Chapter 199, Jing Shirong vs. Shun Geer

 “Sister Ying?”

Jing Shirong was overjoyed. Just as he was about to walk over, he saw a handsome man next to Sister Ying? ?

Jing Shirong frowned, never expecting Sister Ying to go out with an adult man.

 He couldn't guess who the other party was, so he could only get closer and take a look.

 I just hope it’s a passerby, preferably no one else.

 But after careful observation, he didn't see the passerby walking away. Instead, he got closer and closer to Sister Ying.

Jing Shirong's eyes darkened, and he suddenly felt a little angry in his heart, and he immediately walked over aggressively.

 “Sister Ying!”

Sister Ying was surprised. She didn't expect someone to call her.

She turned around and saw an unhappy Jing Shirong.

 “Rong, Murong.”

 The secret was almost revealed, but luckily he changed his tune quickly.

Hearing the sound, Brother Shun turned around and saw Jing Shirong, who looked like Pan An.

 Two grown men looked at each other with displeasure in their eyes.

Sister Ying looked back at them and saw sparks in their eyes, so she quickly pulled Brother Shun back.

“Cousin, the little clay figurine is ready. See if you like it.”

As soon as Brother Shun heard this, he was really attracted to her.

 “Yes, let me see.”

Jing Shirong heard their conversation from behind and saw that Sister Ying ignored him and only focused on chatting with the man, and suddenly felt a little hurt.

It was a day when the sun was shining brightly, but he suddenly felt a little cold.

This is not what Sister Ying is thinking about.

She was afraid that Brother Shun would be curious about Jing Shirong and check him out, so she quickly pulled Brother Shun over. So as not to disturb Jing Shirong's case.

Unexpectedly, Jing Shirong misunderstood that she didn't like him anymore when she had other little brothers. She suddenly felt sad. Finally, she glanced at their backs with hurt eyes and turned around to leave.

When Brother Shun wasn't paying attention, Sister Ying turned around and took a peek, only to see that Jing Shirong's figure had long disappeared behind her.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself, "Fortunately, it didn't ruin his big business." She thought he might have come here to investigate the case, but luckily she didn't disturb him.

Brother Shun saw her and glanced behind him from time to time, and asked her, "Do you know the man just now?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, that little brother is very famous. He is known as Xiao Pan An." Her tone couldn't help but be coquettish.

Brother Shun saw her looking like a little girl who is infatuated, frowned slightly, and thought to himself, "Is it possible that Sister Ying doesn't like me because I'm not fair enough?"

 with the young wealthy businessman named "Murong", he has heard a lot of rumors about him recently, but this is his first time meeting him in person.

He looked carefully just now. The man was obviously taller, whiter, and had bigger eyes than ordinary people. How was he any different from ordinary people?

 It doesn’t always have two eyes and one mouth, huh. What's so great.

Sister Ying saw that the sourness on his body was no longer coming out, so she couldn't help teasing him, "Cousin Shun, aren't you jealous of Murong?"

Seeing that she dared to tease him, Brother Shun snorted and said with a ruffian smile, "Little girl, do you think I'm jealous of him?"

 Is he jealous of that pretty boy?

They say that pretty boy has a father who is a high-ranking official, otherwise his business would not be so big.

 Just a guy who depends on his father. Unlike him, he earns every copper by himself.

It’s just that the little girls are blinded by the pretty face of their parents when they see their parents being tall and fair. Sister Ying didn't expect that he also had such a childish side. She covered her mouth with a handkerchief and said with a smile, "Okay, the clay figurine is ready, let's go."

Brother Shun hummed and went to pay the money, but Sister Ying got there first.

 “I’ll just come, my mother gave me pocket money.”

Even though she had money to run a shop, Mrs. Wu was afraid that she would spend all the money, so she was not allowed to take any money and only gave her pocket money every month.

I have already spent a lot of money with my second aunt’s house today, so naturally I feel embarrassed to spend more money with them.

Brother Shun saw that she was looking away, and tutted, and the ruffian raised his lips, "You, you, you, why are you being polite to me with a few coins? We are not only cousins, we are almost married, why are you being polite to me?" "

Sister Ying.

Brother, please don’t talk about this so openly, okay?

 Won’t I be embarrassed?

Even though she didn't say this out loud, her expression was so obvious that Brother Shun even laughed.

 He laughed twice, rarely showing his true emotions.

He raised his head and rubbed her head with a charming voice, "Then tell me, why don't you want to marry me?"

So many girls in Jiangnan wanted to marry him, but this little girl avoided him like a snake or a scorpion, which made him very unhappy.

"Is it possible that you like pretty boys like "Murong"?"

Sister Ying.

“Yes, I like his fair and clean look.”

 Since you said so, I might as well admit it.

  It's not bad to like Brother Rong anyway, at least they are not close relatives.

Jing Shirong later learned the truth

 Thanks, not, close relative

Brother Shun saw that she really agreed. He was stunned for a moment, then curled his lips and said disgustedly, "You are a little girl, you really have no vision. What's so good about Murong? Is it possible that he is so good-looking that he can be eaten?"

Sister Ying said of course, "Of course it looks good and can be eaten, because it is a meal!"

God knows that good-looking people are so eye-catching that they will make you happy just to look at them, let alone eat them.

Brother Shun was really impressed by her and tapped her forehead with his finger, "You can't just look at a man's face, you have to look at his heart, do you understand?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't understand. I just want the other person to be good-looking, and if I like him and he likes me, that's it."

 Love is very simple to begin with, but if you think too much about it, it will become impure.

Brother Shun used this to teach her, "Love is naturally simple, but getting married is not simple. Do you know what life is like after getting married? If a man loves you more before marriage, it won't necessarily be the case after marriage. Silly girl, Don’t be fooled easily.”

Sister Ying sighed and said, "Then what do you think we should do? Don't get married?"

She thought about it, but her family probably wouldn't agree.

Brother Shun suddenly smiled when he saw the melancholy look on her face.

“You, you, you seem so melancholy at such a young age, let’s go and eat sweet soup in front of you.”

Sister Ying was also thirsty, so she went with him.

 The two of them each ordered a bowl of **** slices and sweet pill soup and sat down to drink it.

 When Brother Shun was about to talk to her, Jing Shirong actually came over again?

Jing Shirong didn’t know what he was thinking.

 He was planning to go back after investigating the case. Who knew that I would meet Sister Ying on the road.

 I met her when I met her, and I happened to see her with other men.

He originally planned to go home, take a shower, change clothes, and go see Sister Ying. Who knew he would be laughing and joking with other men on the street, looking very intimate.

Jing Shirong was instinctively unhappy when he saw the two of them so close.

He didn’t know what happened to him, but his mood suddenly worsened, and he felt like he “never wanted to see those two people again”, so he turned around and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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