Chapter 202, The hero saves the beauty

 Brother Shun saw this and left on his own.

 Lin Xiangxiang listened to the sound of the door closing and then took off the quilt from her face.

Sister Ying helped her change her clothes and wipe her hair.

Lin Xiangxiang felt cold and hot at the same time, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

Sister Ying hurriedly touched her forehead, "Sister Xiangxiang, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Lin Xiangxiang nodded and shook her head, as if she was confused.

Sister Ying hurriedly called Brother Shun to come in, "Cousin? Cousin, come quickly."

 Brother Shun heard the noise and came in quickly. "What's wrong?"

Sister Ying pointed at Xiangxiang and said, "Sister Xiangxiang seems to be sick. Go find the doctor quickly."

After hearing this, Brother Shun looked worried and ran downstairs to find the doctor.

 He was familiar with this generation and quickly dragged the doctor over.

The doctor carefully felt Lin Xiangxiang's pulse, and then said, "This girl is cold and her body is not well maintained. If she does not take good care of her in the future, her lifespan may be affected."

"And her physical condition is very poor, and it will be difficult for her to conceive in the future. You must be mentally prepared."

These words are serious, but the doctor obviously will not make jokes about other people's children easily, which shows that what he said is true.

After hearing this, Brother Shun felt depressed and uncomfortable.

His eyes suddenly turned red. After asking the doctor to prescribe medicine, he followed the doctor to get the medicine. Then he boiled the medicine and came back to give Lin Xiangxiang a drink.

Sister Ying first asked the waiter to boil brown sugar and **** water. Lin Xiangxiang felt better after drinking it.

 When she woke up from a long sleep, Brother Shun prepared the medicine and brought it over.

 He asked the waiter to bring the food and asked Lin Xiangxiang to drink medicine after eating.

Lin Xiangxiang had no appetite, so she shook her head and didn't want to eat.

 But Brother Shun pulled up a chair and sat directly in front of the bed. He picked up the bowl, stirred it with a spoon, and blew the hot air to feed her directly.

Sister Ying went to tell Mrs. Wu and others about this matter in advance, so as not to worry them.

When Mrs. Wu saw this, she and Sister Wu drank afternoon tea outside, chatting and passing the time.

When it was evening, Sister Wu saw that her son had not come back yet, so she took Mr. Wu to the inn to see what was going on.

As soon as I got up, I saw my son, who had always been informal, sitting on the edge of the bed seriously and looking at a girl. His eyes were so deep that no one could tell what he was thinking.

Second Sister Wu didn't understand that her son was clearly attracted to him.

She also knows this girl. After all, they sent Lin Xiangxiang to Jiangnan before and got along with her for a while.

 When we meet again later, she will naturally recognize this girl because she is beautiful.

 Hmm I didn’t expect my son to be so good at it?

Second Sister Wu couldn't help but think that if the other party wasn't married yet, it would be nice to give it to her son.

I just don’t know if he is serious or if he is just showing sympathy.

Mrs. Wu also saw the difference inside, so she didn't go in, leaving mother and son in the room to watch Lin Xiangxiang.

 She pulled Sister Ying out, sat downstairs, and asked her in a low voice.

"what happened?"

Sister Ying told the story about Lin Xiangxiang jumping into the well, and Mrs. Wu was very angry when she heard it.

"Then Aunt Lin is really just a child. Can she tolerate even food?"

When they first arrived, they often heard Aunt Lin scolding Xiangxiang, and they were scolding her in a harsh way.

Lin Xiangxiang was also their parents’ darling when they were still alive.

Now that my parents are dead, it is quite pitiful to live in the shelter of others and still suffer humiliation.

Especially after being married in a hurry, life is not satisfactory.

Now that she can jump into a well, she is obviously so desperate that she no longer wants to live. Otherwise, how could she want to jump in at the same age? Sister Ying also sighed deeply.

“I don’t know if there is any way to help her.”

Lin Xiangxiang is a good girl. Sister Ying thought that if she wanted to, she could work in her delivery inn.

Every month, you can get a monthly money, eat and include, and there are a few Xiaohong as companions, and you are not afraid of someone to bully.

 It's better than being bullied in the Lin family.

However, Cousin Shun seems to be quite concerned about Sister Xiangxiang's affairs, so it's not certain that he will take action.

 So let’s wait and see what Cousin Shun says.

Mrs. Wu also noticed that there was something going on between Brother Shun and Lin Xiangxiang, so she whispered to Sister Ying, "Do your cousin know Xiangxiang?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, it is said that it has life-saving grace, but I don't know about the rest."

  Wu nodded. "Actually, this girl Xiangxiang is quite nice. If your cousin doesn't mind her marriage, it would be a good marriage."

Wu is not that kind of pedantic person, and will not find fault with people who do not marry twice.

 As long as the girl has a good nature and lives a good life, the couple will be able to live in harmony in the future.

Sister Ying really admired her mother's open-mindedness and told her in a low voice, "Do you really not mind that your daughter-in-law will be a second-married woman in the future?"

Mrs. Wu sighed, "It's a lie to say that I don't mind, but everyone has their own difficulties. If life is harmonious, no one will divorce and remarry, so we can't beat those who remarry to death with a stick."

Sister Ying whispered, "Even if my daughter-in-law cannot have children in the future, wouldn't you mind?"

 Wu was surprised, "this"

She reacted immediately, "You mean Xiang Xiang cannot grow."

Sister Ying sighed and told Mrs. Wu what the doctor had just said, "The doctor said that Sister Xiangxiang is not in good health. It is probably because she has not taken good care of her in the past few years and has been spoiled. Her body is cold and her physical condition is extremely poor."

“When I changed her clothes just now, she had almost no flesh on her body, and her ribs were exposed, one by one.” This shows how thin she is.

  Wu covered her mouth when she heard this and almost didn't scream.

“Oh my god, is Aunt Lin so cruel?”

 Hungry the child to that extent? ?

Normally, Lin Xiangxiang always wears loose coarse linen clothes.

The clothes were old and ugly, and they were empty on her body. You could see that she was very thin, but you could see how thin she had become.

I didn’t expect that the thin ribs were exposed one by one, how scary it was.

 Wu was heartbroken and angry.

“They say a child without a father and a mother is like a grass. That child is so pitiful.”

Sister Ying also said, "Actually, if she takes good care of her body, she can still be saved."

I just don’t know if the Lin family will let him go.

If they don't care about Lin Xiangxiang, they can let Lin Xiangxiang work in the inn.

If Aunt Lin is greedy and asks Lin Xiangxiang for money every day, it will have a great impact on the inn and be bad for everyone.

Mrs. Wu also said, "It would be great if we could hide her in our house quietly." She was afraid that if the neighbors couldn't hide her, Aunt Lin, the shrew, would probably come to make trouble when she was discovered.

 The mother and daughter discussed it and found no better way, so they sighed.

On the other hand, Second Sister Wu in the house was also talking to Brother Shun about this matter.

Second Sister Wu saw that Lin Xiangxiang was sleeping soundly, so she asked Brother Shun.

 “What on earth do you think?”

“In the past few years, I asked you if there was a girl you liked, but you didn’t say anything, but today you go to save her without hesitation.”

“Do you dare to say that you have no interest in Lin Xiangxiang at all?”

 (End of this chapter)

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