Chapter 173, He is a straight man

Sister Ying also looked at him curiously when she saw him talking about it.

   commented, "You have grown a lot taller, and you are now as tall as my dad."

Liang Jin himself is taller than ordinary men.

Jing Shirong is already so tall at the age of eighteen. He is truly a naturally handsome man.

It’s no wonder so many people say he looks like Pan An.

Jing Shirong said helplessly, "The little girl's nonsense about looking like Pan An."

Sister Ying took him to the table and poured him a cup of tea.

 “You wait first, I’ll go see if there’s anything in the kitchen yet.”

 She still remembered that he had just said that he was hungry and hurriedly went out to find food for him.

Seeing that she was still so warm-hearted, Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth and shook his head.

 After a while, Sister Ying came in with a small stove and two large meat dumplings in her hand.

 She heated the meat dumplings on the stove, then peeled them off and handed them to Jing Shirong.

“Now, our big meat dumplings contain egg yolk, pork belly, and mushrooms. They are delicious.”

Jing Shirong hasn’t eaten her food for a long time and is really a little greedy.

He didn’t hesitate and ate generously.

Sister Ying watched him eat some delicious food, and used the small stove to cook her some meatball soup to go with it.

She went to draw the curtain on the door panel to prevent the servants from seeing the figure in the room.

Jing Shirong saw that she was busy, so he ate two large meat dumplings and a bowl of meatball soup in a good mood.

Sister Ying asked, "Is it enough? If it's not enough, I'll get it again?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "That's enough, I'm full."

He stopped eating as before, and his self-control was not as strong as usual.

 Unlike her, she still wants to eat after eating and has no resistance to what she eats.

Jing Shirong smiled and wiped his hands, then took out a bag of jewelry from his arms.

“You said tonight that jadeite is too mature, so I’ll get you some that a little girl can wear and see if you like it.”

Sister Ying was ashamed and said that he had misunderstood her.

“I don’t want anything from you, I just want you not to give it to me.”

Jing Shirong didn't know why, "Why? Don't you like jewelry? Then next time I will give you a silver note?"

Sister Ying.

What kind of brain circuit does this guy have? Why can't I understand?

“I mean, my mother will be angry if she doesn’t let me collect boys’ things.”

Jing Shirong said oh, partly understanding, but partly not.

He is very good at handling cases, but when it comes to matters between men and women, he is a bit dull.

Sister Ying saw that he really didn't understand, so she told him.

“My mother still doesn’t know that you are Brother Rong. She thinks some brat gave me something, so she is angry.”

“It’s hard to tell them about your identity now, so if you give me something now, they will mistakenly think it’s from some brat.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "So that's it."

“Then you put the things away first, and when I finish, I will come to your house and tell your mother that those things are from me, so that she won’t be angry.”

 Sister Ying? ? ?

 Why do I feel that this explanation is more confusing?

But forget it.

  He just loved him as a child and had no other intentions. He just accepted it and gave it back to him with something else next time.

Jing Shirong was really happy when he saw that she accepted it.

“You were so cute and beautiful when you were a child, you would wear a rose on your head, but now you are sober.”

Sister Ying chuckled when she heard this, "It's not that I'm immodest, it's just that I go to bed late every day and get up late, so I don't have time to dress up."

 She eats a lot and sleeps a lot.

 As a result, I get up late every day for school.

In the end, I could only eat in a hurry and run to the college, dress up and so on, naturally it was casual.

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.    “You are still so fun.”

Sister Ying smiled sheepishly.

“By the way, don’t just talk about me, tell me about you. Where have you been in the past few years?”

Jing Shirong told her, "After we moved to the capital, my father continued to work as an official, and I was also asked by the emperor to handle cases. I used to go to Qianjiazhuang."

Sister Ying nodded, somewhat understanding.

“So you came to Jiangnan this time to handle a case for the emperor.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, but you can't tell anyone about this. My case has not been settled yet."

Sister Ying nodded obediently, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Those who run errands for the emperor must not reveal their identities.

 Otherwise, it will be a mistake.

Jing Shirong saw that she was sensible and reached out to touch her head again.

"If you miss me, I will come to you when I have time. I will bring you a gift then."

 He always treats her like a child, and is used to wanting to buy her some toys or other things every time he sees her.

Sister Ying quickly said no, "You'd better not buy it. When my mother asks about it, I won't be able to explain it clearly."

Jing Shirong understood and said, "Okay, I'll buy it for you next time."

 He would also like to buy it for Kang Geer and the others, but it is not convenient now.

Sister Ying asked him, "Are your parents and your grandmother doing well?"

Her parents had been concerned about how the Jing family was doing, so they asked them about it.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Everything is fine. It's just that my grandmother got cold a while ago, but she's fine now."

 Mrs. Jing’s physical condition is quite good. Although he was ill, he was still active and active after he recovered.

Sister Ying felt relieved when she saw that they were all well.

“Then after you finish the case, will you leave here soon?”

Jing Shirong nodded.

"The case here is not understood so quickly, and it will take some time to make an appointment. But don't worry, I will tell you when I leave."

Sister Ying was relieved when she saw what he said.

Sister Ying told him in a low voice, "You don't know. Even if you haven't revealed your identity, your face is quite impressive."

Even if he doesn’t have fame or fortune, his face and figure alone already have this temperament.

Jing Shirong is eye-catching wherever he goes.

Jing Shirong didn’t expect that he would praise himself, and was a little bit dumbfounded.

“Don’t imitate those older girls and imitate what they see as a handsome man.”

Sister Ying giggled when she heard this, "I didn't notice you at first. You are the girls from our women's college. When they saw you, they went crazy, chattering and excited for a long time."

"Especially the eldest daughter and concubine of Magistrate Lin's family, they went crazy when they saw you. The two sisters even fought for you several times."

Jing Shirong frowned, not expecting this.

 “I don’t know them personally.”

 It means that their fight has nothing to do with me, right?

Sister Ying felt a little stupid when she saw his straight appearance.

As the two of them were talking, they heard Nanny Xu's voice, "Sister Ying, are you still awake?"

Sister Ying said quickly, "Oh, I'm going to sleep after eating this bowl of meatball soup."

Mother Xu had no doubt after hearing this, "Then you go to bed early." After saying that, she went back.

Jing Shirong estimated that it was time to leave, so he stood up and left.

 “It’s time for me to leave. If I meet you again, just pretend you don’t know me.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Don't worry, I understand."

Those who work for the emperor need to conceal their identities to avoid alerting others, so naturally she will not interfere with him.

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 (End of this chapter)

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