Chapter 201, Brother Shun’s concerns

Seeing that she spoke in such detail, Brother Shun couldn't help but ask, "So, how is she doing now?"

I don’t think it’s a good idea, but I still want to ask.

Sister Ying gossiped, "What? Do you like Sister Xiangxiang?"

Brother Shun glared at her and scolded her like an adult, "Children, don't worry about so many things."

Sister Ying was not afraid of him. She hummed, "If you want my help, you have to tell me your purpose, otherwise I won't help you."

“Sister Xiangxiang is a good girl. If you don’t marry someone else and can’t be responsible for them, then don’t harm them.”

Brother Shun snorted and was silent for a while before speaking.

“Actually, I don’t know what to think about her, so I just want to help her.”

The first time he met Lin Xiangxiang was on the day her parents were in danger.

 They were also on the ship at that time.

  When the big waves hit hard, the boat capsized and everyone fell into the sea.

 Because both he and An Geer have learned water and can also swim.

 But Second Sister Wu was not very good at water, so he and An Geer tried their best to save their mother.

After rescuing my mother on the crib, the two brothers were about to dock the boat, but they saw someone splashing in the water.

At that time, the boat was very small, only big enough for three people, and there would be no room for another person.

The big ship had capsized, and only this life-saving boat was left. Naturally, the brothers didn't want to have any accidents, so they didn't go to save it.

 The girl in the water didn't seem to want them to save her, but swam desperately towards her parents.

 “Dad~, mother~”

She was still young at that time, but she was determined to find her parents.

 It was just that the waves were so big that her parents were swept away at once.

 The little girl cried, "Mother!"

The waves were so big that they swept her in all of a sudden.

I don’t know why, Brother Shun reached out his hand unexpectedly, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her up with force.

 As soon as she came up, the boat began to become unbalanced.

 Fortunately, the brothers slid forward as hard as they could and luckily reached the shallow sea.

 The last four people were all saved, but the little girl lost her parents.

There is no one to blame for this. When faced with a disaster, everyone’s instinct is to save their own families, so Lin Xiangxiang doesn’t blame Brother Shun for not saving her parents.

 After all, I have my own mother to save.

Later, she took Brother Shun's boat and went to Jiangnan to find her uncle.

Obviously this incident was just an episode, but Brother Shun somehow kept it in mind.

 And think of it from time to time.

Every time I came to the upper reaches of the south of the Yangtze River, I would always think of that little girl.

 Occasionally the two of them met on the street, and she just nodded slightly to herself and did not come over to say hello, as if she was afraid of disturbing him.

 Brother Shun looked at her thin back and felt that she had lost a lot of weight.

When I inquired later, it was said that her aunt was too small to accommodate her, so she sent her to work every time.

 Later, her aunt married her off in a hurry.

 It is said that she married a businessman and received a lot of betrothal gifts.

 The unfortunate thing is that a year after the girl got married, her husband also fell into the water.

 I don’t know why, but Lin Xiangxiang seems to be born with difficulty in water, and always stumbles on it.

Later, her husband's family said she was a nuisance who only harmed others, so they drove her away and took away her dowry.

 Later, she had no place to go, so she had to go back to the Lin family.

 Brother Shun came to Sister Ying's house that day and happened to see the girl opening the door and coming out.

 The two looked at each other, and Brother Shun was quite shocked.

 Because that girl, I don’t know when, became so sad and beautiful, her eyes were dull, as if she had no meaning in life, and she only lived numbly.

At that time, she saw herself as if she hadn't seen anything, and her eyes were dull.

 Brother Shun couldn't sleep all night because of that hopeless little face.

 When he met Lin Xiangxiang today, the ominous premonition in his heart became even stronger.

Before Sister Ying could finish speaking, he suddenly rushed out.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived, he heard a "pop~" sound from the river. Apparently someone jumped into the well.   Jumping into a well is much more dangerous than jumping into a river.

There is still hope for someone who jumps into a river. At least the river is wider.

 But jumping into a well is very dangerous.

Not to mention that the mouth of the well is small, if the rescuer jumps in, he may hit the people below.

Brother Shun looked down the well and saw that it was indeed Lin Xiangxiang.

So he took off his shoes, took off his coat, went barefoot and went straight down.

When Sister Ying ran over, she saw that he had gone down into the well. She quickly went to pick up a rope and called for help.

 The last few big men came together to help pull the rope.

Brother Shun **** Lin Xiangxiang and asked someone to pull him up first.

 He came up next.

 When both of them came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone who recognized Lin Xiangxiang at this time was immediately surprised and said, "Isn't this Xiangxiang? Oh my God, this child."

Sister Ying gave her artificial respiration and compressions based on her memory.

Soon, Lin Xiangxiang woke up with a "cough cough cough" sound.

 “Sister Ying”

 She opened her eyes and saw Sister Ying's figure, but her body was still very weak and she couldn't sit up at all.

Sister Ying saw that she was awake and helped her up.

Upon seeing this, Brother Shun first dropped his coat on Lin Xiangxiang, and then helped her stand up.

Lin Xiangxiang didn’t expect that he would be here and save her, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

"It's you."

 Actually, she still remembers Brother Shun because he was her savior.

 But she also didn't want to see Brother Shun, because when she saw him, she thought of her parents' death.

 But he always saved her at the most critical moment, so she couldn't be ungrateful.


As soon as the words were spoken, tears started to fall down.

Brother Shun has seen many girls cry before, but he didn't feel anything at all. Instead, he was a little bored.

But when Lin Xiangxiang cried, he felt inexplicably guilty and felt as if he was sorry for her.

So he looked panicked, picked her up and went to the nearest inn to get a room.

Sister Ying also went there and bought some clean clothes.

 After arriving at the inn, Lin Xiangxiang shivered because the water was cold.

Upon seeing this, Brother Shun immediately asked the waiter to bring hot water.

 After the hot water came, Brother Shun asked her, "Can you wash it yourself?"

Lin Xiangxiang blushed and nodded, "Okay."

After hearing this, Brother Shun said yes and went outside to wait.

The waiter got the hot water ready, closed the door and went out. Lin Xiangxiang took off her clothes and started taking a hot bath.

After soaking for a while, she just stood up and fell down because she was dizzy.

 The sound of "that touch" was very loud.

 Brother Shun ran in instinctively, "What's wrong?"

As soon as he came in, he found that Lin Xiangxiang had fallen to the ground and was in a very embarrassed state.

 Brother Shun hurriedly went to help her.

Lin Xiangxiang felt so embarrassed that her blush could burn her.

Later, when Sister Ying came, she looked at her as if she had been saved.

 “Sister Ying~”

As soon as Sister Ying entered the room, she noticed that something was wrong with the expressions of the two of them.

But she didn't ask, fearing that Lin Xiangxiang would be embarrassed if she asked.

She gave Lin Xiangxiang some dry clothes and said, "Sister Xiangxiang, let me change for you."

Lin Xiangxiang didn't have any strength, so she nodded in agreement.

Good night~



 (End of this chapter)

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