Chapter 189, sisters reunited

Finally last month, Second Sister Wu finally returned home from her busy work, and the housekeeper gave her a letter.

“Madam, it’s a letter from the Liang family.”

The two sisters often corresponded in the past, and the housekeeper also knew that the Liang family was an important relative of Sister Wu, so he would notify her immediately of any letters.

As soon as Second Sister Wu heard the letter from the Liang family, she immediately went to open it happily.

The letter said that Sanmei and her family have all arrived in Jiangnan and are now on the street in the courtyard of Jiangnan Government Office.

After hearing this, Second Sister Wu immediately packed her things and prepared to go find Mrs. Wu.

 A family of three brought a boat full of gifts and took a boat overnight to see Mrs. Wu.

 After Mrs. Wu received the letter, the second sister Wu was almost there.

Sister Ying was also very happy after hearing this.

“That’s great. I haven’t seen my second aunt for a long time. I miss her so much.”

Brother Sen and Sister Yang have never met Second Sister Wu, so they asked Mrs. Wu out of curiosity.

“Mom, how is your second aunt?”

Mrs. Wu said of course, "That's for sure. She is mother's biological sister and also your biological aunt. When she comes to our house, remember to call her second aunt, do you hear me?"

 The children behaved well and behaved well.

On the third day, Sister Wu, her mother and her son finally arrived.

Second Sister Wu asked someone to lead the way, gave people money, and soon arrived at Liang's house.

 She asked her son to knock on the door.

Mother Xu came to open the door and saw that it was Second Sister Wu, she almost didn’t recognize her for a moment.

 “You, are you Qingqing?”

 Mother Xu is an elder and knows Second Sister Wu, so she naturally knows her maiden name.

 As soon as Second Sister Wu saw Grandma Xu, she immediately felt cordial.

 “Mother Xu, it’s me.”

 Mother Xu immediately smiled and said, "Quick, come in quickly."

 Having said that, he happily went to find Mr. Wu.

“Madam, your second sister is here~~”

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she ran out of the house happily.

 “Second sister~~”

Second Sister Wu ran in equally happily.

 The two sisters hugged each other excitedly.

 I really miss you.

Sister Ying also ran out to watch.

 She still remembered Second Sister Wu, and immediately ran over happily, "Second Aunt~~"

Second Sister Wu hasn’t seen Sister Ying for a long time, and she didn’t dare to recognize her when she first met her.

“Oh my God, Sister Ying is so old.”

 The child was still a little baby when she left.

Second Sister Wu looked at Sister Ying's little face carefully, and touched it lovingly, "She's so handsome, as good-looking as when she was a child."

Sister Ying smiled sweetly and praised Second Sister Wu, "Second aunt is also good-looking. No, she is a hundred times prettier than before."

 In the past, Wu Qingqing was often annoyed by her husband's family and her husband, and her beauty was greatly damaged.

Now that I am a big boss, not only am I not old, but I am younger than before and my skin is smoother and more tender.

The characteristic of the Wu family is that they have large eyes with deep eyelids and thick, dark eyelashes.

Even though Sister Wu’s two sons are now 18 or 19 years old, they still retain their charm.

  Wu quickly asked the other three children to call for help.

 “Quick, call someone, this is your second aunt.”

 Brother Kang, Sister Yang, Brother Sen, "Hello, second aunt~"

 Second Sister Wu saw that they were all so old, and immediately smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you guys are fine too."

 Having said that, quickly give each person a small red envelope.

Mrs. Wu quickly said she didn’t want it, but Sister Wu refused and still gave the child money.

"Take it, a little pocket money, not much." After hearing this, Mrs. Wu did not refuse.

The second sister Wu also asked her two sons to say hello to Mrs. Wu.

 “Hello, third aunt.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you have all grown up."

She may not have seen her two nephews for a long time.

Long time no see, they have all grown up and look like grown men now.

Wu smiled and looked at this and that.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Okay, don't look at it. We plan to stay at your house for a few days this time. You can take your time and look at it then."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "The guest room has been tidied up for you. The quilt will be dried later and can be covered in the evening."

 Second Sister Wu knew that she was attentive, so she smiled and asked the servants to move everything in.

 A whole cart full of things, and I asked three servants to move them in together.

Mrs. Wu was surprised and said, "Second sister, come on. Why did you buy so many things?"

The second sister said generously, "It's not for you, I'm giving it to my nieces and nephews."

 Having said that, let the servants move everything into the house.

Mrs. Wu saw that she had become more and more prosperous over the years, so she hurriedly took her into the house to drink tea.

 The sisters sat down and chatted.

Mrs. Wu asked with concern, "How has my second sister been doing these past few years?"

Although we communicate frequently, I am afraid that Sister Wu will report good news but not bad news.

Now that I can ask you questions face to face, I naturally want to be more concerned.

Second Sister Wu sighed, clapped her hands and said, "It was really hard to take care of two children in the beginning, and also had to run errands and be a steward. But the children are sensible. After studying for a few years, they came out to help me."

“I thought they didn’t have the talent to study, so I started to take them into business. Unexpectedly, they were not good at studying, but they were good at business.”

Over the years, the mother and son finally no longer have to work for others, and slowly started to run their own business. "

 They are now cooperating with the previous female boss, getting goods from her and then selling them, and both parties make money.

"Now, our courtyard has been replaced with a bigger one, and there are servants to serve the house. Our two sons have become talented. I will wait for them to marry them and have children. Then my mission will be completed."

Mrs. Wu asked, "Do we have to wait for the weak crown to marry them?"

 Nowadays, boys get married very early. They can basically get married at the age of seventeen.

 There are also those who got married late in their twenties, and those who are several years old.

Sister Wu explained, "It's not that I didn't tell them the marriage, it's that they didn't want to do it so early."

“What do you mean, I have to earn a few more years before I’m willing to do it, otherwise I won’t be able to support my wife and children.”

Seeing that her nephews were so responsible, Mrs. Wu immediately praised, "It's your teachings that are better."

If you let the Huang family teach you, you may be taught something crooked.

Second Sister Wu hummed, "Don't mention that family."

“It is said that after Huang Dongren married a young widow, he gave birth to four daughters. Now he has been looking for Brother Shun and the others.”

The Wu family shared the same hatred and said, "Back then, Huang Dongren was able to drive his son out of the house for money. If he doesn't have a son this year, he wants to come to Brother Shun and the others. It's really shameless!"

Second Sister Wu also said, "Anyway, it's impossible for me to let my son make cows and horses for them."

How could she let the sons she raised with great difficulty go back to serve as filial sons? It was a beautiful thought.

“It’s you, how has your family been doing these past few years?”

Wu said, "It's not bad. Sometimes we encounter bad things, but they are over."

 As he spoke, he told Sister Wu what had happened recently.

 After hearing this, Second Sister Wu was quite open-minded.

“There are bad people everywhere. What we have to do is to protect ourselves wisely and not to confront others head-on until we have no strength.”

 Sometimes it is important to vent your anger, but it will harm yourself and your family.

 So venting one’s anger also requires methods.

 Second Sister Wu is worthy of being a biological sister to Mrs. Wu, and they all have exactly the same ideas.

 (End of this chapter)

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