Chapter 197: Reject the marriage

 Brother Shun saw that his mother was happy again, and then he raised the corner of his mouth evilly.

“Okay, you go out and play with my third aunt, I want to sleep for a while.”

 After saying that, he turned over and fell asleep.

Second Sister Wu didn't bother him, and happily went to talk to Mrs. Wu about being a guest.

At night.

When Sister Ying came back and the family had dinner together, Brother Shun looked at her with an unclear look.

Sister Ying was looked at with a question mark on her face? ?

 But I’m embarrassed to ask.

She guessed that her second aunt had mentioned her marriage to her cousin, right?

That's why my cousin looks at me with such intriguing eyes, right?

It’s really embarrassing

 Very embarrassing.

 Wait until the meal is finished.

Wu Shi pulled Sister Ying into the house and asked her, "Sister Ying, I want to ask you something. What do you think of your cousin Shun?"

Sister Ying.

 “Pretty, pretty good.”

Mrs. Wu asked again, "Well, what do you think about marrying into your cousin's family?"

"Your second aunt will be your mother-in-law. She can love you and take care of you, and my mother can see you often. What do you think of this marriage?"

Sister Ying had three lines on her forehead and pouted, "Mother"

Seeing her unhappy look, Mrs. Wu knew that she was unwilling.

Hurryly asked, "What's wrong? Mom, isn't this just for consideration?"

 It is not easy to find a good in-law for your daughter.

 It’s rare to find a good in-law, so of course you have to ask.

Sister Ying sighed and said, "But I don't like my cousin. I only think of him as my cousin and my eldest brother. Not my husband!"

Seeing her firm look, Mrs. Wu asked strangely, "Why don't you like your cousin? Or you don't understand what liking means at all."

Sister Ying.

 She really doesn’t understand what liking is.

  After all, she was still a child in elementary school when she came here.

 But people still have instincts. You don’t need to understand whether you like something or not, it can be sorted out by instinct.

She said with a small face, "Although I don't know what liking means, I don't like it when I think about marrying my cousin."

No matter how stupid a person is, he is still sensitive enough to know what he doesn't like.

 Especially the physical resistance is very obvious. It can't be disguised at all.

Seeing her decisiveness, Mrs. Wu laughed and said, "What's wrong with your cousin? Didn't he take you to eat delicious food?"

Sister Ying pouted, "That's for us, us, not just me."

   It’s not like I took her to eat specially. How could it be the same?

Wu smiled and said, "Then what are you looking for?"

Sister Ying thought about it carefully, "Well, I want to find someone who is gentle and considerate. Someone who can come to save me at critical moments, and who will stand by me unconditionally."

 Generally, when husbands bully their daughters-in-law, it is mainly because men have vague attitudes.

If you resolutely protect your wife, how dare your mother treat your wife like that?

If you really dare to deal with your wife, it means that your mother doesn’t love you enough, she only loves herself.

Otherwise, a mother who loves her son would not want to break up with her son. For the sake of her son’s face, she would definitely leave some room for her daughter-in-law.

 If her future husband-in-law unconditionally believes in her and supports her, he will not be afraid that her husband's family status will not be high.

In fact, according to Sister Ying's logical thinking, it is not necessary to marry someone, let alone regard your husband as your heaven.

She has the ability to support herself and her family, but she really needs to get out of her comfort zone, work in someone else's shoes, live under someone else's roof, and see how others behave.

But things are not so absolute.

There are bad in-laws, and there must be good in-laws, so she takes the matter of marriage relatively lightly and just lets things happen.

However, I dare not tell her mother this for the time being, for fear that her mother will say she is rebellious.

 But marrying Brother Shun is definitely not an option.

So she said resolutely, "Mom, I don't want to marry my cousin anyway. I just want to be my cousin's sister, and that's enough." Brother and sister, what a joy.

It would be weird no matter how you think about becoming a couple.

 Moreover, they haven't seen each other for many years, so there is no relationship between them. It is strange to suddenly propose marriage.

Seeing the disgusted expression on her face, Mrs. Wu couldn't help but laugh.

  "Okay, I'm just asking for your opinion. If you really don't like it, forget it."

When Sister Ying heard this, she became happy and said, "Forget it, I only like my cousin as a brother, so you and your second aunt should not mess with each other."

 Brother Shun happened to be passing by outside the door.

He heard the rustling sound inside, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

 “It’s interesting, my cousin doesn’t like him?”

 He thought that little girls would fall in love with a tall and handsome man like him.

 I didn’t expect that she didn’t like it.


 On the second day.

Second Sister Wu will go back after her last day.

 The two sons still have business to do.

Mrs. Wu did not dare to delay her. Thinking that it was the last day, she simply took Sister Ying and went out to play with Second Sister Wu.

The remaining three children saw that only their elder sister could ask for leave, and they were immediately dissatisfied, "Mom, why is it that only my elder sister can ask for leave?"

Mrs. Wu put her hands on her hips and said, "She has been studying for ten years. Do you have any? If you have been studying for ten years, I will ask you to invite her."

 The three children were suddenly speechless.

That's right, my eldest sister has been studying for ten years, so it doesn't matter if I take a day off.

They read this half -barrel of water for a few years, and please keep up with a day of fake.

 Unlike my sister, she has already been able to do it with ease.

Mrs. Wu saw that they were wilting, so she sent them to study.

 “Let’s go quickly and I’ll bring you something delicious when I come back in the evening.”

After hearing this, the three children ran away happily.

 After the children left, Mrs. Wu also took Sister Ying and Second Sister Wu out.

 Brother Shun leads the way.

Mrs. Wu said to Second Sister Wu, "Second Sister, I don't know anything interesting in this area. If you know, please lead the way."

Second Sister Wu suddenly laughed, "How can I, a guest, lead the way?"

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "What kind of guest are you? Are you familiar with Jiangnan better than me? I am the guest from outside."

Second Sister Wu laughed at this, "Okay, okay, if I can't beat you, then come with me and let me lead the way."

Brother Shun walked in front and sighed, "I'll call the boat."

Seeing that Mrs. Wu was about to call a boat, she asked, "Where are you going, second sister?"

 Second Sister Wu, "I'll take you to our shop. I haven't shown it to you yet."

 They also have several shops in Jiangnan, and their business is good.

Brother Shun went to charter a boat, and they quickly boarded the boat and went shopping.

 Er Sister Wu’s shop is downstream, and the upstream side is occupied by officials’ houses.

However, the business downstream is also good, and many women still like to go downstream to hunt for good goods.

 Brother Shun led the way, while Sister Ying followed beside Mrs. Wu.

In a blink of an eye, they came to the jewelry at Second Sister Wu’s house.

This jewelry shop mostly sells sets of hairpins, necklaces and bracelets, which look very nice together.

Wu originally planned to build such a shop for Sister Ying, but the location has not been decided yet.

Second Sister Wu said, "If you want to buy something for Sister Ying, you can open a branch of my brand. Then you can get the goods from Brother Shun. We will benefit from each other."

 (End of this chapter)

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