The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 176: , is he also called Hua Niang?

Chapter 176: Is he also called Hua Niang?

The ladies looked at her childish appearance without any doubts and laughed.

 “Okay, then I’ll accompany you to the next one.”

 Speaking, he asked the maid to pay, and then continued shopping at the next clothing store.

The next ready-to-wear store is indeed much more normal, without so many red and green materials.

Sister Ying looked around and picked a light yellow half-sleeved top.

The color of these half-sleeves is elegant, not too yellow, light yellow, and there are embroideries on it, which looks very unique.

 The inside can be paired with a white lining and an apricot pleated skirt. The whole set is so delicate.

 Other ladies saw that she looked good in her clothes and wanted to buy the same ones as hers.

Sister Ying muttered, "Why are you just like me? Can't we each have the same style?"

Lin's daughter-in-law snorted at her, "Good things need to be shared. We wear your style, and you can also wear our style."

 After that, he also asked the boss for one, "Boss, give me a set that is the same as hers. I want the red one."

 The boss smiled and said, "Okay. I'll get it for you."

The remaining ladies also wanted the same thing.

“Boss, I want the same set, the cyan one.”

 “I want the blue one.”

 “I want it too, I want it too.”

 In the end, five or six people all bought the same set.

Sister Ying sighed, and finally bought a set in a smaller size for Sister Yang.

 After everyone bought clothes, they went to a jewelry store.

Most of the jewelry here is mainly pretty. In order to please the girls, the jewelry is made very beautiful.

 The ladies went into the store together and happily chose what they liked.

 Coincidentally, this store belongs to Jing Shirong.

 Including the clothing store just now.

He had just discussed business with some wealthy businessmen, and after the discussion, he came over to look at the accounts.

 I remembered that Sister Ying was also on the street, so I came looking for her.

He thought that just now the group of little girls went to look at the clothes, and next they would look at the jewelry.

So I came here specifically to wait.

Sister Ying and the others all picked out the hairpins they liked and asked the boss about the price.

 The prices in this store are above average.

The hairpins Sister Ying and the others picked were all on the upper side, and the prices were also on the higher side.

A few ladies are rich, but they just bought too much and they don’t dare to buy.

They all have money at home, but they don’t dare to spend money lavishly, for fear of being accused of being corrupt officials. I'm hesitant to buy it.

Just as they were hesitating, Jing Shirong came in from the backyard.

 As soon as he appeared, the girls immediately opened their mouths in shock.


Lin's daughter-in-law opened her eyes wide in surprise, sighing in her heart that they were really destined.

Jing Shirong glanced at them gently, and finally said to the boss, "These girls are my friends, give them a discount. I will make up for the rest."

After hearing this, the boss sighed and calculated the prices for the girls again.

Lin's daughter-in-law looked at him in surprise, her eyes lingering, as if to say, "You actually did so much for me?"

Sister Ying.

 Falling in love makes people confused.

 The price was recalculated, and the girls went to pay with a smile.

While giving money, they secretly glanced at Jing Shirong, who was as gentle as jade.

Jing Shirong glanced at Sister Ying, didn't wait long, said goodbye and left.

While passing by Sister Ying, he took the opportunity to slip a banknote into her and let her spend it as she pleased. Sister Ying only felt an itch in her palms. She opened it and found a folded 100-tael silver note?

That guy, why is he so rich?

 And he always gave her money.

He really raised her like a child, giving her food or pocket money, which made her feel embarrassed.

 The other ladies all looked at his back in a daze, not even noticing the banknote in Sister Ying's hand.

Especially Lin's eldest daughter, after Jing Shirong left, she almost chased after her, but was caught by her companions.

 Other ladies advised her, "Don't go, it's broad daylight."

 What does it look like for a prefect’s daughter to chase a wealthy businessman?

Lin's daughter-in-law sighed, had to stop, and finally thought to herself, "He really admires me."


Have it? ? ?

 Does the wealthy businessman "Murong" admire her? ?

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Lin's daughter-in-law immediately became furious, "Why not? He just looked at me clearly."

 The other ladies said with shame, "It was clear that he was looking at Sister Ying just now."

Lin's daughter-in-law didn't believe it, and said angrily, "What's so good about Sister Ying? She's just a yellow-haired girl! Stop being jealous of me. He clearly sees me!"


  Okay, as long as you are happy.

Lin's daughter-in-law felt that they were just jealous that "Murong" liked her, so they deliberately said that Murong didn't look at her.


It is obvious that he likes her, there is nothing to deny.

 Ladies once again

Even Sister Ying wanted to laugh.

This Lin’s daughter-in-law usually looks like she’s not trashy, but at critical moments she acts silly and is a bit overconfident.

But she doesn’t have any scheming, she shows everything on her face, she is quite a simple person.

I don’t know what Brother Rong’s expression will be when he finds out that Lin’s eldest daughter likes him so much.

Seeing that Sister Ying was also in a daze, all the ladies laughed and teased her.

"No, Sister Ying, you also like that "Murong?" Look at your blushing face. "

Sister Ying, let me go and say, "I don't have one. I'm still a child. Don't talk nonsense. I just like to eat."

Lin's daughter-in-law was suddenly asked this question by the ladies, and she immediately looked at Sister Ying nervously, as if she was looking at a love rival.

I saw Sister Ying denying it later and thought about it. She really only likes to eat. She was also very calm when "Murong" was around. I thought it was because she was still young and didn't understand these kinds of love at all.

 She felt relieved when she thought about it.

 Other ladies also smiled after hearing this, but did not take it seriously.

 After they finished shopping, they took the boat and prepared to go back.

   When they were on the boat, Jing Shirong was in another boat next to them.

But their ships are obviously much more luxurious.

 There are not only curtains inside, but also beautiful flower girls.

At this time, the flower girl was singing songs to cheer them up.

There were even a few bold ones who wanted to climb onto Jing Shirong’s lap.

Lin's daughter-in-law was so jealous when she was watching here that she was so angry that she almost burst the grapes.

 The other ladies looked at it and commented.

 “It seems that all men in the world are the same, and all of them are carefree.”

Originally, they thought that because "Murong" was so handsome, he must be different from other men.

I didn’t expect that he would be so good-looking and would find a flower girl. Sure enough, all men in the world have the same virtues.

The ladies all said yes, and even commented on the flower girl.

“Look at the flower **** the left, her pockets are exposed. She looks like she’s not wearing anything. She’s really bold.”

 Other ladies said yes one after another.

Sister Ying also looked over and saw Jing Shirong talking to the man at the table.

Although the flower girl was bold, she didn't dare to actually climb on his lap, and she only tried to test him.

 (End of this chapter)

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