The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 190: , sisters reminiscing about old times

Chapter 190: Sisters reminiscing about old times

Mr. Wu smiled and said, "I'm not satisfied with you saying that last time Kang Ge'er and Seng Ge'er secretly retaliated against someone, I actually knew about it. It's just that the two kids didn't tell me, so I pretended not to know."

  Anyway, she was very pleased that the children knew how to protect themselves.

 Sometimes, just pretend you don’t know about small mistakes.

  Can't keep asking them to swallow their anger and suffer grievances, that would be very frustrating.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "That's right, we can't bully others, and we can't let others bully us in vain, otherwise we will die of stupefaction."

 It’s like someone who doesn’t win an argument on the spot and regrets it later.

  A breath stuck in my heart, feeling particularly unhappy.

 So children sometimes want to get back their money after suffering a loss, and Mrs. Wu will turn a blind eye.

As long as personal safety is not involved and no one is caught, Wu will just pretend not to know.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "You are still such a thief."

“The four children at home are all yours, they are all little monsters.”

 Wu laughed loudly after hearing this, obviously in a good mood.

 Second sister Wu also laughed loudly, and both sisters laughed more openly than usual.

Mrs. Wu asked, "Second sister, is the yard you bought also in Jiangnan?"

I heard from Second Sister Wu in a letter that she wanted to buy a house in Jiangnan, but she didn’t know where it was specifically.

Second Sister Wu said, "It's in Jiangnan, but it's changed again."

“I bought it near the Jiangnan port before, but now I’m buying it closer to you. It will be much easier to find you later.”

Mrs. Wu said happily, "I'm just telling you, why did you come so fast?" It turned out that they were very close.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "From now on, you can just take a boat and go out to the streets. The boat will arrive directly. You can come to me when you have time, or I can come and find you. We will often get together."

Mrs. Wu said yes and said, "Have you written a letter to your parents?"

Second Sister Wu, "Of course, I send letters back to my hometown every month. My parents don't sell pigs anymore, so they can stay at home and take care of the children."

Mrs. Wu also said, "I heard them say last time that they now occasionally help others prepare meals for wedding banquets. I think they don't like to be idle and like to be lively."

Their eldest sister-in-law has now given birth to two more daughters, and the Wu family now has five children.

 Since Boss Wu’s business is doing well, he doesn’t need to let his parents do the work any more. He can simply hire servants and let his parents enjoy the happiness at home.

But Mrs. Wu and Mr. Wu are both restless people. When they have time, they take over the work of wedding banquets and specialize in cooking meat and vegetables for wedding banquets.

   Mrs. Wu’s good craftsmanship was all taught by Mrs. Wu and Mr. Wu. Naturally, Mrs. Wu and Mr. Wu’s craftsmanship are not bad.

 After the two of them talked about their parents, they talked about their younger brothers.

“I don’t know what’s going on with the fourth child lately? I sent him a letter last month, but he didn’t reply. I don’t know what he is busy with.”

Second Sister Wu said, "I think they were delayed on the road. The place where they went to take office is relatively remote and much poorer than Jiangnan. The street and post stations are far away, so it may not be convenient."

Wu Laosi also went to a small place to be a county magistrate, but he went to a relatively poor place.

As for Sister Liang and her family, they went to a small town.

 They even went to their in-laws' house, and no matter where they went, they lived a miserable life.

Sister Wu also said, "I happened to see them when I went to deliver goods last time. But I didn't go to say hello to them."

 After all, she didn’t want others to know her location, so she didn’t go over to say hello.

 But looking at the situation at Sister Liang’s house, it’s probably not going well.

Ms. Wu also said, "The last time my mother-in-law received a letter from my eldest aunt, she was so angry that she couldn't get over her anger all day long. I thought it was my eldest aunt's in-laws who were doing everything they could to make things happen, which was a big pain for my eldest aunt. ”

Sister Liang is a good person, and Mrs. Wu quite likes her.

But her fate was not good, and the whole family was spoiled.

Even if you become an official's wife, your whole family's sisters-in-law will follow you, which really makes it difficult for people to live a pure life. Fortunately, Sister Liang is smart and knows how to train her son.

Now her two sons have been admitted as scholars.

She now hopes that her son will prosper and will follow him in the future.

Second Sister Wu sighed and said, "That's how a woman gets married. She leaves a good home, goes to her husband's house to see how he behaves, lives under someone else's roof, and doesn't even dare to eat too much meat. That's why I don't want to get married a second time."

She has suffered the hardship of getting married once and does not want to find another husband to make her miserable again.

Instead of focusing on marrying yourself off, it is better to train your son well so that he can enjoy the blessings of his son and daughter-in-law in the future.

Mrs. Wu said, "Then your eyes should be brighter. When choosing a daughter-in-law, you must find someone gentle and sensible, otherwise you will suffer."

 After all, in this world, not every mother-in-law is a good mother-in-law, and not every daughter-in-law is a good daughter-in-law. It is better to understand more.

 Second Sister Wu had forgotten about this.

"I wouldn't have thought too much if you didn't tell me. In the past, I always thought that as long as I didn't be an evil mother-in-law, my family would be happy, but I forgot that there is also such a thing as an evil daughter-in-law."

Of course Mrs. Wu said, "Let me tell you, at the intersection of this alley, the daughter-in-law of the first house is an evil woman. She not only beats the mother-in-law, but also beats the man."

It was once that Mrs. Wu took Sister Ying and Sister Yang out to buy things.

  While passing the yard at the intersection, I heard an old woman crying.

 Along with the crying, there was also the sound of a woman beating someone hard.

The woman beat her mother-in-law and insulted her, "You old man, do you hear me telling you to take out the gold necklace? If you don't take it out, I'll beat you to death!"

The voice was arrogant, and he was not afraid of anyone knowing at all.

Mrs. Wu looked around and found that no one was there. No wonder the woman inside was so bold.

The old lady inside was probably frightened by the beating, so I gave her the gold necklace he had hidden.

The evil woman took the gold necklace, cursed and left.

 The old woman was left crying so hard that she couldn't help herself.

Later, Mrs. Wu heard from her neighbors that the woman was a rich girl who could not get married.

 It is said that she is a rich lady, but who knows if it is not true.

That family is from outside, and their family background is not bad.

But a few years ago, that woman fell in love with a pretty boy from outside, so she went to give him money every day.

After her husband found out, he also wanted to take care of her, but because she weighed 200 kilograms, she knocked her man down all of a sudden.

 Then he took action directly.

The man was frightened by her beating and did not dare to care about her later.

 Because it is a family scandal, naturally we dare not publicize it.

He wanted to divorce his wife, but the evil woman wanted the deed to the house, otherwise she would kill mother and son.

 So it hasn’t come to an end yet, it’s just wasting away.

After hearing this, Second Sister Wu opened her mouth in surprise.

“There is such a thing as this”

Mrs. Wu nodded, "It's true, so when you want to find a wife for Brother Shun and the others, it's best to check the character of their parents."

 Generally, if the parents are kind and kind, the children will not be too bad either.

 If he is like the fat Mrs. Li, his son is usually useless.

Second Sister Wu listened and nodded, "Don't worry, I will look carefully. Brother Shun and Brother An are very discerning. Even if I want to choose for them, they may not like it."

 (End of this chapter)

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