Chapter 177: Big misunderstanding

The Hua Niang is very knowledgeable and has seen many people, so she naturally knows which guests like to be teased and which guests don’t.

Jing Shirong felt gentle and close to them at first sight.

 But if you really get close to him, you will find that his temperament is very cold, and his eyes and the corners of his mouth are full of warning.

 Hua Niang is a master of eye contact. When she saw that Jing Shirong didn't like being near others, she sat on the ground obediently and poured him wine.

 Occasionally, I would pour a glass of wine and feed it to him myself, and he would drink it.

Sister Ying looked carefully and saw that it was just a show.

He thought he was discussing something important with a wealthy businessman. Since he couldn't reveal his identity, of course he had to make fun of him.

So drinking a glass of flower wine is helpless.

  She understood, but Lin’s daughter-in-law was so angry that she died.

 She has always regarded Jing Shirong as a man who admires her.

 When he sees other women approaching him, he will naturally become furious.

For example, right now, she was so angry that she almost broke the veil. She stood up angrily and wanted to hit the flower girl.

Sister Ying quickly grabbed her and said, "Sister Lin, don't go. We are here to discuss business."

Lin's daughter-in-law was extremely angry, "Let's just talk about business. What does a beggar mean?"

 She was so fierce that Sister Ying didn't know how to explain to Jing Shirong.

But think about it, what is she explaining to Jing Shirong? It's not necessary at all.

 Jing Shirong doesn’t like Lin’s daughter anyway, wouldn’t it be better to let Lin’s daughter misunderstand her?

So she didn't explain, and just said casually, "Didn't you just say that all men in the world are the same? Since they are all the same, they must all be playboys."

All the ladies laughed after hearing this.

 “You’re a yellow-haired girl, you learn pretty fast? You can use it even if you’re a big radish.”

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Who calls you my sister? Didn't I learn all this from you?"

Most of them are one or two years older than Sister Ying, and they all regard Sister Ying as a little kid.

 She was not included in the list of love rivals at all.

When Lin's daughter-in-law saw them saying this, she didn't rush over to them. Instead, she sat down angrily and looked at the boat opposite with wide eyes.

She complained angrily, "You said, why are all men like this? If you don't find a good girl, how can you find a flower girl? It's really self-destructive!"

How could such a pure and pure person be polluted by a flower girl?

 It’s really useless!

The ladies laughed and said, "Then he is a businessman. Businessmen are too carefree. It's not like you haven't seen the wealthy businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River. Who doesn't have ten or eight concubines carrying him home?"

 A little exaggerated is the eighteen-room concubine.

Moreover, even if you have a concubine, you will still find Yingying Yanyan outside.

These words simply disillusioned Lin's daughter-in-law's beauty in love, and she instantly lost her desire to stay.

She asked the boatman with a cold face, "Please make the boat go faster."

The boatman smiled and said yes, without losing his temper at all.

Seeing her like this, the ladies asked her tentatively, "What? Are you disappointed with "Murong"?"

Lin's daughter-in-law said loudly "Hmm", hating that iron can't make steel.

 “I never want to see him again.”

 No wonder her mother said that businessmen were unreliable, with many wives and concubines, and many concubines and concubines at home, so the head wife had no status at all.

 She didn't believe it at first, thinking that other businessmen might be like this, but "Murong" certainly wouldn't.

Who would have thought that he would have started drinking flower wine at such a young age.

Then when he gets married to him in the future, won’t he have to bring in his concubines one by one?

 Her family also has a concubine. She knows how hateful concubines are.

 So her admiration for Jing Shirong suddenly turned into disappointment. He looked like he never wanted to see him again. Sister Ying saw her look like she hated iron, and shook her head in confusion.

I thought to myself that this sister really dares to love and hate.

 One second you can't love someone, and the next second you say goodbye unilaterally.

Jing Shirong didn’t know what was happening on their side and was only seriously discussing things with the wealthy businessman.

 After a while, the two ships docked one after another, and finally met.

Lin's daughter-in-law was the first to go ashore, looked at Jing Shirong angrily, and left with a final snort.

Jing Shirong was stared at inexplicably by her, with a question mark on his face? ?

Seeing his confused look, Sister Ying covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

The ladies said goodbye and went home.

Sister Ying also went back with Xiao Zi.

 After Jing Shirong landed ashore, he deliberately took the same route as Sister Ying.

Xiao Zi also noticed Jing Shirong drinking flower wine just now, and decided that Jing Shirong was a playboy.

 So when he came closer, Xiao Zi immediately raised her face and angrily blocked Sister Ying, preventing Jing Shirong from looking at Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong was confused. He didn’t know why this girl was so hostile to him.

He thought for a while and decided to go ask Sister Ying at night.

Seeing that he finally left, Xiao Zi snorted and said to Sister Ying.

“Miss, that rich and philandering businessman was peeking at you just now, but luckily I drove him away.”

Sister Ying.

"Don't talk nonsense. They are just passing by and they don't follow us on purpose."

Xiao Zi didn’t believe it and snorted, “That’s not true, Miss, you just saw that this rich businessman flirted with Hua Niang and drank wine from Hua Niang.”

“You are so young and so dissolute, you are definitely not a good bird.”

Sister Ying.

 “Don’t talk nonsense, I haven’t offended you.”

Xiao Zi suddenly became unhappy when she saw that she always spoke for the "rich businessman".

"Miss, you can't do this. We can't just look at people by their appearance, but also by their character and morality."

"Don't think that the rich businessman is good-looking and just say good things for him. You will be deceived."

Sister Ying was amused when she saw her preaching with a serious face.

 Smiled and said, "What you said is not unreasonable. However, the book says that people should not be judged by their appearance. When you do not have a deep understanding of the other person, your judgment of others may not necessarily be correct."

Xiao Zi didn’t believe it, “Anyway, I think he’s just a playboy. A serious person wouldn’t drink the wine fed by a flower girl. I won’t drink it.”

They also moved Liang Jin out.

Sister Ying was amused to death by her stubbornness and said nothing more.

 “Okay, as long as you’re happy.”

This girl is simple and won't believe her no matter how much she says, so let's just leave it like this.

 When she knows the truth later, her expression will become more interesting.

 After returning home, Sister Ying distributed all the gifts she bought today.

Wu asked her how she was playing outside.

Sister Ying replied, "It's good. I went shopping, ate, and bought so much. I'm very happy~"

Mrs. Wu touched her head and asked Xiao Zi.

 “Is there anything unusual today?”

 Xiao Zi nodded immediately, "Yes, madam. We happened to meet that little Pan An on the way back."

“But he is not a serious person. He only called four of the flower girls on the boat, and he even drank wine from the flower girls. He couldn’t stand it.”

   Please vote, Bai style "please please" haha ​​^_^(▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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