Chapter 206, Goodbye Lin Xiangxiang

Sister Ying agreed and followed him to find Lin Xiangxiang.

They turned left and right and finally came to Lin Xiangxiang's house.

Sister Ying looked around and found that Lin Xiangxiang's yard was a single-family house with an elegant environment, a complete set of maids and wives, and sufficient heating in the house.

 As soon as you enter the room, you can feel the warmth and faint aroma inside.

It can be seen that Brother Shun is still very interested in Lin Xiangxiang. Looking at the furnishings in the room and the jade piano on the table, he knows that Lin Xiangxiang has a high importance in his heart.

 “Ahem, who is it?”

As soon as he stepped into the inner room, he heard Lin Xiangxiang coughing.

Sister Ying said, "It's me, Sister Lin."

 Lin Xiangxiang obviously heard who she was and was about to get out of bed.

 “Is it Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yes, Sister Lin, are you feeling well?"

Lin Xiangxiang looked at her with a rosy face and nodded. "I'm fine."

Sister Ying saw that her complexion was rosy and her cheeks were fleshier than before, which showed that Cousin Shun had taken good care of her.

“But why did I hear you cough just now?”

Lin Xiangxiang blushed and said, "It's okay, I accidentally choked when I drank the bird's nest."

Upon hearing this, Brother Shun immediately looked at the maid reproachfully.

The maid was frightened and quickly admitted her mistake, "Young Master, I know I was wrong."

Lin Xiangxiang saw this and pulled Brother Shun's sleeve, "It has nothing to do with her, don't blame her."

Brother Shun's sinister expression calmed down, and when he looked back at her, he was gentle again, "I know, I don't blame her."

 After saying that, he waved to the maid and said, "Go down and don't do it again next time."

The maid quickly retreated.

Sister Ying was surprised to see the two faces in front of her and behind her.

"Cousin, you have changed a lot. You now know how to be considerate."

He used to be cunning and like an old fox, but now he has become a good man who cares about his master.

Brother Shun snorted and said childishly, "What the hell, it can't work?"

Sister Ying and Lin Xiangxiang looked at each other and smiled.

“Okay, okay, you’re the best, but I want to chat with Sister Lin for a while, and you can go out and play by yourself.”

Brother Shun was immediately upset when he heard that they were going to whisper.

 “Can’t I listen?”

Is it possible that this girl wants to say bad things about herself to Xiangxiang?

Sister Ying said hehey, "What's wrong with me saying bad things about you? I can't say anything bad about you."

Brother Shun clicked his tongue and glared at her, "Little girl Pianzi, if you dare to say bad things about me, I will tell the third aunt. It's not sure who will get scolded by then."


Sister Ying glared at him and then gave it up, "Okay, I know, I'll just stop saying bad things about you."

 Brother Shun walked away triumphantly.

But he didn’t go far, and simply went up to the roof to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations.

Sister Ying didn't bother to pay attention to him, and sat at the table chatting with Lin Xiangxiang.

“Sister Lin, long time no see. How are you doing here?”

Lin Xiangxiang nodded, "I'm fine. Your second aunt and your cousin are both very good to me."

 Unlike her uncle and aunt, the family never looked for her.

Later Brother Shun simply spread the rumor that she died before her body recovered after jumping into the well.

Lin Xiangxiang's uncle felt a little guilty after hearing this, but her aunt sneered, "It's better to die, so I don't have to pay for her to see a doctor."

It would be better to die outside to avoid wasting her burial expenses.

Lin Xiangxiang learned that her aunt expected her to die outside, so naturally she didn't want to go back. Originally, she was thinking about her uncle's kindness to her when she was a child, and felt that her uncle still loved her.

 After all, her uncle secretly brought her food when her aunt abused her, so she remembered her uncle's kindness.

Who would have thought that her aunt was getting more and more outrageous. Not only did she use her in exchange for betrothal gifts, but she also beat her and didn't give her food to eat.

Uncle saw it later, but he couldn't care anymore.

After all, the cousin at home is old and is protecting his aunt. The uncle is no match for them, so he can only pretend he didn't see it.

 Actually, Lin Xiangxiang was not sad about her uncle's inaction. After all, after her parents died, she had no relatives and her life would be the same no matter where she went.

It’s just that she couldn’t see the hope of life, and her health was getting worse, so she thought that she might as well just die, so as not to suffer the consequences of being unable to afford medical treatment in the future.

 Unexpectedly, Brother Shun would rescue her and bring her here.

 If it weren’t for him, she would have died again.

This man always appeared when she was in despair, and he also found so many doctors to treat her.

How much did you spend on medical expenses alone?

 From last year to now, the bird's nest, ginseng, and other expensive supplements she has eaten can cost a whole yard.

Lin Xiangxiang thanked him in her heart, but she was unable to repay him.

 She is indeed in much better health now, with more flesh and good complexion than before.

 But she still remembered that the doctor said it would be difficult for her to have an heir, so she did not dare to take that step with Brother Shun.

 Furthermore, she has been married before and is still a widow. She is not worthy of him.

 He is so good and deserves a better girl.

 So now, she just wants to work as an ox or a horse for him in the Wu family to repay the kindness.

After hearing this, Sister Ying patted her hand distressedly.

Advised her, "Sister Lin, the issue of heirs is not absolute. Besides, if you didn't ask Cousin Shun, how would you know that he doesn't want to marry you? Maybe he also wants to marry you, but he's afraid that you won't agree, so he doesn't dare. Opened your mouth?"

 Brother Shun on the roof heard this and immediately gave Sister Ying a big thumbs up.

 What a good girl, she is indeed his mother's good niece, she is indeed clever.

If she can help him open Lin Xiangxiang's heart, he will definitely thank her in the future.

Sister Ying really wanted to enlighten Lin Xiangxiang.

 After all, human life is short.

 You never know which one will come first tomorrow or the accident.

 If you are afraid of doing what you want to do now, what's the use of regretting it when one day the person suddenly disappears?

 Instead of shrinking back, it is better to do what you want to do while you are still alive, and to be with the person you like the most, so as not to regret it for the rest of your life.

"Besides, it's very dangerous for my cousin to go to sea every day. Don't you miss him?"

Before the words were spoken, Lin Xiangxiang immediately covered her mouth, "Don't say it, don't say it, I don't want him to fall into the water, I don't want to."

 After saying that, he started crying sadly, obviously he also loved Brother Shun badly.

 When they were young, they didn’t know what love was.

 Even though I may not understand it now, the feeling of worrying about the other person is real.

As long as Lin Xiangxiang thinks about something happening to Brother Shun, she doesn't want to live anymore.

Sister Ying hurriedly coaxed her, "Okay, don't cry. I didn't just say that my cousin fell into the water. Don't think too much about it."

 She originally wanted to say that Brother Shun went to sea all year round, and if one day he was seduced by a beautiful girl, Lin Xiangxiang would not have time to cry.

 After all, she is so weak. Compared with that kind of bold woman, she has no chance of winning.

 Unexpectedly, Lin Xiangxiang misunderstood that Brother Shun would fall into the water, and she was very sad.

Seeing her like this, Sister Ying didn't understand that she also had feelings for her cousin.

 Brother Shun heard it clearly from the rooftop, and his eyes were warm.

 (End of this chapter)

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