The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 194: , both want to get along with them.

Chapter 194, everyone wants to get along with them

 Wu admitted this.

 “He is indeed a stick figure.”

Especially when it comes to his treatment of her, Liang Jin is indeed as good to her as ever and has never changed.

Second Sister Wu was really curious, "There are so many beautiful girls in Jiangnan, but my brother-in-law has never had any other thoughts?"

   Wu’s peach-cheeked face tightened, “He dares!”

She is the eldest daughter of the family now. As long as she doesn't bother, Liang Jin dares to go out and look for the younger one?

Second Sister Wu smiled instantly when she saw her tigress look.

“You, you, you have become more and more powerful after not seeing me for so many years.”

Mrs. Wu also laughed when she heard this, "I can't help it. I have raised four children. I have to be tough."

 She also wants to be a gentle mother.

 But that's only when the children are babies.

 When the children are older and go to school, that’s when the real evolution of the tigress begins.

Especially when the sons don’t study well and sneak out to play, that’s the real Huashan sword debate.

Second Sister Wu laughed loudly when she heard this.

“Yeah, raising a son makes you rude, I used to be like that too.”

Mrs. Wu couldn't stop laughing, and complained, "Don't talk about my son, even Sister Ying and Sister Yang still make me angry."

Sister Ying and Sister Yang were called out at the side. They immediately shrank their necks and ran away in fear.

When Mrs. Wu saw it, she snorted and complained, "Don't look at the cuteness of these two little girls. They are secretly seductive and they are used to playing tricks on me."

"For example, last time, I asked them to copy the Book of Songs for me, and the two of them actually gave twenty pieces of writing to a scholar on the street who wrote letters, and asked someone to copy two copies. They came back to fool me and make me angry."

Second Sister Wu laughed when she heard this, "Hey, why do you ask them to copy the Book of Songs if you have nothing to do? Copying books is the most tiring for your hands, and they are still young."

Mr. Wu snorted, "You're still small, but I think your skin is itchy. You deserve a beating!"

 Sister Ying and Sister Yang outside the door, "So love will disappear, right?"

Mrs. Wu glanced at the two girls who were eavesdropping outside the door. She looked at Sister Wu and covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled.

Second Sister Wu said, "Your house is really lively, and the children are so fun."

 Unlike her family, the two brats stopped clinging to her when they grew up. They were busy outside all day long, and sometimes she couldn't find anyone.

 Occasionally during festivals, the two brats would come back to have a reunion dinner with her, otherwise they were not at home usually.

Mrs. Wu comforted her, "It's okay. When they get married in the future, you will have grandchildren to hold. When the time comes, let them go out and have fun, and you can just hold your grandchildren at home."

 Second Sister Wu is also looking forward to it.

“I wouldn’t have thought that way until you said it, but when you said that, I immediately got a sense of the picture.”

The home was indeed too deserted, especially after the children grew up, and she gradually felt lonely.

Mrs. Wu asked her, "Second sister, do you really not want to find another companion?"

Second Sister Wu sighed, "It's not that I don't want to, I just find it troublesome."

 She will not marry again, at most she will find a wife.

But generally, those who are single in this middle age are either widowers or old bachelors.

 The widowed may have several children, and the old bachelor may have something wrong with him.

Second Sister Wu thought about it over and over again, but she didn’t want to cause trouble for herself, so she simply stopped looking for it.

  She feels comfortable on her own, so why would she find an ancestor to serve her? It’s not self-inflicted.

After hearing this, Mr. Wu sighed, but did not persuade him anymore.

"Okay, if you feel lonely, come and live with me. My yard is big enough for you to live in."

After hearing this, Second Sister Wu felt warm in her heart.

"I know you feel sorry for me, but don't worry, I'm fine." "But when it comes to Brother Shun's marriage, I suddenly feel that your sister Ying hasn't said anything about our marriage yet. Otherwise, how about giving it to our brother Shun?" ?”

 Sister Ying passing by outside the door

  Why the second aunt’s and grandma’s brain circuits are the same

 Does she have to get her together with Cousin Shun?

Mrs. Wu was also surprised when she heard this.

 “You mean Sister Ying???”

Wu Shi has never thought about this.

 She has always regarded Sister Ying as her child. Even though she said she would get married in the future, in fact she still regarded her as her child.

Moreover, she only regarded Brother Shun as her child and never thought of marrying Sister Ying to him.

 Second Sister Wu saw her frightened look and immediately laughed.

He teased, "What, you look down on our brother Shun?"

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just haven't thought about this. Sister Ying is still young."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "You're not young, you're already thirteen."

Mrs. Wu still couldn't accept it, "No, wait until she is seventeen. Brother Shun is already twenty-two, so don't delay your grandson."

Second Sister Wu held the handkerchief and laughed at her, "I think you just can't bear it. Why are you saying that Sister Ying will be married off sooner or later? That's why my family is so reluctant. If someone else said it, wouldn't you be even more reluctant?"

Wu thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case.

 Because Sister Ying is still young, she hardly ever comes to marry her.

She was vague about the few questions she asked occasionally and did not respond. It can be seen that I still can't bear it.

Second Sister Wu advised her, "Girls will eventually get married when they grow up. You have to be mentally prepared."

Mrs. Wu gave her a cute look and said, "I won't tell you anymore."

It’s also strange. There is nothing reluctant about a son marrying a daughter-in-law.

 But when I heard that my daughter was getting married, my heart felt like a knife, and I was always distressed.

Second sister Wu clicked her tongue and said, "Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore. Don't shed tears. My brother-in-law will tell me when he comes back."

Wu's eyes were red, but she was amused.

Wipe your eyes with a handkerchief.

 “If you go, you will bully me.”

Second Sister Wu sighed and touched her head, just like she did when she was a child.

"Okay, I won't mention it anymore. I know she is your darling, so can I not mention it anymore?"

Wu Shi snorted and then agreed.

This is what a mother is like. She spends time with her children every day and finds them extremely annoying.

 But when I think about my children leaving home and living in other people’s families, I feel very reluctant to let go.

Second Sister Wu was afraid that she would cry again, so she could only say it in another way.

"Actually, if you think about it, we are biological sisters. Sister Ying is my niece. She is my daughter-in-law. I can only love her. If it were anyone else, I would not necessarily love Sister Ying."

 Wu heard what she said, which made sense.

Second Sister Wu continued, "Besides, we also live in Jiangnan now, which is quite close to you. Sister Ying will come back at any time."

“And I will come back with her every time she comes back, so we can get together, right?”

Thinking about it this way, it’s all a benefit.

Mrs. Wu thought about it and said to her, "I'll ask my husband tonight. Then I'll ask Sister Ying. That girl has a good idea. I don't dare to make the decision for her easily."

Of course Second Sister Wu agreed, "Don't worry, you and I will talk about this matter yourself. I won't mention it to Brother Shun for the time being."

As long as something doesn't work out, I won't mention it, so as not to embarrass the children when they meet.

 (End of this chapter)

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