The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 185: , Wu's quarrel with others

Chapter 185, Wu’s quarrel

Mrs. Wu sneered and continued, "Also, what did you just say about my daughter bullying your son? Are you making a show of it? My daughter is only twelve years old this year. How old is your son? Looking at your age, why? He must be forty-five, right?”

"You are an old woman in your forties or fifties, so your son must be in his thirties or forties."

“What does a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties have to do with my twelve-year-old daughter?”

“Oh, you said that your middle-aged son was beaten by my twelve-year-old daughter? If I tell you this, would you believe it?”

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

“That’s right, the daughter of Mrs. Liang’s family is small and skinny. There are five or six girls who are not as good as Mrs. Li. A girl like this can still beat your son. You are really teasing us to death.”

"That's right, don't let your son offend someone and accidentally let someone beat him, so he came to slander a little girl. It's really funny."

“Hahaha, yes, it’s really embarrassing. Who would believe an adult who said he was beaten by a little girl?”

At a glance, the people, my words, each of the jokes, Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li came over in a very aggressive manner, but who knew she would be laughed at?

Her anger was directed at everyone.

 “You, you.”

 The people are not afraid of him.

The streets here are full of family members of officials, who is afraid of whom?

 Everyone knows how the officials of the Li family came to be.

The Li family only has a few bad guys. Even if there are many thugs in the family, is it possible that they would still dare to beat people blatantly?

 No one is afraid of her, so naturally they dare to laugh at her.

Sister Ying was locked up by Xiao Zi in the house and couldn't get out at all.

 She was so anxious that Xiao Zi wouldn't let her out.

"No, you can't go out. Madam said you can't come forward in this matter."

Sister Ying couldn't go out, so she could only lie by the door and eavesdrop.

She listened carefully to what was going on outside and saw that her mother was full of arrogance and fighting power. She had already forced the fat Mrs. Li to retreat steadily. It seemed that victory was possible.

Fat Mrs. Li did not expect that she, who always showed off her power, would be attacked by a thin woman, and she felt very unwilling to do so.

So she continued mumbling, using her loud voice.

"I won't argue with you. Anyway, the matter of my son being beaten by your daughter cannot be ignored. You must give me an explanation!"

Wu made a cold "cut~" sound.

“You said my daughter asked someone to beat your son? Do you have evidence? My daughter is still a child. Can a child ask someone to beat your son??”

"Also, doesn't your son have any servants around him? Can he be beaten casually?"

 “Remember to take your brain with you when you go out, don’t go out and embarrass yourself!”


 The fat Mrs. Li was confused by her question.

 Can’t answer a single sentence.

Some people joked, "If you have the ability, you can bring out the evidence that someone beat your son. There is no evidence at all, so you just come here and complain. It's really ugly."

“That’s right, it’s really embarrassing to be an official’s wife and not look like an official’s wife.”

“There is also her son, who is unlearned and dissolute. Who knows that he was beaten by his enemy? It is really embarrassing to find no enemy and find a little girl to convict him.”

Every word from everyone made the fat Mrs. Li blush.

 She had always thought of herself as shameless, but she never thought that one day she would be called a shameful person.

At this moment, everyone was blaming her, making fun of her, and wanted to hide because of her fat figure. In the end, she was too embarrassed to run away.

Wu returned home victorious. After thanking everyone, he went back.

Mrs. Liang was even more happy and started chirping after entering the house.

Sister Ying hurriedly ran over to see them.


Mrs. Wu raised her head and looked at her. She was still angry, but she knew her daughter was innocent, so she didn't get angry at her.

 When Liang Jin came back, Mrs. Liang told the matter as if she was complaining.

When Liang Jin heard this, his reaction was even greater than that of Wu.

He slammed the table on the spot in anger.    "He dared to pull sister Ying!"

That bastard!

 The whole family didn't expect him to be so angry, and they didn't dare to express their anger for a while.

Liang Jin is usually a very easy-going person.

 But often when such people lose their temper, it is even more frightening.

 Mrs. Liang tried to persuade him, but it was of no use.

 At night, when the couple were in the house, Mrs. Wu persuaded him softly.

“After all, we are a single family here. We have no relatives or friends, and we have no troops. Don’t conflict with others head-on.”

 At the end of the day, it’s someone else’s fault, and they may not win if they seek revenge.

Today, it’s because of Sister Ying’s young age and the other party’s really ugly appearance, otherwise the outcome is uncertain.

Liang Jin was very angry and felt that dirty people like the Li family should be arrested.

 He secretly made up his mind to find the little braid of the Li family and settle old and new scores together!

Mrs. Wu tried to persuade him a few more times to make him feel better, otherwise he would be too angry to sleep.

Sister Ying did not expect that her family would have to worry so much about her affairs, and she was quite sorry.

   But Xiao Zi sees things very clearly.

"What does this matter have to do with you? If someone wants to harm you, we can't guard against it, so we can't ask the victim to come out and convict you. How can there be such a reason?"

“Li family members who have done something wrong, why are you feeling so guilty?”

"If those few pigs in their house didn't come to trouble us, why would there be so many things? Don't think too much about it."

Sister Ying did not expect that Xiao Zi, who usually knew how to eat, was quite open-minded and was instantly persuaded by her.

 Furthermore, she heard that Li Shengbao's face was distorted after being beaten, so she was not so angry.

She remembered that Jing Shirong was there that day, and she associated the incident with Li Shengbao.

Perhaps the person who beat Li Shengbao was Brother Rong.

 Only he would help himself like this.

If it wasn't him, it could only be Li Shengbao's usual enemy.

However, Sister Ying still thinks that Jing Shirong helped her.

 Sure enough.

 In the middle of the night, Sister Ying was drowsily asleep when she heard the sound of the window being knocked.

 “Sister Ying?”

She was dazed when she heard a familiar voice.

 “Brother Rong?”

Sister Ying suddenly became energetic, jumped out of bed, put on her cloak and ran to the window to open it for him.

 “Brother Rong, you are here.”

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Yes, are you asleep?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I heard your voice before I fell asleep."

Jing Shirong came in through the window and brought her some strange toys.

“This is a toy I got elsewhere. It’s quite interesting. It’s for you and Sister Yang to play with.”

Sister Ying looked at the pile of blocks and thought it was quite funny, so she said thank you sweetly.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand to rub her head and gently said it was okay.

Sister Ying asked him quickly, "Did you ask someone to beat that fat pig?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "It's me."

  It is just a bit gentle.

But it doesn’t matter. Once the case is concluded, all the Li family will have to be imprisoned, and then the old and new grudges will be settled together.

 (End of this chapter)

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