The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 179: , first deceive Sister Ying out

Chapter 179, first trick Sister Ying out

Sister Ying said "huh?" "Again?"

Is it possible that they haven’t had enough fun?

She originally wanted to lie lazily at home for a day.

Xiao Zi said, "Only two ladies came this time, and one of them is the Miss Li we talked about yesterday."

Sister Ying asked suspiciously, "She came to see me?"

Haven’t he been instigated by Mrs. Li to work as a lobbyist for her? ?

When Xiao Zi heard this, she immediately became unhappy and said angrily, "Miss, why don't I just go and send them away. Then Mrs. Li has no good intentions, maybe her daughter also wants to harm you."

 Xiao Zi may be exaggerating, but Sister Ying also has to be vigilant.

 But if you don’t go out this time, the other party will keep asking you out next time.

 It’s better to go out with her and see what her purpose is.

After hearing this, Xiao Zi immediately advised, "You'd better not go. My wife has asked you not to associate with her. What will you do if she harms you later?"

Sister Ying thought about it and said, "Okay, then tell them that I'm still sleeping and don't want to go out today, so I can send them away."

Xiao Zi sighed and left.

 After a while, she came back triumphantly.

Sister Ying knew it was done when she saw her like this.

But he still teased her with a smile, "You sent me away?"

 Xiao Zi said proudly, "Of course, don't underestimate me."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I don't dare to underestimate you. You are so powerful. You have sent all the bad guys away."

Xiao Zi couldn’t hear her teasing, so she believed it to be true and was very happy.

“Don’t worry, I will send those people to you next time this happens again.”

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't refute.

 The next day.

 The three-day vacation is finally over, and Sister Ying and her children are finally going to the college again.

   Kang Geer and Sen Geer went to school early in the morning carrying their school bags.

Sister Ying also packed up and took Sister Yang to go to the women's college together.

As soon as I entered the academy, I saw the ladies chatting.

Miss Li’s eyes flashed when she saw her, and she took the initiative to come over and talk to Sister Ying.

“Sister Ying, I came to see you yesterday. Why didn’t you come out to play?”

Sister Ying glanced at her and saw that her face was normal, so she faked a smile and said, "I want to sleep in at home, so I won't go out."

Miss Li said oh without saying anything, and then added, "Then let's go to Yipinzhai to eat beef noodles next time? Their beef is bought from far away, which is different from ours. ”

 Generally, cattle are not allowed to be killed. Unless they die of illness or fall, there is basically no one selling beef on the street.

 But here in the south of the Yangtze River, there are many merchants coming and going, so it is not surprising that all kinds of meat are available.

Yipinzhai’s food is considered to be the most expensive dish on the street, with a dish sometimes costing as much as one hundred taels.

Sister Ying originally wanted to visit Yipinzhai and learn the business model of the high-end inn here, but she never had the chance.

 On weekdays, when my family goes out to eat, they stay at a mid-range inn at most.

Like Yipinzhai, a dish costs one hundred taels, and a meal costs five or six hundred taels, which is simply not within the reach of ordinary people.

  Even though Sister Ying’s family is not poor, they are not so rich as to be filthy rich.

Seeing that her eyes were a little loose, Miss Li coaxed, "Let's go and eat together. Call Sister Shanglin and let's go to taste Yipinzhai together in the evening."

"It is said that the beef noodles are very fragrant. Not only the meat is fragrant and tender, but the soup base is even more fragrant. It makes people drool." Sister Ying loves to eat, especially the more things she can't eat, the more she wants to eat. .

Beef is a rare thing nowadays, and Yipinzhai’s reputation is already very good. If you don’t know anyone, you won’t be able to make an appointment.

Moreover, your acquaintance must be a top member in order to choose a good location.

This business model has always been what Sister Ying wanted, but she struggled with the lack of experience and money.

Now that she had the opportunity to go and see it, she was really moved.

And if she doesn’t go this time, Miss Li will definitely continue to ask her out.

Since she has such a strong purpose, why not go with her and see what her purpose is?

“Okay, but Yipinzhai’s dishes seem to be expensive, right?”

 She deliberately said she couldn't afford it. Look at Miss Li's attitude.

Sure enough, Miss Li saw that she had some signs of wanting to go, and immediately said generously, "It's okay, we are all friends. Since you want to go, I will treat you once, but don't tell anyone else about this."

Sister Ying pretended to ask her, "Aren't the others going? Wouldn't it be bad if we were the only ones to go? One day they will find out what they are going to say."

Miss Li thought about it carefully, and as if something suddenly occurred to her, she agreed, "Okay, then we will have a rare luxury this time, and treat you as my birthday."

 In fact, her pocket money is enough. The main purpose of saying this is to let Sister Ying remember how good she is.

Seeing that she was willing to spend money, Sister Ying became more and more certain that she had some agenda.

But since she is so eager to ask her out, let's go and see her together, so as not to have to guess her purpose all the time.

So when school was over, three or five ladies went to Yipizhai together.

None of the ladies at Yipinzhai have been there yet, and they were very excited along the way.

They all asked Miss Li, "Why did you suddenly think of inviting us to Yipizhai today?"

 Miss Li often invited ladies to dinner in the past, so the ladies did not doubt her purpose.

 Furthermore, everyone knew that the Li family was rich, so they didn’t think much about it.

Ms. Li was afraid that they would make random guesses, so she said the words she had thought of in advance.

“Because Yipinzhai has released new beef noodles and beef jerky, which are said to be very fragrant and nourish the body. Let’s go and have a meal. It is also good for the body.”

After hearing this, all the ladies had no doubts and immediately started talking about beef.

“I’ve eaten marinated beef jerky before, and it’s delicious. It’s also delicious dry.”

 Other ladies also said, "Our family has eaten beef cubes before, and it was very fragrant. However, my servants are not very good at cooking beef. The cooked beef was a bit too old to be able to bite."

Miss Li breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that they had changed the topic.

She turned her head and glanced at her maid, indicating for her to get ready.

Sister Ying saw her actions from the side and gave Xiao Zi a look with her eyes, telling her to go back and call someone first, lest something happen later and someone comes too late.

 Xiao Zi had made eye contact with her many times and immediately understood what she meant.

After the two maids left, Miss Li came over, took Sister Ying’s hand, and asked her, “Why is your maid gone?

Sister Ying, "Oh, I asked her to go back and talk to my mother, so as not to worry her if she goes back too late."

Ms. Li frowned, but quickly relaxed.

She thought to herself that her plan should not be noticed.

 If Sister Ying had noticed it, she would definitely not have come with her, so she must not have noticed it.

Thinking of this, Ms. Li felt relieved.

The group came to Yipinzhai happily, and Miss Li went over to make a reservation with the shopkeeper.

 (End of this chapter)

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