The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 178: , Mrs. Li wants to introduce it to Sister Ying.

Chapter 178, Mrs. Li wants to introduce Sister Ying

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu was slightly surprised, "Really?"

She had met that handsome and wealthy businessman once. He was a young man with a very clean temperament. How could he still imitate others and drink flower wine?

Xiao Zi saw that she didn’t believe it and immediately told her what happened on the flower boat.

 She said what she said and added insult to injury.

"Madam, you don't know, that Murong is clearly a playboy. Not only did he drink wine on the flower boat, but he also hugged the flower girl. The flower girl sat on his lap and lost all her clothes."

Sister Ying.

 “Xiao Zi, don’t talk nonsense.”

The flower girl didn’t sit on Murong’s lap at all.

 The clothes are still there, not as exaggerated as Xiao Zi said.

But Xiao Zi still regarded Jing Shirong as a playboy, and angrily complained to Mrs. Wu, "Madam, we just came back, and that **** was still following us."

 “If I hadn’t scared him away, who knows what would have happened to him!” He said with a look of indignation.

Sister Ying again.

Even Mrs. Wu couldn't bear to look directly at her. She couldn't help laughing and said, "You girl, don't talk nonsense. How could someone follow you in broad daylight?"

 Besides, her first impression of the young Pan An was quite good.

People's eyes can't deceive. That little Pan An looked at her with respect, so Wu didn't believe that he would do anything rude.

Seeing that Mrs. Wu didn’t believe it, Xiao Zi wanted to show her heart to Mrs. Wu.

He swore to Mr. Wu, "Madam, what I said is true."

  Why doesn’t anyone believe her?

Mrs. Liang came to listen to their conversation. Seeing Xiao Zi's anger, she smiled and asked her, "You girl, who made you angry? Your face is as angry as a cutting board."

Also has a face with Chinese characters, but now it becomes arrogant, and the face is as square as a big cutting board.

When Xiao Zi heard that Mrs. Liang said she looked like a cutting board, she immediately felt aggrieved and said, "Why are you like this?"

  It is already ugly enough, but now it is said that it looks like a cutting board. How about a square cutting board?

The Wu family members all laughed when they saw her like this.

Jing Shirong is eavesdropping on the top of the tree at the moment.

 It’s not that he wanted to eavesdrop, it’s just that someone with good martial arts also has good hearing.

Especially their voices are quite loud.

Hearing the laughter of several people in the room, Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying and Aunt Wu believed him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

 Whether it is in a shopping mall or an officialdom, when interacting with people, it is inevitable that you need to socialize.

 Where there is entertainment, good wine and beauty are indispensable.

 At this time, you need to play the game, otherwise you will not be able to cope with it.

I didn’t expect Sister Ying to be quite smart at such a young age.

 Or maybe she is young and doesn’t understand that, so she just thinks he is playing with others.

 No matter what it is, that little girl is still lovable.

 Inside the house.

Sister Ying and her children did not know that there was a master hidden on the top of the tree.

 Still talking and laughing.

Wu Shi also went shopping with a few ladies today.

 She asked Sister Ying, "Do you remember that Mrs. Li?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Remember, her family seems to be quite wealthy."

 Today is the boat her daughter chartered.

Mrs. Wu nodded and continued, "Mrs. Li is really overly enthusiastic. She keeps trying to find a matchmaker for you, and she always wants to introduce her nephew to her. She just wants me to see her nephew."

After hearing this, Mrs. Liang was not very happy, "Doesn't his family have a son of appropriate age? Why not talk about her son? Do you have to talk about her nephew? There must be something fishy in this."

 Wu thought so too. "I thought so too. I deliberately teased her and asked her, "Isn't your son very good? Guess what she said. "

Mrs. Liang was curious, "What did she say?"

Mrs. Wu sneered and hummed, "When she heard what I said, she seemed stunned for a moment, and then she looked like she had a guilty conscience, and then hurriedly explained."

“Several of her sons have to go to Beijing to take the exam. They don’t have time to delay Sister Ying.”


Even if she goes to Beijing to take the exam, it will only take a year and a half. Sister Ying is almost thirteen, and she will only be fourteen in a year and a half. Why can't she wait?

 To put it bluntly, it’s not because their family is not substantial enough. Then he didn't want to push his son out, but insisted on pushing his mother's nephew.

Mrs. Liang was very unhappy after hearing this, "Then what does her natal nephew do? Can you ask?"

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Asked, her natal nephew is an uneducated person. Although his family is also an official, he doesn't know where the money comes from. That kid is also a spender and doesn't know how to make money. There’s no fame either.”

 After hearing this, Mrs. Liang became angry instantly.

 “How can she have the nerve to introduce such a person to you!!”

Is it possible that their outstanding granddaughter can only marry that kind of uneducated trash?

Seeing that Mrs. Liang was very angry, Mrs. Wu was also very angry.

“I will never associate with this kind of person in the future. I feel bad after seeing him.”

Aren’t there a few stinky money? Who knows where the money comes from.

 It may mean that it comes from corruption.

Someday they are found out by the superiors, and they will be in trouble.

Old Mrs. Liang shared her hatred and said, "That's right, what the hell!"

 After saying that, he also said to Sister Ying, "Don't associate with that Miss Li from now on, be careful that you will be tricked by others. You are the rat **** of the whole family!"

Sister Ying felt ashamed and recalled, "I don't know Miss Li very well. I don't have much contact with her."

Mrs. Wu also said, "If you don't have contact, you don't need to contact them. That family is not a serious person. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

Sister Ying did not refute, she just made a note of it in her mind.

Jing Shirong, who was on the top of the tree, narrowed his eyes slightly and his mood suddenly worsened.

 “Li family?”

  It is a member of the corruption list.

This Li family seems to be making money by opening a shop, but in fact, they make a lot of money from corruption every year.

 Including Mrs. Li’s natal family, the corruption is even more serious.

Jing Shirong had already obtained evidence of the Li family’s corruption a few days ago.

However, the evidence has not yet been collected for all the people on the corruption list. It is still necessary to obtain all the evidence of corruption before these people can be brought to justice.

 So we can't touch the Li family members for the time being to avoid disturbing the situation.

But if Mrs. Li dares to have ideas about Sister Ying, don't blame him for secretly attacking the Li family.

 The little girls I have seen since childhood are not the kind of uneducated swingers who can blaspheme.

Jing Shirong left angrily.

Sister Ying seemed to hear something in the house. She opened the window to look, but saw no one.

She only has the Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu, which can be used to beat ordinary people. If she is a master, she will definitely not be her opponent.

There was no other way. Her mother also wanted to send her to learn superb martial arts, but she didn't know where the master was, so she had no place to learn it.

 Plus now that she is older, Mrs. Wu is even less willing to go out to tan, so she only learns some self-defense martial arts. She can barely escape with Qinggong, and forget about the rest.

 The next day is also the last day of vacation.

 Early in the morning, several ladies came to see her.

 Xiao Zi came to report, "Miss, those ladies are here to see you again today."

 (End of this chapter)

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