Chapter 196, Two Faces

This time Liang Jin heard clearly.

“You mean to marry Sister Ying to Brother Shun?”

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Yes, my second sister mentioned it today, so I'll chat with you. I haven't decided yet."

Liang Jin then started to think seriously.

 Er Sister Wu has a good character, but she can be trusted.

Brother Shun seems to be a talented person and has the ability to support the family. Sister Ying will not have to suffer when she gets married.

 In addition, the two families are related, so there is no need to worry about Sister Ying being bullied if she marries her son.

 But this matter, “I think it’s feasible or not, but I still have to ask Sister Ying for her opinion first.”

“That girl has big ideas, and I don’t dare to give her the nod easily.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "No, you are a girl with a very good idea. She wants to make the decision on her own. I don't dare to make my own conclusions. I have to ask her."

Liang Jin said, "I don't have any family background. It doesn't necessarily mean that a daughter from an official family has to find a son from an official family. The main thing is to look at the character of the son-in-law's family."

 They were originally from commoner backgrounds, and even after being promoted, they did not have the mentality of being superior to others.

As long as the children live a good life, Liang Jin does not have such deep-rooted sectarian views.

Mrs. Wu also said, "Yes, although people will say that the daughter of the state is married to a merchant, as long as Brother Shun is good to Sister Ying, and people see the love between the couple, they will just let it pass."

“Besides, my second sister is one of our own. If Sister Ying gets married, she will definitely love her well. Marrying her will save me the worry that she won’t get along with her mother-in-law.”

Liang Jin nodded, feeling that what Wu said made sense.

“But in fact, none of us know how Brother Shun will treat his wife.”

 These are relatives of your own family, and it is normal for Brother Shun to respect them.

It would be bad if he is not a good person to his wife.

Wu Shi said with shame, "No way? I don't think Brother Shun is that kind of person."

Liang Jin was not so sure, and told her, "This is not necessarily true. Some people are good to their family members, but they are only bad to their wives. It's not like you haven't seen such people before."

 There was a man like this in Lihua Town before.

That man was polite and polite to all outsiders, but he was extremely indifferent to his wife when he returned home.

   He would not even say a word to his wife, and he would not spend money on his wife if he had money. He just treated his wife as a human being.

And his wife is his close cousin.

 Liang Jin and Wu had witnessed this with their own eyes.

Mrs. Wu hesitated when she heard him mention this matter.

"When you said that, I remembered it. That little girl was gentle and gentle, with a good personality. She was also very kind to her mother-in-law and aunt."

Her cousin just didn't cherish her. He didn't touch her for many years and gave birth to a son outside. It was really embarrassing.

“However, Brother Shun had a good time playing with Sister Ying when he was a child, so it shouldn’t be like that, right?”

Liang Jin, "We haven't seen each other for many years, and you haven't watched him grow up with your own eyes. How would you know what he is like to the little girl."

Mrs. Wu said sadly, "Then? Is this the end of the matter?"

Liang Jin, "Why don't you ask Sister Ying first. Then let the second sister ask Brother Shun. We have to see what the two of them mean. Don't mess up the relationship and create a resentful couple."

 Wu Shi nodded, "I understand, I'll ask tomorrow."

 If the two children are not interested in each other, forget it, otherwise it will cause unpleasantness in the future and hurt the relationship between the two families.

Liang Jin nodded and told her, "Go to bed early."

Mrs. Wu sighed and went over to turn off the lights.

 On the second day.

Liang Jin went to work on the case after breakfast.

 The children also went to college after eating. While eating, Mrs. Wu chatted with Second Sister Wu, "Second Sister, I told my husband last night. He said to ask the two children first. If they don't want to, forget it, so as not to become a couple in the future. Resentful couple.”

Second Sister Wu thought the same thing, so she said, "Okay, I'll ask Brother Shun later to see what he means."

 After saying that, we went to find Brother Shun for dinner.

 Brother Shun is still lying in the house right now.

 He is busy with business on weekdays and has almost no holidays.

I just want to relax when I’m visiting relatives, so I don’t want to get up.

Second Sister Wu came in to see him, pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, chatting with him.

 “Son, let me ask you something.”

Brother Shun is smart, and he can tell what his mother wants to ask just by looking at her eyes.

 “Mom, I want to ask about Sister Ying?”

Second Sister Wu nodded, "Yes, what do you think of Sister Ying marrying you as your wife?"

Brother Shun put his hands on the pillow, crossed his legs, and said ruffian, "My cousin is still young, I only treat her as a child."

“However, if mother really likes her so much, it’s not impossible for me to marry her home.”

 Second Sister Wu had a headache when she saw her uninhibited appearance.

“I’ve told you several times that you can be cunning with outsiders, but you can’t be cunning with your own family.”

"Your cousin is a serious girl, not one of those playgirls outside who can be messed with at will. Please be more serious."

Brother Shun made a fool of himself, which was completely different from how he usually behaved in front of Mr. Wu.

He shook his legs and said in a naughty manner, "Mom, I can be infinitely tolerant of my own family, but not necessarily the little girl. I don't hate my cousin, and it's not impossible to marry her, but I can't. I promise I will make her happy for the rest of my life.”

The little girl is willing to coax him occasionally, but after a long time, he gets bored.

 There is no way, he has no patience at all when it comes to love affairs between men and women.

 If you like it, just say goodbye, if you don’t like it, just say goodbye.

 This is also the reason why he has not wanted to marry and have children for so long.

 Because he found that he was not suitable to be a husband at all.

 He is only suitable to be a son or a profitable boss.

He really doesn't have the patience to fall in love with a little girl.

Seeing his unworthy behavior, Second Sister Wu made a quick decision, "Forget it, pretend I didn't say this. I took the initiative to mention this to your third aunt, and she didn't agree very much, so let's forget it."

Although her son respects her, he can't help her being careless about matters between men and women.

It's better not to harm Sister Ying.

Second Sister Wu really doesn’t understand why her son can’t be nicer to his wife when he’s so good to his own family.

I really hope I can meet someone who can control this brat in the future.

 Otherwise, ordinary girls wouldn't be able to control her.


It's a pity that such a good girl as Sister Ying is destined not to become her daughter-in-law.

Brother Shun saw her mother's disappointed look and said with a smile, "If you really like her that much, why don't you just wait for her to take her home for two days during her vacation?"

 It’s not far away anyway, you can get there just by taking a boat, which is very convenient.

“That’s a good suggestion. I’ll let your second aunt and her family visit our house next time.”

 After saying that, I became happy again.

“At that time, we will have to buy all the new quilts at home, as well as some new clothes for the children.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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