Chapter 174, Take a boat ride

After saying goodbye, Jing Shirong left.

He was very good at qinggong. When Sister Ying opened the window for him, he tiptoed to the ground and disappeared in a single bound.

Sister Ying could not find him around, so she secretly thought that this was the real Qing Gong.

 She went back to rinse her mouth and go to sleep.

 Go to the bed, put down the curtain, and start to look at what he gave.

That little baggage doesn’t look big, but it contains a lot of things.

Sister Ying thought it was a child's toy or a beaded flower or something, so she opened the rope of the bag.

 As soon as the bag mouth is opened, a corner of the things is immediately exposed.

Sister Ying opened the bag and suddenly said "fuck".

 “This, this, this”

 This is not a child's toy or a flower.

 This is obviously precious jewelry.

 There are not only pearl necklaces but also mutton-fat jade pendants. There is even a night pearl?

Any one of them is worth a lot of money. Everything is top quality.

Sister Ying originally wanted to give him some gifts.

 But the prices of these things were not cheap at first glance. Even if she spent all her pocket money, she wouldn't be able to buy a return gift.

Sister Ying suddenly felt a headache when she looked at the jewelry.

If I had known I would not have accepted it, how could I pay it back now?

Also, why is that guy Rong Geer so rich all of a sudden?

I heard from ladies that he was a newly arrived wealthy businessman from Jiangnan, and his family was very rich.

Although the character is fake, the money seems to be real?

 I don’t know what that guy does at home? To be so generous.

 A bag of jewelry costs tens of thousands.

Sister Ying looked at these jewels, one was as big as two.

 You say you can give it back, but Jing Shirong may not want it. But if you don’t pay it back, you should always return the gift. But what should I give in return?

 At least the gift in return shouldn’t be too cheap.

 She fell asleep while thinking about it.

 On the second day, because she had three days off, Sister Ying slept until the sun was shining brightly before she got up.

Wu rarely got up late, so the whole family slept in the house.

 The winter sun is so warm that everyone stays indoors lazily and no one wants to get up.

 After a while, Xiao Zi came over and said, "Miss, the ladies from the prefect's family are here to play with you."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "No, what happened to them?"

 She quickly got up to get dressed and asked Xiao Zi, "Go and entertain them first, I'll be right back."

Xiao Zi sighed and went to serve tea and snacks to the ladies.

Sister Ying washed her face and simply tied a braid and came out.

 The ladies had long been accustomed to her simple hair accessories and laughed at her, "Why are you sleeping in all the time when you come back?"

Sister Ying smiled and said to herself, "It's rare to have a holiday, so I don't want to get up."

The ladies all laughed and said to her, "The weather is nice today, shall we go on a boat trip?"

 It’s a rare holiday and everyone wants to go out and play.

 In addition, there are many entertainment projects in Jiangnan, and the ladies also have many fun goals.

Sister Ying was quite interested when she heard about the cruise ship.

 “Now? Where are you going on the cruise?”

Miss Li said, "Let's go downriver and have a look. Every year during the Flower Festival, a lot of brightly colored fabrics are sold downriver. Let's go shopping, maybe there will be some good stuff."

 The ladies in Jiangnan like to buy some novel fabrics and headwear. Especially at their beauty-loving age, they all like to wear brightly colored skirts.

When Xiao Zi brought the snacks, the ladies said, "It's better not to eat yet. The sun is so warm. We'd better go back quickly, otherwise we won't have time to go shopping later."

 “Yeah, let’s go quickly.”

After saying that, he took Sister Ying and left with him.

Sister Ying didn't even have time to have breakfast, so she took the boat with them.

Miss Li's family is richer. She went to charter the boat first, and then the young lady and her maid boarded the boat together.

The boss knew them all and asked with a smile, "Are you going to the street of Hanafang in the lower reaches this time?" The ladies smiled and said yes.

 “Please paddle faster, otherwise we won’t have time to go shopping.”

 The boatman responded with a smile.

 “It’s done, let’s set off.”

 After saying that, the boat started swimming.

With an empty stomach, Sister Ying looked at other boats selling goods on the river and bought some grapes from the fruit boat selling fruit.

I also bought some mutton buns from the bun seller.

 Don’t say it yet.

Jiangnan not only sells things on the streets, there are also many boatmen selling things on the rivers.

 There is actually someone selling hot tea on the boat.

Sister Ying asked the ladies, "Do you want to drink hot tea? This tea smells very fragrant."

The ladies told her, "This is fried tea, and it is also spread from downstream. It is salty and fragrant. You can try it."

Sister Ying smelled the fragrant roasted tea and ordered it immediately.

 The boss smiled and handed them a whole pot of fried tea, and also gave them bowls to drink slowly.

 Just give it to him when the teapot comes back.

The owners of these ships all know each other, and it is easy to return things. Not afraid of losing it.

Sister Ying thought this mutually beneficial business model was quite good, so she paid the money with a smile.

 She poured a bowl of fried tea for each of them and asked them all to drink it.

 “You all have a drink to warm yourself up.”

 The ladies responded with a smile and gave the boss a bowl.

Sister Ying drank hot fried tea with mutton buns, and ate a bag of snacks, and now she wasn't hungry anymore.

By the time she finished eating, the downstream had arrived.

The boatman docked the boat, and the maids first went up to place the templates, and then helped the ladies aboard one by one.

Sister Ying didn’t need anyone to help her, but she was pulled up by Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi was already very strong, so she stood on the shore and pulled Sister Ying up, as if she was dragging something.

The actions were so rude that Sister Ying could not bear to look directly at her.

 After landing, the ladies took Sister Ying to a familiar shop.

There are also many shops in the lower reaches of the river. The clothes sold in the ready-made clothing stores are particularly eye-catching, including red, yellow, and green.

  Anyway, it comes as it is eye-catching.

 The ladies all came out with money today.

 At this moment, everyone is picking out new clothes.

This time during the Flower Festival, the store came out with a lot of new fabrics dyed with flower patterns. The ladies liked them very much and wanted to buy them one after another.

“I want this. The color of this crabapple is so realistic. I want this piece.”

 After seeing it, other ladies also went to pick out materials with flower patterns.

 Some pick pear blossoms, some pick peach blossoms, and they have everything.

Only the Lin family's daughter-in-law didn't know what she was thinking, staring at a piece of elegant white silk material in a daze.

Sister Ying asked her, "Do you like this one? Is it too plain?"

Lin’s daughter-in-law is already bright and pretty, so bright red would suit her better.

This kind of light and elegant white looks eclipsed when worn on her body.

She suddenly asked Sister Ying, "Sister Ying, what do you think of me wearing this color?"

Sister Ying huffed and told her politely.

 “I think you look better in bright red.”

Some people are just not suitable for light and elegant colors, and this is the case for Lin's daughter-in-law.

Her temperament and face are quite domineering, but she looks very strange when dressed plainly.

 (End of this chapter)

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