Chapter 166, He is in the pavilion


Sister Ying has often heard them say that a handsome man from the capital came to the south of the Yangtze River.

Not only is Pan An as good-looking as he is, his family is very rich.

The only pity is that the other party is a businessman, otherwise many officials would still want to recruit him as their son-in-law.

Moreover, the young wealthy businessman is only eighteen years old this year, which is really amazing and terrifying.

Sister Ying saw them looking at the pavilion by the lake with infatuated expressions, and looked over curiously.

 I saw a group of young men gathered around a pavilion ten meters away.

That group of young men were mostly concubines from official families.

 The legitimate son didn’t bother to be with the concubine, and was in another place with other elders.

The concubines have no status and can only come here to blow the wind.

 They all heard that Jing Shirong was rich and naturally wanted to make friends with him.

The legitimate sons will inherit the family property, while the concubines can only rely on themselves.

So they all wanted to make friends with Jing Shirong, a wealthy businessman, so they called him over to the pavilion to chat while drinking tea.

Jing Shirong knew what they were thinking and did not refuse.

He also wants to get more evidence of corruption among corrupt officials from these concubines, which will naturally give them some sweetness.

Even though these people are concubines, they know much more than legitimate concubines.

Because the legitimate sons have to inherit the family business, they will not be asked to do many dirty things, but will be left to the low-status bastards.

 So Jing Shirong planned to talk to these people at the beginning.

While they were talking, Sister Ying already frowned suspiciously.

She took a careful look at "Murong" in the crowd. Although she only saw the side face, as the ladies said, he looked as good as Pan An.

 Although it is only a side view, you can see his stilted nose and long eyelashes.

Especially because he has smooth skin and no beard on his face, he looks like a fair-faced boy.

 The ladies were all fascinated by it and said foolishly.

 “If he hadn’t been a businessman, I would have wanted to marry him.”

 But the family obviously would not agree.

Daughters must marry into official families, and only concubine daughters can marry into merchant families, so they have little hope.

Jing Shirong seemed to notice that someone was staring at him, so he turned around and looked over.

His dark eyes are deep and gentle, and he only appears cold when he is on guard.

 When I looked over, I suddenly saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

 “Sister Ying?”

 Because Sister Ying's big eyes are quite iconic and her appearance is outstanding, even if she hasn't seen her for three years, Jing Shirong can still see Wu's shadow in her.

 There is nothing we can do about it, mother and daughter both have big peach blossom eyes.

The eyes are dark and round, and the eyelashes are very curled, making it difficult for others to recognize her.

Jing Shirong recognized Sister Ying.

 Sister Ying did not recognize him for a moment.

 After all, she hadn't seen Jing Shirong's face in six years.

 He had never appeared in Lihua Town before.

When we went to Qianjiazhuang later, he only appeared a few times, and he always wore a mask. Only when she could see it would he be a ghost.

 Until now, she had somewhat forgotten what Jing Shirong looked like.

But she still has that sense of familiarity.

Jing Shirong could not recognize her now, so he could only turn his head away and pretend not to see her.

It’s not good for Sister Ying to keep looking at a strange man, otherwise the influence will be bad, so she lowered her head and stopped looking.

The ladies were dumbfounded when they saw her, and immediately said proudly, "Let me tell you, that "Murong" is really as beautiful as Pan An. None of my girls are as fair as him, and my eyelashes are not as long as him. Women are really inferior to men." "

 The other ladies all laughed after hearing this.

He said in a cliche manner, "Hey, tell me, has this young rich businessman got engaged?" If not, there might be hope for the concubine in the family.

 The other ladies looked at each other and laughed, "Who knows."

But in fact, they all heard from their family that the young wealthy businessman was not engaged yet, so the family wanted to marry their concubine to "Murong".

Of course, the ladies are also very cunning. Everyone wants Jing Shirong to be their son-in-law, so naturally they will not give in.

 But there is still a false sense of concession on the surface.

“I think the concubine in Sister Lin’s family should be quite promising. After all, she is quite favored at home, right, Sister Lin?”

 In normal times, if Lin's eldest daughter heard the concubine being praised, she would just dismiss it and not bother to pay attention.

But this time, when she heard that the concubine would marry Jing Shirong, her eyes suddenly turned cold and her expression suddenly became dark.

 “She deserves it too!”

No one knows.

 She had already seen Jing Shirong twice when he came to the magistrate's house.

At that time, she and her mother went out to buy things. Jing Shirong happened to be in the store, so he gave them the things for free.

The first daughter-in-law Lin received something from a man, and she was immediately shy and sweet.

Especially when she raised her head, she suddenly met Jing Shirong's eyes, her face turned red all of a sudden, and her little heart was beating very fast.

Since then, she has been lovesick and has been thinking about when she could see Jing Shirong again.

 She is also fourteen this year, so she can already call her husband's family.

It would be great if I could get engaged to "Murong".

Unfortunately, before she expressed her thoughts, she heard from her family that they wanted to betroth their concubine to "Murong"!

For the first time, Lin's daughter-in-law hated the concubine so much. She felt that she dared to rob her of everything, which was really presumptuous.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. When she heard several ladies say that the concubine and Jing Shirong were a good match, the concubine Lin was naturally angrier.

Sister Ying looked at her expression and realized that she might have a crush on the handsome and wealthy businessman Qing Jun, so she remained silent.

 When the other ladies saw that she was angry, they quickly changed the subject and pretended that the incident had not happened.

After listening for a while, Sister Ying didn’t want to listen anymore. She got up and said she wanted to relieve herself, so she walked along the road to the back garden.

 She was now in the corridor, seeing no one around, so she leaned on the railing to watch the carp in the lake.

Jing Shirong came here.

  He was so good at lightness that he walked silently.

 Those who came out of the crowd were not noticed by anyone.

Jing Shirong walked down the corridor, looked at Sister Ying who was lying on the railing, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and came over to talk to Sister Ying in a good mood.

“Miss, is this the hairpin you lost?”

 His sudden voice startled Sister Ying.

She turned around and saw the face that looked like Pan An.

His dark eyes are bright and gentle, and his skin is indeed fair. No wonder people always say he is good-looking.

Sister Ying traveled many times, and she felt that she rarely saw such a good-looking man, so she was a little stunned for a while.

Jing Shirong saw that she was looking at him dumbfounded, so he came over with some amusement, and inserted a green jade hairpin into her bun.

Sister Ying’s head sank and she came out of her daze.

 She raised her head and met Jing Shirong's eyes.


Jing Shirong finished inserting the jade hairpin for her, then took a step back and smiled gently at her.

“Okay, the property is returned to its original owner. I’ll take my leave first.”

 He can't disappear for too long, he has to go back now.

Seeing him coming in a hurry, Sister Ying said "Oh~" and wanted to stop him. But the other party didn't stop and left in three or five steps.

Sister Ying was a little dazed. She reached out and touched the jade hairpin on her head, and then she came to her senses.

Requesting a round of votes~(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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