying and asked Mrs. Wu, "Is this your eldest daughter?"

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Yes, she is the eldest. There is also a second child below, and the third and fourth are twins."

The ladies asked again, "How old is your daughter this year? Is she allowed to do so?"

Mrs. Wu shook her head, "She's only twelve, so don't worry. The girl from our hometown didn't get married until she was seventeen, so she's still young."

 The other ladies nodded after hearing this and chatted with her, "Twelve is not too young. People here don't get married until sixteen or seventeen, but the engagement is done earlier."

“You’d better start choosing now, otherwise it’s not good to rush and choose when you’re old.”

Wu Shi hummed, as if he heard it, but also as if he didn't.

 One of the ladies said, "My nephew is quite good. He is three years older than yours. Is there any chance I can introduce him to you?"

 Wu lowered his head to eat and dealt with it vaguely.

Sister Ying really didn't want to listen to their discussion, so she sneaked away while they were busy chatting.

She quietly walked out of the main courtyard, planning to go to the backyard to get some air.

 The children were also gathering in the backyard to play, and she went over to clean up.

At this moment, several ladies from the Lin family have also finished eating and come out.

They saw Sister Ying and waved to her with a handkerchief, "Sister Ying, this way."

Sister Ying saw them sitting in the pavilion, so she walked over to find them. "coming."

As soon as I came over, I immediately heard their chirping.

“Sister Ying, look at the pavilion by the lake. The tallest one inside is Murong.

 (End of this chapter)

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