Chapter 198, Strange Cousin

Mrs. Wu was very happy after hearing this.

"This is what you said. If I want to open a store then, I will look for you."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Don't worry, my family won't say anything about my family. Besides, if you buy goods from us, we can make some money."

 Speaking, he picked out a complete set of mutton-fat white jade hair and face for Sister Ying.

The jade pendant of mutton-fat white jade can be worn on a thin necklace around the neck.

There are also mutton-fat white jade hairpins, which are still made of mutton-fat white jade. Although the style is simple, the hairpin head is decorated with other jade, and several lifelike orchids are carved, giving it an orchid-like temperament.

 Including the mutton-fat white jade bracelet, the bracelet is completely crystal white, and the wrist is very slender and beautiful.

 Second Sister Wu put it on Sister Ying carefully. The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became.

“That’s it. Sister Ying, do you like it?”

 From this tone, it seemed like I wanted to give it to her.

When Mrs. Wu heard it, she quickly said, "This set is really good-looking. If it's not expensive, I'll buy it."

 The price of mutton-fat white jade is not cheap, let alone a complete set.

Mrs. Wu thought that when Sister Ying got her haircut, she would have to buy an expensive set of haircuts for her, so she wanted to buy this set.

This mutton-fat white jade is gentle and white, which makes people's temperament elegant. Mrs. Wu liked it very much.

Second Sister Wu saw that she liked her and immediately asked Brother Shun to pay the money.

Even though it is your own store, you still have to pay to avoid unclear accounts.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wu hurriedly stopped her, "No, I can do it myself."

 Having said that, hurriedly went to pull Shun Geer.

But Brother Shun had already paid the money and looked like he had won. "Third Aunt, I've already paid."

  Wu Shi "You kid. How much does it cost? I'll give it to you."

 But Brother Shun walked out with a smile.

Mrs. Wu clicked her tongue and said to Second Sister Wu, "You tell me, don't keep giving us things, or I will feel bad about it."

Second Sister Wu said cheerfully, "It's okay. I'll just give you this set as a gift for Sister Ying in the future. When the time comes, I will definitely give Sister Yang a set as well, so you can accept it with peace of mind." "

Mrs. Wu sighed, "That's okay, your money didn't come from the strong wind. This set of mutton-fat white jade is very expensive at first glance."

Second Sister Wu coaxed her and said, "Okay, okay, when you opened the bacon shop, you gave me a lot of money, so I will pay you back the interest."

"And my boss likes your bacon and pork jerky very much. Next time, please make more for me. I want to use it as a favor."

There was no reason why Mrs. Wu could not agree, so she quickly said, "Okay, I will get you some more to take away, and I will buy some nice boxes for you to put in and take back tomorrow."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Okay, let's continue shopping."

Wu didn’t dare to go shopping anymore, for fear that they would rush to pay for it again.

 She doesn't like to take advantage of others. Even though she is a biological sister, she is embarrassed to keep asking for other people's things.

 It’s not easy for everyone. It’s easy to collect food, cloth and other things.

 If it was too expensive, Mrs. Wu would be really embarrassed to accept it.

Second Sister Wu saw that she was worried about her, so she said, "I know, I know, in the worst case, if Brother Shun gets married in the future, why don't you give me a big gift? It's not like we won't have any contact with each other anymore, so what are you afraid of?"

When Wu heard this, he said, "Yes, why did I forget it?"

 At that time, Brother Shun and Brother An will both get married and have children, and they will all give gifts one by one.

 Thinking about it this way, she felt relieved.

It would be nice if I could return the favor, but I'm afraid I'd feel bad for asking for such a valuable thing.

Second Sister Wu saw her smiling, and then she followed her.

"You, you, are always like this. You are so afraid of the smallest favor. If your brother-in-law becomes a high official in the future, how can you bear the big gifts given to you?"

Wu imagined the scene and smiled. "Whether my husband can be a high official is a matter of debate. As for whether to accept gifts or not, if there is no justifiable reason, I will definitely not accept them."

 Receiving gifts is only a temporary pleasure. Don’t be accused of taking bribes later. That would be a bad thing.

Second Sister Wu didn’t know what kind of corrupt official’s wife she would be, so she smiled and took her arm to go shopping together.

Sister Ying saw a stall selling miniature figures in front of her, so she walked over to take a look.

   Today Mrs. Wu dressed her up very delicately and cutely.

A bright yellow half-sleeved top, with a bright white middle coat inside, and a light yellow pleated skirt on the lower body. Dressed up, she looks very cute and cute for her age.

Brother Shun saw her looking at the villain and walked over to ask her.

 “You like this?”

Sister Ying nodded, "It's quite interesting."

She asked the boss for five, four for their four siblings, and one for Brother Rong.

Brother Shun didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing that she asked for five, he asked her curiously, "Who do you want to give the other one to?"

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "I"

 This is hard to explain.

Originally, she wanted the boss to make a little Pan An and give it to Jing Shirong.

But since Brother Shun is here, it’s hard to tell the boss openly, for fear that Brother Shun will notice.

Jing Shirong came here to investigate the case. She couldn't expose him, so she casually said, "This is for cousin An. He is a little younger than you, so he should like it."

Brother Shun raised his eyebrows and looked at her with unclear eyes, "Only Brother An, but not me?"

Sister Ying coughed and looked embarrassed by him, so she hurriedly said, "Send them all."

 “Boss, give me another one for my brother.”

 She called her brother directly, which meant to tell him that I have no other intentions for you, so don’t misunderstand me.

 Brother Shun didn't misunderstand, he was just a little curious, why doesn't this little cousin like him?

 Isn’t he handsome?

I still remember that every time he went out, whenever he met a little girl, she would blush if she accidentally glanced at him.

Not to mention that if he says a word to the other party, the other party will secretly agree.

 How come it’s not easy to use it when I get to Sister Ying’s place?

 Could it be that what he had done before was all an illusion?

Sister Ying was stared at directly by him, and she turned her head away in embarrassment, pretending she couldn't see him.

 The two of them stood here together waiting to make the clay figurines, while Mrs. Wu and Sister Wu went shopping in other shops.

Since the two children have no interest in each other, let them be brother and sister and leave them alone.

When Sister Ying saw that her mother had left with her second aunt, she quietly moved her feet to try to get a little farther away from Cousin Shun.

 Brother Shun noticed her move, curled up the corner of his mouth, and deliberately leaned towards her.

 “Cousin, don’t stay too far away from me, or you may get lost.”

Sister Ying said to her heart, I will not get lost.

 But if the other person comes closer, she can't tell you to go away, as that would make her look pretentious.

 Maybe people are not interested in her and just treat her as a little girl.

Just as the two people were moving back and forth, Jing Shirong happened to appear.

These past few days, he has been secretly busy sorting out evidence of corruption by corrupt officials, and has never had time to find Sister Ying.

I didn’t expect to see her downstream.

 (End of this chapter)

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