Chapter 204, The Master of Yipinzhai

When Sister Ying heard this, she asked, "Is this the only way in the world?" She immediately refused in fear.

 “This, this, this”

“Where did you get these things? How come it’s always the only one in the world.”

Why does this guy keep sending me such expensive things? I'm so broke that I can't afford to pay them back.

Jing Shirong raised his chin and said proudly, "How about it? My purple jade head and face are more noble than the mutton-fat white jade they gave me, right?"

Sister Ying didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so she quickly took off the purple jade bracelet.

 “If you don’t tell me where this thing comes from, I won’t dare wear it.”

 Her family can be considered a petty bourgeoisie family, moderately wealthy.

 But the rare purple jade bracelet is definitely unaffordable, and people will be suspicious after seeing it.

 At least you have to wait until their family becomes rich to wear it.

Jing Shirong knew that she was attentive and told her in a subtle way.

 “This thing is serious, you don’t have to be afraid.”

  As for how she got here, I have no plans to tell her yet.

Sister Ying is really curious, "What does your family do? Why are you so rich all of a sudden?"

 In Ningxi Town, the Jing family had never been so wealthy before?

Having not seen each other for just a few years, their family has become the richest man in the world?

Jing Shirong looked at her curious face, and Qing Juan smiled, "Do you really want to know?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, I haven't seen you for a few years. How did your family become so wealthy? Or are you just rich to begin with?"

Jing Shirong reached out and rubbed her head, like a puppy.

“Well, it’s not my wealth, it’s my grandpa’s family’s wealth.”

Jing Shirong’s grandfather was an imperial merchant, and his ancestors were merchants for three generations, so the gold mines accumulated in the family have been passed down for hundreds of years.

His grandfather gave birth to five sons and one daughter. Jing was the youngest daughter and loved her the most.

When the Jing family got married, it was a huge amount of red dowry, and the whole street was filled with rich dowries.

However, Jing's family is low-key. After marriage, she did not leak much money and has always acted in a low-key manner.

 Including Jing Shirong, who has been managing the industry with his mother since he was a child.

Children from wealthy families have to learn a lot from an early age. Jing's father and Jing's family began to train Jing Shirong from an early age, so he was good at both literature and martial arts, and he was even better at business.

 His family was implicated before, so he resigned and went to the countryside.

Even if the emperor is greedy for money, he cannot covet the dowry of a woman's family, so he will certainly not confiscate the Jing family's dowry.

 Besides, he did not commit any crime, he just resigned from office, so his property naturally remains in the capital.

Jing has traveled extensively with his father since he was a child, and has seen everything in the world.

 This small setback will certainly not faze her.

Even after leaving the capital for several years, his shop is still prosperous.

Later, Jing Shirong and his family returned to Beijing, and Jing went back to take care of her shop.

Jing Shirong’s grandfather has always been very fond of Jing Shirong. In addition, his grandson is very smart and can learn everything quickly, so he is willing to teach him more.

The emperor originally wanted to win over Jing Shirong and become his right-hand man, but he turned a blind eye to his business dealings.

 Coupled with the profits of the imperial merchants, there are only advantages and no disadvantages to him. Therefore, the emperor regarded Jing Shirong as an imperial merchant and supported him very much.

 A few years ago, the emperor mentioned that he should go to Jiangnan to rectify corrupt officials. From that time on, Jing Shirong began to travel to the south of the Yangtze River with his grandfather from time to time.

 Including the real Murong, they also came down with him.

The man named Murong is indeed the son of a high official, but he is indeed capable.

That Yipin Zhai was opened by Murong and Jing Shirong together.

 The layout and furnishings inside were all Murong’s idea.

That guy has been traveling with Grandpa Jing since he was a child. He can also be regarded as Grandpa Jing’s apprentice. Therefore, I have been well-informed since I was a child, and I am particularly business-minded and creative. Grandpa Jing admired him very much and never spared any effort in cultivating him.

 So the relationship between Jing Shirong and Murong is also very good.

When Sister Ying heard that Yipinzhai was actually opened by Jing Shirong and others, she opened her mouth in surprise.

 “You, you, you, you are the master of Yipinzhai??”

Jing Shirong smiled and shook his head, "To be precise, Murong is the owner of Yipinzhai. I am only responsible for the investment, but he and my grandfather are responsible for the management, the internal layout, and the training of the waiters. Done.”

Grandpa Jing is sixty this year, but he is extremely energetic. He has traveled all over the country in his life, including Persia, and has seen almost every big scene.

 The business model of Yipinzhai was something he only learned after going to a distant hotel with Murong.

As for the decoration, it was purely his and Murong's own preferences.

 After all, the place is different and the aesthetics are also different.

However, their Yipinzhai was really successful.

 Not just in Jiangnan, they have opened branches in all wealthy places.

Sister Ying was very envious when she heard this, "How old is that Murong? He has traveled so many places at such a young age?"

 She actually likes traveling, walking around, increasing her knowledge, and enjoying different scenery.

Seeing how much he praised Murong, Jing Shirong reached out and pinched her cheeks, "Murong is six years older than you. It's impossible for you to be with him. Don't even think about it."

Sister Ying.

 This and what.

“I’m just curious that he is as old as you and yet can be so meticulous in his work. I’m a little curious about what he is like in person.”

 After all, good people make people curious.

When Jing Shirong heard this, he hummed and touched his chin.

“You have to be really curious. I’ll take you to see him next time he comes over.”

Sister Ying was pleasantly surprised, "Really?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Really."

“Next time he comes over, I’ll call you.”

Sister Ying cheered, "That's great, thank you, Brother Rong~"

Jing Shirong smiled, "That's when you are so sweet."

 Children are all the same, their mouths are so sweet only when necessary.

 The two chatted for a while, and it was time for Jing Shirong to go back.

“Well, it’s time for me to leave. I’ll see you next time.”

Sister Ying grabbed him and returned the set of purple jade hair and face to him, plus the jewelry he gave him last time.

"You can take these back. They are too valuable. Just give them some food next time. I won't use these."

Jing Shirong didn't answer, "Why don't you use it? When your second aunt gave you the mutton-fat white jade, I saw that you were reluctant to take it off, and you still want to lie to me?"

The little girl even saw him outside.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and wanted to explain, "No, it's me."

 She is also a girl after all, and she likes beautiful jewelry when she sees it, but accepting it is another matter.

Her mother and her second aunt are biological sisters, so they are afraid to accept expensive gifts, let alone her.

The things Jing Shirong sent often cost thousands to tens of thousands of taels, and she couldn't afford to pay them back for the time being.

Jing Shirong didn't listen to her and stuffed things into her arms again, "Don't be like those ladies who push things away as if they're trying to fight."

  "Take what is given to you, and throw it away if you don't like it. Anyway, there is no reason to get back what I gave away."

 Just don’t want it.

 (End of this chapter)

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