Chapter 193, random bits of Yuanyang spectrum

Mrs. Liang was suddenly asked about it by Sister Ying. She coughed and said evasively, "No, I just think that Brother Shun is very good. He looks talented, can be a good person, and is very generous. I like him very much."

Sister Ying was dubious.


Mrs. Liang said of course, "Don't you think your cousin is very good?"

Sister Ying hummed, thought about it, and admitted, "Cousin Shun is indeed very good."

 This is true.

Then there’s no need to stare at people all the time, right?

Mrs. Liang looked at Brother Shun in front of her and saw that he was busy talking to Brother Kang and the others. Then she sneakily asked in Sister Ying's ear, "Sister Ying, if I ask your cousin Shun to do it, How do you feel about being a husband?"

Sister Ying said "Huh?", a little confused and speechless.

She held hands with Mrs. Liang and whispered to her, "Why are you messing up the rules? You asked me to get married when I was only a few years old."

Mrs. Liang clicked her tongue and said in a low voice, "Aren't I asking for your opinion? Besides, I think Brother Shun is a very good kid. He knows how to do business and has the ability. If you marry him in the future, you won't have to worry about food. If you wear it, your second aunt will be kind to you. What a perfect wedding."

Sister Ying.

"I do not want."

If she were an ancient person, she wouldn't care about cousins. After all, they don't have this concept.

 But she has lived in modern times at least, and knows that it is not good to marry close relatives, so it is naturally impossible to marry a relative such as a cousin.

Mrs. Liang didn't understand, "What's wrong? They are all relatives. When you get married, we will get closer."

Sister Ying didn't know how to explain it to her, so she said, "I don't want it anyway."

Old Mrs. Liang saw that she was pouting so much that she could hang a bottle of oil on her face, so she thought she really didn't like it. Then he sighed, "You, you, you are so stupid that you don't want such a good marriage."

“Thankfully, others usually praise you for being smart, but you are so confused about this matter. You are simply a fool.”

Sister Ying, no matter what she said, she just said no.

Mrs. Liang was also angry. She snorted and walked into the house.

 Fortunately Brother Shun and the others got in early, otherwise it would have been really embarrassing.

If someone asks them why they quarreled later, Sister Ying will be embarrassed to death.

 Fortunately, no one noticed at this moment, Brother Shun and the others had already gone into the main room to chat.

Mrs. Wu also prepared lunch and ate it with Second Sister Wu in the house.

The two sisters were eating when they saw the children coming back.

 “Are you back?”

   Brother Shun and the others hummed, then sat down to chat with them.

Mrs. Wu asked, "Are you all full? Can you eat more? I made sauced pig's trotters and **** duck."

Second Sister Wu liked this food, so Mrs. Wu made it specially for her.

The sauced pig's trotters have been stewed very soft and tender, and when you take a bite, the bones and meat are separated.

 The **** duck is also very delicious, with a tangy taste.

The children were already full, but now they asked about the taste of **** duck and became greedy again.

 “Mom, I want to eat another chicken drumstick.”

Seeing that her sons’ bellies were all chubby, Mrs. Wu turned her face and refused.

“No, I’ll make it for you if you want to eat it tonight.”

You are so full now, do you still want to eat? Don’t worry about filling your stomach.

Brother Shun smiled and took out the packed lunch box to add food to them.

“Third Aunt, these are the dishes packed from Yipinzhai, please try them.”

Mrs. Wu was very happy to see him being so considerate.

 “You are determined.”

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "He is like that. He is very kind to his own family, but he is not so easy to talk to outsiders. He looks aloof."

Mrs. Wu laughed after hearing this, and felt more and more that Brother Shun was a filial child. Second Sister Wu saw that her younger sister kept praising her son, so she started to speak ill of Brother Shun.

"Don't praise him. He just smiles and smiles at everyone, but he is actually looking bad behind his back."

Mrs. Wu didn't believe it and said to her, "Don't say bad things about my brother Shun. Be careful that I don't talk to you."

Sister Wu laughed after hearing this, "Yes, yes, I don't dare anymore. He is your precious nephew, and he is really afraid of you."

 All the supplies that Shun Ge'er had when he was a child, as well as the monthly grain supplies, were personally delivered by the Wu family.

Although the second sister Wu sent the money, she was also very concerned about it.

She brought Shun and Brother Shun to befriend Shu Xiu, so naturally she loved them.

They all call him half a nephew, and Mr. Wu also regards him as his son.

Second Sister Wu knew she loved the child and said with a smile.

“Looking at you like this, my nephew is so hurt. If Sister Ying and Sister Yang get married in the future, you mustn’t cry with tears in your eyes.”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Wu also said, "Don't tell me, I hate that kind of scene. Now they are still in front of me, and I still look at them every day. When the time comes, I may cry when they get married." "

Children come home once every ten days, and they are our darlings.

If she were at home every day, Mrs. Wu would be like other mothers. She would want to beat them every day if she saw someone being naughty or disobedient.

 But if Sister Ying and Sister Yang really get married in the future, she should be the one who cries the most.

 Speaking of getting married, Second Sister Wu asked her, "Sister Ying, did you say you have an in-law?"

  Wu shook his head, "It's still early."

 Besides, she didn’t really want Sister Ying to get married early, and wanted to keep her for a few more years.

  Mrs. Wu is well-educated, and her parents are also open-minded, so her thoughts are also more open-minded.

 She does not think it is good for girls to marry early.

On the contrary, I feel that it would be easier to get married a few years later, the children would be more mature, and it would be easier to go to someone else's house.

 Otherwise, you get married at a young age and live with your parents-in-law in someone else’s house without knowing anything. You may be bullied and don’t know how to deal with it.

 This is what Mr. Wu least wants to see.

Second Sister Wu does not have a daughter, but she also understands this mentality.

 After all, she was married before.

So she sighed and said, "You are right. It is good to keep her for a few more years. Let her learn more skills and marry into someone else's family in the future. She will have her own shop, money, dowry, and servants." , there is confidence.”

 When a woman gets married, she must have something to be able to stand upright in her husband's family.

 Wu thought so too.

"I have found all the maids and servants she will marry in the future, and they have all started working in her inn."

"The remaining personal servants have also been trained. As for the dowry shop and so on, it depends on where she will marry in the future."

 In fact, Mrs. Wu wanted to marry Sister Ying to her.

They are afraid that their official positions will be unstable and they will be transferred here and there.

Liang Jin wanted to see if he would stay in Jiangnan and not leave in the future. If she won't leave in Jiangnan later, let Sister Ying find her husband's family in Jiangnan.

 If there is any transfer, we will talk about it at that time.

 The child cannot be left alone here.

 Don't say she is worried, Liang Jin will not agree.

Second Sister Wu was very envious when she saw that the middle-aged couple still had such a good relationship.

“It’s better A Jin. After so many years, I still treat you as my treasure. It’s hard to find such a good man within ten miles.”



 (End of this chapter)

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