Chapter 167: The disciple

 “Oops, this is not my hairpin.”

Sister Ying glanced at the expensive hairpin and knew it was not hers.

Mrs. Wu has never bought expensive hairpins for her children. She wants to wait until they are old enough to buy hairpins, so the hairpins they usually wear are relatively ordinary and upward.

But the hairpin in my hand is completely green, and when held in the sun, you can faintly see its delicate luster.

 I don’t have this kind of jade hairpin. It’s obvious that the rich businessman is the wrong person.

Sister Ying held the hosta and felt something was wrong.

"That's not right. The jade will break if it falls to the ground, but this hairpin is intact. It has obviously not been dropped."

Since he didn’t fall, how could the handsome man say that she threw it?

 Unless he brought an emerald hairpin to strike up a conversation on purpose.

But, I am only twelve years old.

Although she is good-looking, she is still a yellow-haired girl at best. Wouldn't that handsome man be so perverted?

Moreover, he is so good-looking and has thrown himself into the arms of so many women. How could he fall in love with a yellow-haired girl like her?

But if it wasn’t to strike up a conversation, why would he go out of his way to find her?

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and had no idea for a moment.

never mind.

 I don’t think about it anymore, let’s talk about it when we get back.

After she went back, she saw that Mrs. Wu was still being dragged by the group of women to lecture on the ways of charioteers.

 After women gave birth to children, they began to act unscrupulously.

 When it comes to speaking dirty words, he is even more reluctant to give in.

Even if Mrs. Wu gave birth to four children, they asked her and her face turned red.

 Finally, she excused herself by saying that the children didn’t know where they were and wanted to come out and have a look.

Sister Ying saw her expression of not wanting to talk from a distance and came to pick her up with a smile.

“Mom, my brother is causing trouble over there, please go and take care of it.”

 At the bottom of the steps, Mrs. Wu said goodbye to the ladies and immediately got up and went to the backyard with Sister Ying.

After walking into the deserted corridor, Mrs. Wu patted her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s terrible, those ladies are really good at talking. If I talk about them for an hour, my ears will be calloused.”

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, and whispered, "Now do you know the power of aunts?"

Mrs. Wu gave her an angry look and said, "Go, go, you're not polite. You want to call me madam, what kind of aunt? You're not an old woman."

In Mrs. Wu’s eyes, the aunt in Sister Ying’s words is just a trash-talking old woman.

Those people are officials’ wives after all, so naturally we can’t call them mothers.

Sister Ying giggled but did not explain.

She suddenly remembered the business, "By the way, mother, a handsome man just gave me an emerald hairpin. Look."

 Having said that, show the jade hairpin to Mrs. Wu.

Wu Shi was surprised and widened her beautiful eyes, "You said a man gave you an jade hairpin? What little thief is so shameless!"

Her sister Ying is so young, it is really outrageous to give her something.

Sister Ying quickly said, "That person thought I had dropped this thing, so he gave it to me."

Of course I dare not say anything about helping her put on the hairpin.

 Otherwise, Mr. Wu would be furious.

With such a big cabbage, Mrs. Wu naturally wouldn't allow any pig to worry about her daughter before she was old enough.

Sure enough, Mrs. Wu was still angry after hearing Sister Ying's explanation.

"Tell me, which little thief gave it to you? I'm going to settle the score with him."

Thinking about it, it’s not right. If this matter is revealed, the daughter of the family will be the one who suffers.

So Mrs. Wu stood still and took Sister Ying to the corner to talk.

 “They didn’t take advantage of you just now, right?”

There are many men and women here today, some of them young boys.

Although there are separate seats for men and women, one in the front courtyard and one in the middle courtyard, boys are naughty and it is inevitable that some of them will sneak over to the women's courtyard.

Mrs. Wu was afraid that her daughter would suffer, so she looked at her up and down. “Did he tease you?”

Sister Ying shook her head and said no, "He put down the hairpin and left. I couldn't even catch him."

 Wu was relieved after hearing this.

"That's good."

“Perhaps the other party thought that the hairpin was yours, and I think he made a mistake.”

Seeing that she didn't think much about it, Sister Ying was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard what Wu said again.

“That’s not right, men and women sit on separate tables. Even if you are both in the backyard watching the scenery, the two pavilions are so far apart. How could he pick up your hairpin?”

The more Wu thought about it, the more wrong he became. He suddenly said angrily, "You are a disciple, you are definitely a disciple!"

My daughter is so pretty, even though she is only twelve years old, it is inevitable that some young boys will take notice of her.

The more Wu thought about it, the angrier she became. She tapped Sister Ying's forehead with her finger and said to her, "I asked you to come out and take the maid with you. Where did Xiao Zi go?"

Sister Ying was ashamed and hurriedly explained, "I asked her to call Sister Yang back. Stop being wild. She is going to find Sister Yang now."

  Wu glared at her angrily, "Next time, no one is allowed to come out alone."

 With the cabbage juicy, who knows if there are pigs watching it.

Sister Ying saw her mother was angry, so she hugged her arm and said coquettishly, "Mother~"

 Actually, she wanted to tell Mrs. Wu that the handsome man seemed a bit familiar to her, and she wanted to ask Mr. Wu if she had seen him before.

But Mr. Wu obviously regards the other party as a deceiver, so he is not willing to listen to this.

If Sister Ying told her, she might think that her daughter was seduced by her beauty, and she would be even more angry.

In the end, Sister Ying simply said nothing, gathered Sister Yang, Brother Kang and Brother Sen, and planned to go back.

As soon as it gets dark, the guests leave one after another

 The remaining ones who were relatively close and had a few relatives sat down to drink.

Jing Shirong also went back.

Before leaving, he took a special look at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying could feel his gaze even though she was far away from him.

 She looked up and met his starry black eyes.

That man looks so gentle. I really don’t know how he does business?

That face is gentle and fair, and I don’t know if it will be deceived.

 Or is that face his disguise weapon?

Especially the emerald hairpin he gave me today and put it on himself, which is incredible.

 Sigh, forget it, don’t think about it anymore, if he is interested in me, I’m afraid he will come back.

 When the time comes and he comes, just ask him again.

  Anyway, she felt that the other party had no ill intentions towards her.

Seeing that the direction she was looking back was a pile of young people, Mrs. Wu immediately gave her a look and warned her not to look at it.

Sister Ying is ashamed and wants to say, Mom, you have misunderstood, but this is not the place to explain.

Not only was she looking, the Lin family's daughter-in-law was also looking in Jing Shirong's direction.

Her eyes were wandering, as if she was trapped in love.

This was the first time that she liked a man, but because she was not from the right family, she had no choice but to miss him.

But even if she couldn't get it, she wouldn't give up Jing Shirong to a concubine.

The concubine of the Lin family was suddenly given a fierce look by her, and she raised her chin fearlessly, as if she was shouting at her.

 After returning home.

 Wu asked the children to wash up, change clothes and go to bed.

Just as Sister Ying was about to go, Mrs. Wu stopped her.

“Sister Ying, come here.”

Sister Ying.

She seemed to know what her mother was going to say, and said calmly, "What's wrong? I'm sleepy, mother."

 (End of this chapter)

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