Chapter 184, Mr. Wu is angry

Li Shengbao became angrier the more he thought about it.

  “No, I can’t swallow this breath without revenge.”

Mr. Li also thought, "But you don't even know who the other party is, how can you deal with this hatred?"

Li Shengbao recalled that he only offended the Liang family girl today. Could it be her?

 But she is just a girl, how can she have such great ability?

  Or did she pay someone to take care of herself?

 The more Li Shengbao thought about it, the more he was right.

"Dad, I know who it is. It must be that **** girl from the Liang family who hired someone to beat me. She wants to beat me to death! I must take revenge!"

Mr. Li clicked his tongue, not quite believing it.

“How can she, a little girl, understand this? She can’t.”

The Liang family has only been here for a long time, how could it be that they have their own power?

 Furthermore, none of the assassins here are acquainted with each other, and it is impossible to find their addresses, let alone hire them to kill people.

 So Mr. Li does not believe that Sister Ying has the ability to hire a killer to kill her son.

 He advised Li Shengbao.

"I'm afraid you are overthinking it. That girl from the Liang family is going to give you a son. Don't deal with her blindly. She must be someone from outside."

Li Shengbao didn't believe it and muttered, "It's her. I can't guess wrong. I'm just having trouble with her today. She must be the one who wants to kill me."

Seeing that he was stubborn, Mr. Li said, "Okay, okay, dad knows. Next time, dad will help you teach her a lesson. You go back to recover first."

Li Shengbao saw that his own father wanted to avenge him, so he went into the house cursing.

His mouth was full of **** words about wanting that girl to die miserably.

 Master Li sighed and shook his head when he saw that he was still so incompetent.

 After his wife saw it, she came over and asked, "What's wrong? My son made you angry again?"

Mr. Li shook his head and sighed, "He didn't come back yesterday. He said he was beaten by someone and even said someone wanted to beat him to death."

 The fat Mrs. Li suddenly became worried when she heard that her son had been beaten.

"What? My son was beaten? Who dares to beat my son if he doesn't care about his life!"

 After saying that, he angrily went to see Li Shengbao.

As soon as the stout Mrs. Li saw Li Shengbao's porky face, she immediately screamed, "Oh my god, who has been stabbed a thousand times, but he beat my son like this."

Li Shengbao suddenly started mumbling when he saw his mother coming.

"It's that dead girl from the Liang family. She must have sent someone to beat me. Mother, you have to avenge me."

The stout Mrs. Li didn’t ask why, and immediately asked someone to go to the Liang family to settle accounts with Sister Ying.

Mr. Li can't even stop him.

 Last but not least, Mrs. Li, who was naked, took a dozen servants to Sister Ying's house.

Just when Sister Ying got home from school, Mrs. Li came over with a group of servants.

She stood at the door of Liang's house, put her hands on her hips, and shouted, "You **** girl named Liang, get out of here!"

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang heard the noise in the house and opened the door to take a look.

 “Who is it? What are you talking about?”

Just as Sister Ying was about to go out, Mrs. Wu asked Xiao Zi to watch her and not allow her to come out.

As soon as Mrs. Liang came out, Mrs. Li immediately stared at her with her hands on her hips.

 She is very fat, and she looks even more fat because of her red dress.

Fat Mrs. Li put her hands on the waist of the bucket and glared at Old Mrs. Liang with her fat and big-eared face full of anger.

 “Old woman, call your dead girl out quickly, I have to beat her to death today!”

Mrs. Li was originally born as a merchant, and she was a bandit merchant.

  Not a serious businessman.

Their family's initial business was all about cheating and cheating. Later, when they became rich, they bought offices for men. Even though he is an official now, he is deeply unconventional and deeply rooted.

 She heard Li Dasheng say that she was avenged by Sister Ying because she wanted to win over her son, and she came to avenge her son in anger.

She thought that as long as she talked about the matter, Sister Ying would not be able to live anymore, and in the end she could only go to her house as a concubine and let her son play with her, and she was very good at making plans.

It's a pity that the Liang family is not a soft persimmon and will not let her do what she wants.

Old Mrs. Liang looked at her fat look and said disgustedly with her chrysanthemum face, "Where does this fat woman come from? The six layers of flesh on her belly are almost bursting through her clothes. Ugly people are really making trouble."


"What did you say!!"

Mrs. Li obviously didn't expect that she would dare to say that about herself, and her face turned green with anger.

She hates people calling her fat the most, but this **** old woman dares to say it openly.

It’s not too dark now, and it’s time for people to go home and make dinner.

 In the evening, the people who were going home saw someone quarreling here and came over to watch.

The fat Mrs. Li is a shameless person. She doesn't feel embarrassed when people come to watch. Instead, she feels that she can perform better when people are present.

Then she yelled angrily, "You old lady, stop talking nonsense and call your **** girl out. My son was just kind enough to treat her to some candied haws, but she actually dared to ask someone to beat him. It's simply arrogant!"

  Wu immediately guessed who she was.

 Mei Yan’s face suddenly became as cold as ice.

Mrs. Liang had never seen her daughter-in-law's face so cold, and she suddenly stood behind her in fear.

  Wu took a step forward with a sneer on his lips.

“Madam, who are you?”

Seeing Mrs. Wu's beauty, the plump Mrs. Li was jealous and disdainful in her heart. She snorted, "I am Li Shengbao's mother. Where is your daughter, please call me."

“She dared to ask someone to beat my son, I must beat her to death today!”

Wu raised the corner of her mouth coldly and looked at her with cold eyes, "Who is Li Shengbao? What does it have to do with my daughter? We don't know you."

 They have just arrived in Jiangnan not long ago, so it is normal for them not to know Li Shengbao.

 But on this street, basically everyone has heard of Li Shengbao.

Who doesn’t know about the good-for-nothing son of the Li family? Only newcomers like the Liang family don’t know about it.

The plump Mrs. Li saw that Mrs. Wu didn't know her son and said angrily, "Don't try to pretend to me. Everyone knows that my son is very talented and generous. He is liked by all girls. Maybe your daughter likes my son too." "

Mrs. Wu sneered, "Madam, you are really good at joking. Looking at your broad face and arrogant posture, your son cannot be as talented as you are."

What Wu said so straightforwardly made the people watching the show laugh.

 The fat Mrs. Li saw everyone laughing at her and glared at Mrs. Wu angrily.

 “Tell me again!”

Wu Shi smiled and said nothing, looking at her coldly with an expression like you are a bastard.

"What? Am I right? Isn't Madam's body cross-legged? Looking at your sideways belly, it would take at least three pieces of cloth to wrap it up."



 The fat Mrs. Li was so **** off by her.

Especially when the people around her were laughing at her. Suddenly he stamped his feet angrily.

"shut up!"

Mrs. Wu said calmly, "Also, what did you just say? What did you say you wanted to do with my daughter? With your figure, my daughter shouldn't be able to offend you, right? Four of them are not enough to stand up to one of you. You'd better stop making fun of me like a troupe."


"you you you."

 The fat Mrs. Li was simply no match for Mrs. Wu. Her face suddenly turned red with anger, as if her liver had been hurt by the anger.

 (End of this chapter)

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