Chapter 181, The Narcissistic Toad

Miss Li was also shocked when she first saw Li Shengbao.

 She hasn't seen Li Shengbao for almost a year, and she didn't expect that her cousin would be so ugly now.

 In the past, he was a white-faced scholar, clean and elegant.

 Coupled with the rich clothing and money on hand, it adds a bit more temperament.

Moreover, he has a sweet mouth and is very good at coaxing girls. Many unmarried girls in Yunying blushed when they heard him say a few words.

 But when I saw him today, he seemed to have some strange disease. He had bloated cheeks, a belly full of fat, and big fat ears. He was really ugly.

 Let alone Sister Ying, even she was very disgusted when she saw it.

Miss Li turned back and glanced at Sister Ying, hoping that Sister Ying was young and could be easier to deceive.

So she pretended to invite Li Shengbao in and introduced him to everyone.

“Everyone, this is my cousin, his name is Li Shengbao. I didn’t expect him to be here too. What a coincidence.”

The ladies glanced at Li Shengbao, then looked away in disgust, and even gave the maid a look to ask her to put up the screen.

Sister Ying also wanted to walk over and hide behind the screen to avoid burning her eyes.

But Miss Li obviously didn't want her to hide away, so she grabbed her sleeve and said with a fake smile, "Sister Ying, this is my cousin."

Li Shengbao looked Sister Ying up and down and saw that she was quite pretty, so he nodded with satisfaction.

If it weren't for the fear that he would not be able to succeed, he wouldn't bother to come here to coax everyone.

  After all, he is so rich and looks very talented. If he waved casually, many girls would chase him.

 There is no need for him to seduce the girl himself.

However, the fortune teller mentioned that he should find a wife from an official family who was destined to have a prosperous husband and son so that he could have a wife, so he could only reluctantly come.

Sister Ying felt a little nauseous when she saw the mean smile on his face.

Isn't this guy mentally ill? Do you think that if you smile ugly, others will fall in love with you?


 It’s really off-putting.

Sister Ying really couldn't stand the sour smell of the other party, so she walked over to sit next to the lady.

Miss Li saw this and reached out to grab her arm.

Pretending to chat with Li Shengbao, he said, "Cousin, what did you order today? Our food hasn't been served yet."

Li Shengbao stared at Sister Ying greedily and said with a mean smile, "We ordered the jade table today, which has ten dishes. Why don't you join us?"

 The folk customs here are civilized, and some men and women eat at the same table, but most of them are children of relatives who gather together.

With someone with such a bad reputation like Li Shengbao, naturally no lady would be willing to have dinner with them.

Sister Ying even took off Miss Li's hand and said unhappy, "Miss Li, why are you always holding on to me? I want to sit with Sister Lin and the others."

The ladies were originally wondering why Sister Ying hadn't come back yet, but when they heard her voice, they sent a maid out to bring Sister Ying back.

They have all heard of Li Shengbao's bad reputation as a wine and meat lover, so naturally they don't want to stay with him.

 Fortunately, the screen here is very large. Once it is blocked in front of the table, it is almost impossible to see anyone inside from the outside.

Sister Ying gave Miss Li a meaningful look, and finally she and the maid went behind the screen to sit with a few ladies.

Li Shengbao was a little annoyed when he saw the duck in his mouth flying away.

 He is shameless and wants to sit and have dinner with the ladies.

Then he said, "Otherwise, our private room is big, and the sisters can come over to eat together."

Miss Li opened her mouth and responded quickly, "Okay."

She turned back to look at the lady behind the screen and said, "How about we go over there?"

None of the ladies were willing, so they said, "No, we want to talk about sisters here. Miss Li, if you want to go, you can go. Anyway, you are cousins, so it's okay to get together."                                                                                                            If you want to go, Miss Li, you can go Don't go.

Miss Li was a little angry when she saw that none of them were supportive, so she angrily went over to Li Shengbao and wanted to discuss other solutions.

 After they passed next door, the other ladies whispered.

“This Li Shengbao is really getting more and more useless. His face looks as greasy as if he had eaten a bucket of oil.”

 Not only oily, but also fat.

Other ladies said one after another, "Yes, she used to be quite pretty, but now her belly is bigger than that of a pregnant woman. It's really off-putting to look at."

Sister Ying very much agrees.

“I almost vomited just now. This is so much worse than “Murong”.”

Hearing her disgusting tone, the ladies all laughed.

“Okay, our sister Ying who only likes to eat and sleep knows how to look at beauty and ugliness. As expected, there will be no harm if there is no comparison.”

 “Yeah, hahaha.”

The ladies were chatting and laughing, and did not think of going anywhere else.

 It was Li Shengbao on the other side who looked very ugly after hearing what they said.

Ms. Li couldn't deny what the ladies said. After all, her cousin had indeed gained weight in the past two years, and his eyes were all fat. No wonder the girls didn't like him.

If her mother hadn't tried her best to persuade her, she wouldn't have had the confidence to bring him and Sister Ying together.

 Li Shengbao had once been so intimidated by women that he almost rushed over and had a big quarrel with them.

Every woman he has come into contact with in the past has always complimented him on how good-looking he is. When has he ever been disliked?


 As expected, the daughter of an official is arrogant and rude, no wonder her mother doesn't like her.

Seeing that he was so angry, Miss Li asked weakly, "Cousin, are you still chasing after Miss Liang?"

Li Shengbao was disgusted and aroused his desire to win. He was determined to win. "Chase, why don't you chase?"

She's just a yellow-haired girl, and she comes from the countryside, so I don't believe he can't get it!

If she is really that disobedient, just give me a cup of medicine when the time comes. She will have to agree even if she doesn’t agree!

Ms. Li was afraid that his methods would be too vicious, so she advised, "Her father is the magistrate of the state after all. Don't go too far. Just a little bit will do, otherwise it will be bad for everyone."

 But Li Shengbao did not take Liang Jin seriously at all.

“He is just a poor official. He has no money and no power, so there is nothing to be afraid of.”

Any patrolman in Jiangnan is more powerful than Liang Jin, so he will not be afraid of a small magistrate with no money and power.

Although Ms. Li felt that this was not a good thing, she could not stop it.

 The whole family agreed, but what she said didn't work, so we just ignored it.

Li Shengbao asked her, "Tell me the time when you go to and from the academy, and tell me clearly what the little girl likes to eat and what she uses."

Wanting to please a yellow-haired girl, isn’t it easy?

 Just give her something she likes and you can ask her out.

After hearing this, Miss Li thought it made sense, so she told Li Shengbao the time that Sister Ying went to college every day.

 Tell him everything including what Sister Ying likes to eat and what she likes to play.

This box.

Seeing that Miss Li had not come back for a long time, Sister Ying and her children asked in surprise, "Why hasn't Miss Li come back yet? What on earth are you talking about with her cousin?"

The ladies were bored, so they started to guess, "They are not talking about us, are they?"

 (End of this chapter)

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