The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 180: , the purpose of the Li family

 Chapter 180, Li family’s purpose

Since they had made a reservation in advance, the shopkeeper quickly took them to sit in a private room on the third floor.

 This inn has six floors in total and is the largest and most luxurious inn in Jiangnan.

 The guests who come are either rich or noble.

Sister Ying has always wanted to open a mysterious inn of this type, so she decided to come here to learn.

 As soon as you enter the inn, you will see the high-end and tasteful decoration style inside.

 The items inside range from tables and screens to bowls, chopsticks and plates, all of which are valuable.

Even the stairs are made of yellow flower wood and are covered with beautiful Persian mats. When you step on them, the sound is quiet and the feet feel very good.

The privacy upstairs is also very good. Only after the guests at one table go up, the guests at the other table will come down. There are trained waiters watching the time.

 After arriving on the third floor, Miss Li decided to sit next to the window.

This private room is very spacious, and the chairs inside all have backrests and even cushions.

The plates and teacups on the table are all Jingdezhen’s finest products, beautiful and expensive.

Sister Ying was amazed when she saw it.

 Hand Road, this inn is simply my ideal type.

 The type of inn she wants to open is Yipizhai.

I didn’t expect that someone in Jiangnan has already opened an inn like this. It’s really insightful.

I don’t know who the owner of this inn is? The design concept is so good.

 Not only is the design concept good, but the taste is also surprisingly good.

 In this private room, from the windows to the screens to the tables, everything is perfectly coordinated.

I really don’t know whether this Visible Room was designed by one person or if many people were invited to design it.

Sister Ying really wants to know.

Miss Li saw her in a daze and asked her, "Sister Ying, what are you thinking about?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, I'm just curious about who opened this inn. The taste is really good."

Miss Li really doesn’t know.

“I only came here once with my mother, and I never met the innkeeper.”

The owner of this inn has always been very mysterious. The guests who have been here for a year have never met the owner once, which shows how mysterious he is.

When Sister Ying heard this, she became more and more curious.

It is said that the less you know something, the more you want to know.

 She was really curious about who opened this inn.

I asked all the ladies, but they all said they didn’t know.

Sister Ying believes that they don’t know, but their father may know, but he just won’t tell them.

 She stopped asking if she couldn't figure it out. Instead, she stood up and looked around.

 Because every place in this house was so exquisite, she wanted to see more and gain more knowledge.

Miss Li felt a little panicked when she saw her walking around.

 But when I thought about it, she didn't mean to do anything bad, she was just helping to pull the strings, and there was no need to feel guilty.

So she opened the window while the ladies were not paying attention, and coughed as a signal.

 When the people in the private room next door heard the coughing sound, they immediately understood it and came over pretending to do so.

“Cousin, is that you? I thought I heard your voice just now.”

 Having said that, I didn’t need to ask anyone’s opinion, I just opened the door and came in.

 This is obviously a good game done in advance.

 Because there is a waiter guarding the door of each compartment.

Those waiters looked very heavy. Sister Ying observed the waiters when she came here and felt that those people should have martial arts skills.

 But the man next door suddenly broke in so easily, it was obviously a plan that had been planned in advance.

The man who broke in was Mrs. Li's natal nephew. This man's name is Li Shengbao. Because he is the legitimate son and the only son in the family, he has been doted on lawlessly since he was a child.

In addition, their family’s official position was actually bought, and they had little education at all, let alone becoming more arrogant after becoming officials.

Li Shengbao's father seemed to be suffering from infertility symptoms. Although there were many wives and concubines at home, Li Shengbao still only had one son.

 For this son, the family will naturally do their best to pamper him.

 But it was also because he was spoiled too much that Li Shengbao was uneducated and incompetent.

Li Shengbao was originally a dissolute person. He drank wine with his friends since he was a child, and his body was damaged by alcohol since he was a child.

 Before they got married, the concubines in the family were taken over one after another.

If it weren’t for the fear of dissatisfaction from the in-laws in the future, the backyard would be full.

The matter of concubines is easy to talk about. As long as the in-laws are not satisfied, the worst they can do is give away all the concubines.

The key is that Li Shengbao's health has been getting worse and worse in the past two years, and the tenth concubine did not take any anti-pregnant medicine, and surprisingly, not one of them got pregnant.

His father was afraid that he would suffer from infertility like himself, so he became afraid.

  Later, I was afraid that Li Shengbao would really not be able to have a baby, so I quickly found a wife for him.

 But the news that Li Shengbao was having trouble conceiving leaked out for some unknown reason. People immediately knew about his illness, and naturally they refused to marry.

 The daughter of an official is not stupid, and the family is not short of money, so why would she marry a man who is uneducated and incapable of having children?

Of course he refused.

 The Li family looks down on business girls.

 After all, their family finally bought a high-ranking official. If they married a businessman's daughter, it would be a setback.

So the businessman’s wife gave up.

 But this is not an option without getting married.

So the Li family went to have their fortunes told, hoping to find the most blessed daughter-in-law for their son so that he could get a boy at one stroke.

 In the end, after all the calculations, I figured out my eyebrows.

The fortune teller said that Li Shengbao should find a daughter of an official from a distant place, with big eyes and white skin, so that she could have a prosperous husband and children.

The Li family followed the fortune-telling requirements and found a few fortune tellers, but their daughters all had small eyes and yellow skin, not white skin.

It wasn’t until Sister Ying appeared that Mrs. Li’s eyes lit up.

  I thought to myself, isn’t this the destined daughter-in-law of my natal nephew?

 That's why Mrs. Li was so eager to introduce Li Shengbao to Mrs. Wu.

 After all, her mother’s family is good, so it’s good for her too, right?

 That’s why she tried her best to match up.

But Mrs. Wu was obviously not fooled, so she had no choice but to ask her daughter to ask Sister Ying out, and then asked Li Shengbao to seduce Sister Ying.

As long as Sister Ying likes Li Shengbao, won't the marriage be a matter of course?

If Sister Ying does not agree, it will not be up to her whether to marry or not.

So Miss Li specially found Sister Ying today, just to let her meet her cousin and create a spark of love.

Li Shengbao has experienced a lot of women, and he is easy to catch with sweet words, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to catch a little girl.

So he looked straight at Sister Ying, trying to make her blush.

Sister Ying looked up at him and then walked aside, not bothering to look at him a second time.

 She had roughly guessed this when Li Shengbao came over.

 Fortunately, there were many people present today, so there was no need to deliberately avoid them.

But the Li family is really overconfident.

 Just the virtue of Li Shengbao? Still want to seduce her?

Li Shengbao looked like a man about to die because he had been drinking and drinking meat all year round.

Which blind girl would like this?

 (End of this chapter)

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