Chapter 188: Vengeance must be avenged

Kang Geer knew that what his mother said was right and agreed, "My son understands."

 The family has always adhered to the educational spirit of "I will not offend others unless they offend me".

 Wu prohibits them from hitting other children without any reason, and also prohibits others from hitting them, but they do not fight back.

 But you also need to pay attention to the method of backhand.

For example, if Brother Sen beats Fatty Zheng to tears, he is one or two years younger than Fatty Zheng. Even if he beats him, there is nothing he can do. After all, it was Fatty Zheng who made the first move.

 But it is not justified for Brother Kang to hit Fatty Zheng because he is bigger than him.

Those who are looking for trouble will not care about what you are fighting over. They will only focus on the fact that you are bigger than the other person but hit them.

 That's why Mr. Wu asked Kang Ge'er to learn more.

 Kang Geer is not stupid, he understands a little bit.

"Don't worry, mother, I didn't do anything. I just pretended to be my brother and punched the opponent a few times secretly. No one saw it."

  Wu smiled and pinched his ears, "You are the only one who is smart."

Sister Ying listened and was also very angry.

 She was not that angry even when she was beaten, but she couldn't bear it when her family members were hurt.

 “Let’s go and settle the score with Fatty Zheng!”

Mrs. Wu pulled off her braid and said, "Please calm down! Go back to the house and embroider."

Sister Ying murmured, looked at Kang Geer, and then pretended to go back.

 In the evening, Sister Ying came to Kang Geer's room, and the two siblings made plans together like little mice.

“Where does Fatty Zheng usually like to eat?”

Kang Geer recalled, “He would either go to the inn to eat, or his servants would bring it to him.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Then next time, when the servants deliver it to him, I'll add some ingredients to it."

Kang Geer's eyes lit up, "You are the one who really knows me, my sister."

 That's what he wanted to do.

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

A few days later, Fatty Zheng came to study as usual.

There was no injury on his face, but his **** hurt a lot.

His mother asked him what was wrong, but he didn’t say anything. He just didn’t want to sit down and eat.

Mrs. Zheng also dotes on her children too much. She eats lying down when her son wants to, without correcting whether this is good for his cultivation.

  Anyway, no matter whether her son is spitting or anything else, she thinks her son is the best.

 It’s next month.

 The servants of the Zheng family brought lunch to Fatty Zheng.

Fatty Zheng glanced at Brother Sen’s food with disdain, and said sarcastically on his fat face, “You are so poor that you can’t even afford abalone. Bah!”

 After saying that, he spit in Brother Seng's direction.

 Sen Geer was so disgusted by him that he directly brought the food to Kang Geer to eat.

Fatty Zheng just thought he was running away, and he sat down to eat proudly.

 He spat again and then opened the lid.

Unexpectedly, when the lid was opened, the originally rich meal was covered with white squirming insects.


Fatty Zheng was almost frightened to death and pushed the food to the ground.

Because the food fell on the ground, white insects crawled towards him.

 “Ah!! Help!”

Fatty Zheng was so frightened that he ran away.

 Because the servants can't stay in the academy and don't know what's going on inside.

And all the other students went out on a cruise today and were not in class.

After Zheng Dapang brought people in angrily, the classroom was clean, and the food was even put in the lunch box?

There are no white bugs on the ground.

Fatty Zheng rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

 “Why, why is there no more?”

 “Strange? What’s going on?”

 He clearly saw insects just now. And he also knocked over the food. How come it’s still fine?

Fatty Zheng wanted to go over to see if the food was real, and there were bugs there, so he asked his servants to go over.

 “You, go and eat that food.”

The servant went over, swallowed, picked up the chopsticks obediently, took a bite of meat, and looked back at Fatty Zheng.

When the other person was about to take the meat into his mouth, Fatty Zheng immediately felt sick and told him, "Don't eat it."

 It was so disgusting that he would vomit.

After hearing this, the servant had no choice but to put down his chopsticks.

  The college has a half-day holiday in the afternoon, and Kang Geer and the others have gone back long ago.

 The two brothers looked at each other and smiled on the way back.

 It is expected that Fatty Zheng will be able to live in peace for a while.

 Sure enough.

 In the next few days, Fatty Zheng stopped coming to the academy.

  It is said that I got sick from fright. I feel sick when I see bugs and I don’t want to eat box lunches anymore.

His mother asked him why later? He kept complaining that there were bugs in the food.

 After checking again and again, the servants all said that there were no insects at all in the food that day.

After hearing this, Madam Zheng felt that her son must have been possessed by an evil spirit, and immediately took Fatty Zheng to pray to God and worship Buddha.

 Have been drinking fragrant gray water for a long time.

In the end, Fatty Zheng almost vomited from drinking, so he pretended to be fine.

Mrs. Zheng saw that he was finally willing to eat, and then she felt that her burning incense was finally effective.

Later on, Fatty Zheng wondered if he was hallucinating, and he was too lazy to go to the academy to study.

But the fundamental reason is that he is lazy and doesn't like studying at all. He simply uses discomfort as an excuse to not go to the academy.

The Zheng family is a family that dotes on their sons. If their sons don’t go to school, they won’t go.

 At worst, I can just buy an official position for my son in the future.

  This is how their family came here anyway.

 So Brother Kang and Brother Sen basically didn’t see Fatty Zheng for a while.

Kang Geer only told Sister Ying about this matter, and no one else said it.

Sister Ying saw that they were so good at doing things, so she even took them out to ride a boat.

Jing Shirong came to see Sister Ying once, and Sister Ying told Jing Shirong about this.

After Jing Shirong heard this, instead of scolding her, he even praised her for being smart.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's not me who is smart, it's Brother Kang who is smart. That boy has been a thief since he was a child."

 Hate not to suffer any losses, he is a person who must avenge his enemies.

Especially when his family is being bullied, Kang Geer will definitely take revenge.

After hearing this, Jing Shirong smiled and said, "This is quite similar to Jing Yu Jingxin."

Speaking of his twin brothers and sisters, Jing Shirong also missed them a little.

Sister Ying asked, "Are you homesick?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "I kind of think about it, but it's okay. I can feel better if you are here."

The Liang family is half of his family. With Sister Ying and her family here, Jing Shirong is not alone.

Sister Ying was very happy to see that he was so unfaithful.

He reached out and hugged Jing Shirong and said coquettishly, "Well, we will always be your family."

Jing Shirong also laughed when he heard this.

 “Okay, I have to go back, there are still things to do.”

Sister Ying sent him away as usual.

 A few more days.

Mrs. Wu received the letter from Sister Wu and happily asked the children to come out and listen.

 “There is a letter from your second aunt.”

   Before coming to Jiangnan, Mrs. Wu tried to contact Second Sister Wu.

 But Second Sister Wu is a very busy person now. She is out running business all day long and has almost no free time.

 (End of this chapter)

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