The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 186: , Jing Shirong said she was ugly

Chapter 186, Jing Shirong said she was ugly

Sister Ying immediately guessed it was him.

 I was instantly moved and rushed over to hug him.

 “Thank you, Brother Rong~”

Jing Shirong saw that she was so thin that even when he held her in his arms, he felt that she had a lot of skin, but not much flesh.

 He stretched out his hand to rub her head and asked her, "Do you usually eat less? Why have you lost so much weight?"

Sister Ying is ashamed, she eats a lot.

 It's just that this is the time when you are growing taller. Once you lose weight, you won't lose weight.

Jing Shirong grabbed her little wrist and circled it with his fingers, which were so thin.

 He still likes chubby Sister Ying.

“You were so chubby and beautiful when you were a child. You had a round face and chubby legs, which made you look cute. Now you are really skinny and look like an ugly girl.”

Sister Ying.

 “Ugly, ugly girl?”

 Is there really no problem with his aesthetics?

But she is drawing a strip now. It is indeed the ugliest time when the ugly duckling turns into a swan, but she has not reached the point of an ugly girl.

Jing Shirong smiled immediately when he saw her grimace, as if she had eaten a bitter melon.

 He raised his head and rubbed her hair.

 The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a slight dimple appeared on Qingjun's face.

This is the first time Sister Ying has seen the dimples on Jing Shirong’s face.

 When he was a child, he didn't like to smile very much, and even if he did smile, it would be a shallow smile.

It was rare for him to grin like this, showing his dimples.

 “Brother Rong, you actually have dimples.”

After saying that, he stretched out his little finger and poked the dimple on Jing Shirong’s cheek.

Jing Shirong let her move and poked her as she pleased without getting upset.

Even with his backhand, he poked the dimple on Sister Ying's face.

He knew that Sister Ying had dimples since she was a baby. Especially when she has a small face, the dimples are even more cute.

 But she is taller now, and her round face has lost a lot of baby fat.

  Round faces have turned into oval faces.

Sister Ying. “Oval face?”

 Before, Mrs. Liang said she had an oval face.

It seems that during this period she only lost weight in her arms and thighs, but gained weight on her face, turning her oval face into an oval face.

Jing Shirong still liked her fatness, so he reached out and took out a bag of snacks from his sleeves and gave them to her.

 “Here, this is Yipinzhai’s beef jerky.”

 After saying that, he took out a bag of food from his pocket.

“It’s not convenient to bring you hot dishes, so I brought you some snacks from Yipinzhai. Try it and see if you like it.”

Seeing how thoughtful he was, Sister Ying raised the corners of her mouth sweetly.

 She opened the small cloth bag and saw a pack of fragrant snacks, which were still steaming.

 “Puff pastry roll?”

This pastry roll is golden and crispy. A few of them were accidentally squashed, but when you bite into it, it is full of crispiness.

 The filling inside is actually apple puree, which is incredible.

 It's a bit like modern dim sum, but the taste is different.

 As expected of Yipinzhai’s products, they taste very good.

Jing Shirong took a piece of beef jerky and put it to her mouth, "Try this again."

Sister Ying opened her mouth and ate a piece of beef jerky. It was really spicy and delicious, with a good chew.

She has liked eating beef jerky, pork jerky and the like since she was a child, but she has never tasted such fragrant beef jerky. It is simply delicious.

Beef is already rare, and spicy beef is even rarer.

“It’s so delicious.” Seeing that she liked it, Jing Shirong knew that he was right.

“I know you like it, so I’ll send it to you next time.”

 When he left Yipinzhai, he specially ordered a large box of beef jerky and brought it to Sister Ying the next time he came to see her.

Sister Ying was really curious about who the owner of Yipinzhai was, so she asked him, "Brother Rong, do you know who the owner of Yipinzhai is?"

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, "Why do you ask this?"

Is it possible that the little girl is still interested in the boss of Yipinzhai?

Sister Ying nodded, her big eyes shining brightly.

“I originally wanted to open an inn with a business model like Yipinzhai, but the funds are not available yet.”

The furnishings alone in a high-end inn like Yipinzhai cost no less than 100,000 taels.

Not to mention that the waiters inside have to undergo professional training. They can do it without paying money, and they must be trained personally.

 Including the location and privacy of the private room, all aspects must be designed well.

  But this is a big project.

Jing Shirong's eyes became brighter and brighter as she spoke, and he looked like he admired her very much.

 He couldn't help but said sourly, "Do you really admire others like this?"

Sister Ying said of course, "Yes, the decoration and layout of Yipinzhai are so perfect. I really want to ask him for advice. It would be better if I could become friends with him."

 If you have friends who are such design masters, you will not have to worry about having no one to ask for advice in the future.

Jing Shirong threw cold water and said, "If you want to open an inn like others, how can they teach you?"

 People these days all follow the saying that the disciples of the church will starve to death of the masters.

 So many things are passed down from family to family and are not passed down to the outside world.

Sister Ying thought about it and said forget it.

“Actually, I also have my own design concept, but now is not the time, and there is already a Yipinzhai here, so I can’t open a luxury inn here.”

Competition among peers is inevitable, and Yipinzhai’s status has been established. She may not benefit from opening another one.

Jing Shirong raised his head and rubbed her pigtails, comforting her and saying, "Don't worry about the money. If you want to open an inn in the future, count me in."

Sister Ying was overjoyed and looked at him with bright eyes, "Do you want to invest?"

Jing Shirong nodded and said, "This word is used wonderfully."

“I do want to invest in you, but do you really know how to run an inn?”

Of course Sister Ying said, "Don't worry, we have opened a small inn now, and the business is going well. When the time comes, we will slowly accumulate experience, and we will definitely become more and more successful in our failures."

Jing Shirong has also been to her inn several times. It is indeed quite special.

Occasionally, a few people who were drunk and wanted to cause trouble were kicked out by thugs outside the door before they could even enter the house.

No matter where you go, there are such troublesome drunkards, and Sister Ying is naturally on guard against such people.

 Their thug is usually responsible for delivering food.

At night, when there are many people drinking, they will stay in the shop to keep watch.

 In fact, the business model of her inn is quite good. Basically, it does a lot of food delivery, and all of the food is delivered to higher-class customers, and the quality is good.

Occasionally, a family has some shady secrets. For example, if they want to kill a certain aunt or wife, they poison the food and then pass it on to Sister Ying's family.

Sister Ying would naturally not let this happen.

 Before delivering the food, people are asked to inspect the food in person. Each dish is given a piece, and it is treated as if the other party has a taste, and then delivers it after proving that it is fine.

 Normal people would not poison vegetables, unless they have a lot of grievances in the family.

But it’s the kind of person who, after giving it to Sister Ying’s family once, won’t give it a second time.

  Since I feel guilty, I don’t even ask.

Jing Shirong knew the business model of her inn, and actually quite agreed with it.

After all, she is a little girl, and building a bigger inn may cause some trouble, so she might as well continue to operate this delivery model.

This way you don’t have to worry about anything happening, and you don’t have to show your face, which is good.

  10,000 more updates at 10 a.m. tomorrow



 (End of this chapter)

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