The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 195: , women must have their own opinions

Chapter 195: Women must have their own opinions

Wu Shi agreed, taking this matter at ease, and planned to ask Liang Jin that evening.

At night.

 It is rare for Liang Jin to come back early.

 It was said that I had nothing to do today, so I came back early.

 Originally, his colleagues wanted to meet him for a drink of flower wine, but when Second Sister Wu happened to come over, he had an excuse to come back early.

Second Sister Wu had not seen her brother-in-law for a long time. Now she saw that Liang Jin was as energetic as before, and she smiled and said hello to him.

 “Brother-in-law, long time no see.”

Liang Jin looked at the wealthy woman in front of him and almost didn't recognize her.

 “Second, second sister??”

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "What? Can't you recognize me?"

Liang Jin nodded in surprise, "Yes, if the servant hadn't told her that the second sister was here, I wouldn't have recognized her."

Today's Second Sister Wu smells of money from head to toe, and she is also very rich.

 It is almost the same as the coarse linen clothes before.

Not to mention that after becoming wealthy, Second Sister Wu looks younger and better at dressing up.

Seeing her brother-in-law's look of disbelief, Sister Wu laughed first.

 Haunted his two sons to call for help quickly.

 “Brother Shun, Brother An, call someone quickly.”

 Brother Shun, Brother An, came over immediately and called out respectfully, "Uncle Third."

Liang Jin saw that they were very talented. Their appearance completely inherited that of the Wu family, and they were tall and mighty. They are nothing like the Huang family.

Liang Jin saw that they all grew up well, and he was very happy for them. He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, if you can do well, it will be better than anything else."

Second Sister Wu also said, "Yes, it's a blessing for you to be able to make it this far."

Had it not been for the help of Sanmei and her family, Wu Erjie thought that she would not have been able to reach this stage today.

Seeing her saying this again, Mrs. Wu clicked her tongue, "Stop talking now and come in. Dinner is about to begin."

Liang Jin smiled and said, "Yes, let's eat first and chat while eating."

 The dinner was particularly lively, and the big round table could hardly fit any seats.

 Fortunately, there are many chairs at home, and several brothers, Sen and Yang, are young and do not take up any space, so it is full of seats.

Liang Jin, the head of the family, picked up the wine glass and said with a smile, "Come and drink to our reunion today."

 Brother Shun and Geer An also picked up their wine glasses and raised their glasses to celebrate with him.

  It is rare for Mrs. Wu and Second Sister Wu to have a drink.

Even Mrs. Liang also had a drink.

Sister Ying also wanted to drink, but Mrs. Wu rarely said to her, "Okay, you have two drinks, not too much."

Sister Ying smiled and said yes, like a kitten, she took a sip of her daughter's red and her eyes narrowed as she smiled.

 The more Second Sister Wu looked at her, the more she liked her.

I can’t wait to take Sister Ying home directly.

She asked Wu, "How long will Sister Ying go to college?"

Most boys will study until they are admitted to the imperial examination, but girls don’t need to study for that long. They are almost thirteen years old.

Mrs. Wu said, "Let her study until next year and not let her go. Then let her concentrate on running the inn and save more for herself as a dowry."

Second Sister Wu nodded, "Your arrangement is quite good. Let her be more busy with her own shop, so that she won't know anything when she gets married."

 It is best to know how to run your own shop before marriage, so as not to be busy with the husband's affairs after marriage and have no time to run the shop.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "No, this girl has a good idea."

  Not to mention Sister Ying, even the little girl Sister Yang is not of the temperament to put her husband first.

Both girls wanted to find a man who would love their daughter-in-law and listen to her words. Mrs. Wu couldn't laugh or cry, but she was also happy that they had the right idea.

I'm afraid that from some girls' point of view, the husband's family and the man are the most important.

One day when someone went out to look for Yingying Yanyan, her husband's family was not happy, and those girls didn't even have time to cry. I just feel like the sky is falling.

But Sister Ying and Sister Yang definitely won't. They have their own ideas, and with the money in hand, if their husband's family treats them badly, they still have a way out.

Second Sister Wu clicked her tongue in surprise, "Ever since you were a small village, people said you were a stubborn child and your ideas were different from others. Now it seems that you actually live the most transparent life."

Even the children I teach are so transparent, which is really enviable.

Wu Shi said cheerfully, "Isn't it the same for you?"

The two sisters are evenly matched, and they are not masters who accept their fate easily.

 Children who are educated are naturally different from ordinary people.

Liang Jin just thought they were praising their children and continued to drink with Brother Shun and his brothers with a smile.

 Even started chatting with them.

“I heard from your mother that you two can start your own business now?”

Brother Shun and Brother An said modestly, "Fortunately, my mother taught me good things. Now we also sell some goods ourselves."

  But the goods sold are not ordinary goods, they are basically high-quality goods.

Even the carpets and furnishings of Yipinzhai, many of them came in with them.

Liang Jin said directly, "It's amazing. It's already amazing that you can achieve so much at your age."

 The officials in the capital looked down upon merchants, but in more civilized places like these, officials and merchants were quite mutually beneficial.

Liang Jin didn’t want to harm Brother Shun and the others, he just admired their success in their youth.

 General boys can either study or do business, and the rest are ordinary and basically accomplish nothing. In the end, they can only find a simple job and struggle to support their family.

 It is certainly remarkable that the brothers Shun Geer can make life so big.

Second Sister Wu saw how much Liang Jin admired her son, so she winked at Mrs. Wu and told her to tell Liang Jin about Brother Shun and Sister Ying in the evening.

  Wu responded with his eyes, "I know."

Sister Ying could roughly guess what she was doing when she saw her second aunt and her mother's actions.

 But she really had no idea.

 It is not unreasonable that the fertility rate of ancient people was so low.

 Most of the children of consanguineous marriages died in infancy. Not to mention the survival rate.

 She wouldn’t agree to it anyway.

 At night, Liang Jin drank a little too much, so Mrs. Wu asked Tong Xi to help him back to the house first.

 She arranged for Second Sister Wu and the others to rest first, and then returned to the room.

As soon as Liang Jin came back, he lay in bed in a daze.

Mrs. Wu soaked the handkerchief in water, unwrapped it and wiped his face.


Liang Jin shook his head, "I can still withstand it."

 It means that a person is lazy and does not want to move.

 Wu changed his sleeping clothes, made him lie down more comfortably, and then came over to chat with him.

“Ms. sir, what do you think of Brother Shun?”

Liang Jin put his hands on the pillow and nodded, "A very good young man, very promising."

Wu asked again, "What do you think of Sister Ying and Brother Shun?"

Liang Jin snorted first, and then immediately woke up, "What did you say? Who is following whom?"

  Wu quickly covered his mouth, "Please keep your voice down, don't talk nonsense."

Liang Jin looked outside your door. It was pitch black. All the servants had gone to bed, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He stopped lying down, sat up, and asked her, "Who did you just say Sister Ying was with? Say it again."

Mrs. Wu sighed and whispered, "I said Sister Ying will marry Brother Shun. What do you think of this?"

Thank you Jimei for your votes, okay (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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