The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 192: , Mrs. Liang looks at her son-in-law

Chapter 192, Mrs. Liang looks at her son-in-law

Old Mrs. Liang opened her mouth in surprise.

But because of face, he didn’t dare to say anything in surprise, for fear of being laughed at and ignorant.

When she got to the private room, Mrs. Liang looked around and saw no one, then she whispered to Sister Ying, "I'm a good boy, this place is really grand, it's better than any place we've ever been."

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, my mother originally said that she would bring the whole family together when it's your birthday, but I didn't expect it to be earlier than expected."

As soon as Mrs. Liang heard that Mrs. Wu had this intention, her chrysanthemum face immediately burst into laughter.

Brother Shun gave the menu to Sister Ying and asked them to pass it to them one by one. Each person can order a dish they like.

Sister Ying quickly read through the menu and asked Brother Shun, "Cousin, can you recommend a few dishes? If you have tried them, you will definitely know which one is more delicious."

Brother Shun laughed loudly, "I don't blame my mother for always praising you for your cleverness. You are indeed a clever little kid."

 Having said that, he ordered a few dishes for them.

“Okay, I’ll give you a few dishes, but you can still order whatever you like.”

Old Mrs. Liang was the one being treated, so naturally she felt embarrassed, so she said, "I can do that. I just want to taste it, but I can't eat much."

 The financial power of the family now rests with Wu, and she has no money now.

Only a little bit of private money at the bottom of the box.

 So she could just eat whatever she wanted.

 Brother Shun smiled and ordered her some dishes that the old man liked. Also ordered desserts for the children.

 After a while, a large table of dishes was ordered.

 Because the price of each dish is engraved on the menu, Mrs. Liang clicked every time a dish was served.

  She thought to herself, “Did I order too much?”

Such a table of dishes costs at least a thousand taels, right?

Brother Shun saw her thoughts and said with a smile, "It's okay. I come here often and they will give me a cheaper deal."

Old Mrs. Liang breathed a sigh of relief when she believed it was true.

Seeing this, Sister Ying wanted to make a lot of money even more.

 Only when you have more money can your family live a better life.

 So she began to seek advice from Brother Shun.

“Cousin, do you know the owner of Pinzhai?”

Brother Shun shook his head, "I've been here several times to eat, but I've never seen the owner of this shop."

The other party is so mysterious that many guests have never seen him.

After hearing this, Sister Ying became more and more curious, "Who is the other party? Why is it so mysterious?"

 After asking again, no one knew.

Brother Shun smiled and said, "What are you asking the boss of Yipinzhai for?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I'm just curious about what kind of person can take such good notice of an inn."

  It is simply a five-star level, so perfect that it is staggering.

While waiting for the dishes, the waiter brought the appetizers first.

 Although it is just an appetizer, the taste of the dishes is very exquisite.

The little bit of fried chicken is beautifully presented on the plate.

 After several Kang Geers tasted it, they all liked it.

 “Good times~”

Sister Yang also smiled and said, "It's delicious~"

Old Mrs. Liang was quite disdainful when she saw them being so satisfied with just a piece of fried chicken, and just wanted to say something mean to them.

Sister Ying put the fried chicken nuggets into her bowl.

“Grandma, try it and see if the fried chicken nuggets are as different as our inn.”

Sister Ying’s inn also serves fried chicken nuggets and fried chicken, which taste very good and have a very high rate of return.

Mrs. Liang has also tasted it, and of course she is more confident in her own fried chicken nuggets.

So she put a few pieces in her mouth and took a bite with the intention of comparing them. Katz was crispy.

 The chicken inside is very soft and tender, and the taste is very fragrant.

Mrs. Liang hummed, "It's really good."

Although their fried chicken appetite is unique. But the fried chicken nuggets at Yipinzhai also taste very special.

 Although it is not as delicious as the one developed by Sister Ying, it is still very amazing.

Sister Ying also found it very delicious.

  She was interested in the owner of Yipizhai before, but now she is obsessed with the cook here.

She was really curious, how many cooks did Yipinzhai have?

 How come every dish tastes so delicious.

Seeing that they all liked it, Brother Shun also smiled.

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Liang took care of them back then, and they all remembered it in their hearts, so they would naturally be kind to Mrs. Liang and Mrs. Wu.

 After finishing the appetizer, the main dishes came one after another.

Brother Shun ordered them five-spice pigeon, sweet and spicy dried pigeon, hibiscus agar-agar, imperial roast chicken, and some snacks.

 Spiced pigeon is a health food. Sweet and spicy dried snacks are sweet and spicy snacks that anyone dares to make.

Hibiscus bird's nest is the most expensive dish among them. It is actually made from bird's nest and is very nutritious.

Roast chicken eaten by the royal family is the same as the roast chicken eaten by the nobles in the palace, and it is fragrant.

The children looked at the table full of dishes and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

There is no other way, everyone is a foodie, and they can’t walk around when they see delicious food, especially the delicious food from Yipinzhai.

Brother Shun smiled and said, "Okay, eat it quickly, it will cool down in a while."

 He asked Mrs. Liang to use the chopsticks first, and then the children would eat together.

Mrs. Liang drank some hot soup. The delicious taste made her want to have another bowl.

Brother Shun served her another bowl very discerningly and said, "Mrs., please drink a bowl to replenish your body."

 Old Mrs. Liang really likes Brother Shun.

This child has been sensible since he was a child, and he is still so filial when he grows up. I really didn't know that the daughter of the Hui family would be so lucky to marry Brother Shun in the future.

As he was talking, he suddenly saw Sister Ying.


 Sister Ying and Brother Shun?

While eating, Mrs. Liang assumed that the whole family would follow Brother Shun. It was really good to think about it.

Second Sister Wu is a generous person. In the future, when Sister Ying gets married, she will definitely love Sister Ying very much.

Moreover, both families are in Jiangnan, so they are close and easy to visit.

 Including Brother Shun, he is very attentive, and I think he will be good to his wife.

  It’s just that there’s a lot of difference between the two.

 Brother Shun is already eighteen, and Sister Ying is only thirteen. There is a difference of five years.

But Sister Wu seems to have said that Brother Shun wants to wait until twenty before getting married.

 When he was twenty, Sister Ying was exactly fifteen.

 It will be perfect to get engaged first and then get married in two years.

The more Mrs. Liang thought about it, the more perfect it became, and the soup became more delicious.

Sister Ying could feel her gaze even as she lowered her head to eat, and said without knowing why, "Grandma, what are you looking at?"

Old Mrs. Liang coughed and said, "No, it's nothing. This soup is really delicious. You should drink more."

 After saying that, he served her a bowl with a smile.

 The marriage of children should naturally not be discussed in front of the children. It is better to go back and discuss it with Mrs. Wu.

Sister Ying was confused, but she didn’t take it to heart.

The family finished their meal in a lively manner, and Brother Shun also packed several portions for Liang Jin and Wu.

By the way, I also bought a box of snacks for the servants.

 Old Mrs. Liang was even more satisfied with him when she saw how well he could win people's hearts.

I feel that a man who is so considerate will definitely be a good husband.

It's true that the old lady looked at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became.

Sister Ying.

“Grandma, what are you looking at? Why are you always looking at Cousin Shun and smiling?”

  This is very penetrating, okay?

 (End of this chapter)

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