The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 191: , my cousin is treating me to dinner

 Chapter 191, cousin invites guests to dinner

 Brother Shun and Brother An have been together for a long time. Thanks to the business these years, they have gained a lot of knowledge.

 Once a person’s horizons are broadened, his vision will naturally become higher.

Second Sister Wu once selected some pictures of girls for her two sons, but neither son was very satisfied.

She told Mrs. Wu, "I think Brother Shun and Brother An actually want to choose a wife themselves. I'm afraid I won't be able to get involved."

Mrs. Wu said, "If they have good taste, it will be fine. You are their mother. In the future, only your daughter-in-law will respect you."

Second Sister Wu is not a soft persimmon. Even if she has an evil wife, her two sons will definitely not let her go.

Second Sister Wu nodded, "That's true."

If the daughter-in-law is not filial in the future, the worst she can do is not live with her and move to the suburbs by herself. Anyway, she bought a yard in the suburbs specifically for retirement.

  Wu laughed at her, "You are really ready for old age."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "I have no choice. I am afraid of being poor. Now that I have money, I want to arrange everything for the future. One day I will suddenly run out of money."

Wu also knows that there are risks in doing business, and you will definitely have to go through a lot of things. Then he told Sister Ying about opening an inn.

 Second Sister Wu was really surprised after hearing this.

“Really? Sister Ying can open an inn at such a young age?”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "No, it was opened in Qianjiazhuang and later sold out. Now that it is opened here, the business is better."

 Many dignitaries like to order food for delivery at her inn, and there is business almost every day.

 Nowadays, the family’s income is also increasing.

Mr. Wu himself also opened a pork shop, because Liang Jin said that after he was promoted, he would not move out so quickly, and would probably stay here for a longer time. Mr. Wu started to open a pork shop here.

Second Sister Wu said, "How is the business of your shop?"

  Wu said, “It’s not bad, there are customers every day.”

Although it’s not that much, there are people there every day and the income is still good.

Second Sister Wu saw that she was still so capable and praised her, "You are still the same as when you were a child. You can read, do housework, and cook. You are really proficient in everything."

She is not good at it. She just needs to be good at business and forget about the rest.

Mrs. Wu laughed after hearing this, "Shall we have lunch at home? I will cook it myself."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll help you."

 Say that, let’s go to the kitchen together.

 It is a day off today, the children are on vacation, and they will be chatting with two cousins ​​in the yard.

Brother Shun and Brother An were well-informed and cheerful in conversation, and they all became familiar with Brother Kang at once.

 Brother Kang and Brother Sen chirped, "Cousin, cousin, are the martial arts competitions you watched really that powerful? Can you even do light kung fu and float on water?"

 Kang Ge'er and Sen Ge'er would go to the martial arts gym every day after school to learn martial arts, but they had not yet reached the stage of Qinggong.

Brother Shun nodded and said to them, "There is everything in this world. As long as you go out and look around more, you can see a lot of weird things."

 Kang Ge'er and Sen Ge'er listened with great yearning.

“But we have to go to school every day and can’t get out.”

Brother Shun touched their heads and comforted them, "There will be opportunities. Studying is also very important. As long as you get the first prize in the exam, are you afraid that you will have no place to go?"

Kang Geer and Sen Geer were both happy after thinking about it.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang were listening on the sidelines, but they didn't say much.

Brother Shun saw that everyone was free today, so he simply said, "Otherwise, since dinner hasn't started yet, shall I take you to Yipinzhai to eat? The food there is famous for being delicious."

 “How is it? Do you want to go?”

The children looked at each other and said happily, "I want it, I want it."

 Yipin Zhaiye, they all heard from their classmates that a dish in it actually costs one hundred taels, and they did not dare to ask their parents to eat it. This is a rare opportunity to go, so of course I want to go.

Brother Shun smiled like a big brother, "Okay, then I'll go tell Aunt Three and I'll take you there in a minute."


The children were very happy.

 Kang Geer ran to tell Wu that Cousin Shun wanted to invite them to Yipinzhai, but Wu gave him a glare.

"We have to cook for this party, so we are not allowed to go."

 Just because I’m afraid of spending Brother Shun’s money.

But Second Sister Wu said, "It's okay, let them go, we can just have lunch. It's rare that the children get along, so let them go."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu sighed and reluctantly agreed.

 “Then don’t order randomly.”

Yipinzhai's meals cost more than a hundred taels per dish, which made Wu's body hurt even if he thought about it.

 After all, he is the head of the household. A family of 20 or 30 people needs to be clothed and fed, and the monthly expenses are not small.

Especially since the children are in school, Mrs. Wu usually doesn’t spend money randomly.

If the second sister hadn't really made money in the past few years, she wouldn't have dared to spend their money. It hurts to think about it.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Don't worry, it won't cost much. Brother Shun and Brother An are rich now. They have their own properties outside. One meal is nothing."

 Judging from this tone, he is actually quite wealthy.

Second Sister Wu saw her sister looking at her with wide eyes and smiled, "Hey, don't look at me like that. I usually don't tell you, mainly because my wealth is not exposed."

 They have indeed made a lot of money over the years, otherwise they would not be so generous.

 That Yipinzhai, Brother Shun often packed it up and brought it back to her to eat.

 So she was indeed used to it and didn't feel bad about the few hundred taels.

Mrs. Liang has never been to Yipinzhai either.

At this time, I saw that the children wanted to leave, and I also wanted to go, but for the sake of face, I could only look at them coquettishly.

Seeing this, Brother Shun smiled and said, "I was about to invite you out. Let's go to Yipinzhai for lunch together."

 After that, he winked at Sister Ying and asked her to take care of Mrs. Liang.

Sister Ying originally wanted to call her Mrs. Liang, but she was afraid that someone would pay for her and she would be embarrassed to call someone else. She originally wanted to pay for it herself.

This time my cousin mentioned it, and he immediately happily went to ask Mrs. Liang.

“Grandma, let’s go quickly. I’m treating you to my cousin today.”

Mrs. Liang pretended to evade, "No, I am an old woman, how can I eat such good food?"

But the footsteps followed Sister Ying.

Brother Shun has been doing business for a long time and is used to talking. He immediately respectfully said nice words to Mrs. Liang.

"Don't say that. You should enjoy happiness when you are old. It is my honor to treat you to dinner today."

These words gave Mrs. Liang enough face.

 Old Mrs. Liang was very happy to offend him and praised him repeatedly, "You kid, you have such a sweet mouth, just like your mother."

 Brother Shun responded with a smile and respectfully asked her to go out.

In this way, the group of people skipped to Yipinzhai.

 Because I am an old customer, I don’t need to make a reservation in advance. I can get a private room directly when I go.

As soon as the children entered Yipinzhai, their eyes widened, and they obviously knew how expensive the furnishings were.

 (End of this chapter)

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