The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 205: , went to Sister Wu’s house to celebrate the New Year

Chapter 205: Going to Sister Wu’s house to celebrate the New Year

Sister Ying saw the scene and Shi Rong refused, so she could only accept it with a sigh.

 “That’s good”

 The next time I find something good, I will give it to him.

 A few more days.

 The Chinese New Year is almost here.

Sister Ying’s birthday is coming soon.

 She will be thirteen after the Chinese New Year, and will soon be fourteen.

Mrs. Wu brought her longevity noodles early on her birthday.

 In the evening, I cooked a large table of delicious food myself.

  When Liang Jin goes on annual leave after the Chinese New Year, Mrs. Wu plans to take the whole family to celebrate the New Year at Sister Wu’s place.

 The two sisters are now very close to each other, so they naturally visit each other more often when they have free time.

 When the children heard that they were going to play at their second aunt’s house, it was like going on vacation, so of course they were happy.

 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the whole family set off together.

Liang Jin chartered a boat, and the family brought large and small bags to Sister Wu's house.

 Second Sister Wu received the letter in advance and asked her servants to clean the house early, expecting her sister to come over.

Sister Ying and her brothers were riding in the big boat, smiling and happy all the way.

 She also met Jing Shirong on the way.

 Because she told Jing Shirong in advance that she was going to her second aunt's house, Jing Shirong deliberately walked along this river.

 He was originally going to investigate the case.

 Because during the Chinese New Year, corrupt officials are at home for the holidays, so entertainment programs are more needed, so it is more convenient to investigate cases.

He has been very busy these days running around.

I have to go to work today, but I just happened to walk along this river.

    Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang also saw him.

 The more Mrs. Liang looked at Jing Shirong, the more handsome she felt.

He said to Mr. Wu, "Look at that young man, he is so handsome, his nose is so high, his eyes are so dark, he looks so lovable."

 Old people also like good-looking children, let alone good-looking teenagers.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Don't look directly at others, be careful when others look over."

Old Mrs. Liang hummed and said, "What are you afraid of? I am an old woman. How can I still care about him?"

Wu Shi covered her mouth with a veil and smiled.

 “That’s not polite.”

Mrs. Liang stopped looking and said, "Okay, I just thought that I would find such a handsome husband for Sister Ying in the future. He will be pleasing to the eye."

 Kang Ge'er and the others laughed loudly when they heard this, and they all made jokes about Sister Ying.

“Sister, my grandmother said she would find a handsome man to be your husband.”

Sister Ying's face was not red, her heart was not beating, and she said openly, "What's wrong with finding a good-looking man to be your husband? Don't you like pretty ladies?"

Kang Geer choked, it was true.

 He does care about looks and only likes beautiful young ladies.

Sister Yang also asked, "Second brother, don't you like pretty little sisters? Why do you like pretty little sisters?"

Kang Geer muttered, "Because a pretty lady is better looking than a pretty little kid."

  Anyway, those younger than him are brats and not good-looking at all.

Sister Yang. "Who do you think is not good-looking?"

 Kang Geer, "I didn't say anything about you." Although you are indeed not as good-looking as my elder sister.

Sister Yang was so angry that she said, "I will ignore you."

 After saying that, he left angrily.

 Brother Kang didn’t want to coax her. Pipi said to Brother Sen, “Fourth brother, do you think the pretty girl is better-looking, or the pretty little sister?”

 Sen Ge'er looked at him with an idiotic expression, "Of course my mother is pretty."

   Kang Geer.

  “Yeah, I won’t tell this to a little brat like you.”

 If you don’t know shit, you act like a girl every day. Be careful to become a girl’s boy.

Sister Ying laughed loudly while listening.

 Several children also laughed.

Jing Shirong left after seeing Sister Ying. He still had other things to be busy with. The boat arrived at Second Sister Wu’s house steadily and steadily. The housekeeper came out early to wait for them.

 “Ma’am, are you here?”

Because Second Sister Wu had told her in advance, the housekeeper recognized Mrs. Wu at a glance because she looked exactly like Second Sister Wu.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Where is my second sister?"

 The steward said quickly, "It's right inside."

 Speaking, he shouted into the courtyard, "Madam, your sister is here~~"

When Sister Wu heard this, she ran out happily.

Having a crowd of slaves behind you.

As soon as the maids came out, they quickly greeted the Wu family.

Seeing the posture, Mr. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, okay, everyone, get up."

   After saying that, reward money will be given to them.

Second Sister Wu said quickly, "No, you come in and sit down first."

 After saying that, he winked at the maid.

The maids knew that this was an important person, so they hurriedly took the things from their hands and went to the boat to move things.

Second Sister Wu smiled and invited Mrs. Liang in, "Madam, come in and take a look."

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'm going to visit your big yard today."

Mrs. Wu and Sister Wu were holding hands together, and the three of them walked in front.

Liang Jin took the children to the back.

As soon as you enter, you will see a spacious yard and a garden filled with birds and flowers.

 The layout and furnishings in the courtyard are very elegant. Even the flowers in the corners are hard to buy in the world. This shows that Sister Wu's family is really rich.

Old Mrs. Liang was also surprised to see it.

Second Sister Wu took them into the main room and asked the servants to serve them hot tea and snacks.

 Smiled and said to the children, "You guys have some snacks first. Second aunt has prepared a lot of delicious food for you tonight."

 The children all smiled and said, "Thank you, second aunt~"

Second Sister Wu was very happy when she saw them coming, and she was smiling all day long.

Sister Ying ate the hibiscus bun and looked around. But Brother Shun was nowhere to be seen.

 Ask, “Second aunt, where are cousin Shun and cousin an?”

Second Sister Wu said, "He's in the backyard. He'll be here soon."

 Actually, Sister Ying wanted to ask about Lin Xiangxiang.

Since Lin Xiangxiang was taken away by Brother Shun last time, Sister Ying didn't know how her condition was, so she wanted to ask.

 Second Sister Wu knew that she wanted to ask about this, so she asked the maid to call Brother Shun over.

Soon, Brother Shun and his younger brother An Geer came out of the backyard and came to the main house in a dignified manner.

“Grandma Liang, third aunt, third uncle, are you here?”

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Yes, I will come to your house to make trouble for a few days. Let's have a New Year's Eve dinner."

Brother Shun smiled and said, "Then you have to stay a few more days, otherwise we won't let you go back."

These words made Mrs. Liang laugh.

Sister Ying glanced at him, and Brother Shun also glanced at him. Finally, Brother Shun suggested, "Let's go, kids, cousin will take you around."

Sister Wu also said, "Yes, let's go for a walk together and see how big my yard is."

So the group of people started to visit the garden again.

This yard was bought by Brother Shun. It faces the end of the street and is close to the river. It is convenient for boating and is far away from the noisy center of the street.

In addition to the three entrances and three exits of the yard, there is also a large back garden, orchard, and vegetable garden at the back, which is very large.

 It can be said that this entire land is contracted by their family.

Old Mrs. Liang's legs felt sore after looking around for a while, so Second Sister Wu asked a servant to carry the sedan and took them directly to the orchard to drink tea and eat fruits.

Brother Shun took Sister Ying to the backyard to see Lin Xiangxiang.

 “I know you want to see her, come with me.”

Are you all on holiday?



 (End of this chapter)

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