Chapter 207, a pair made up

 He wiped his eyes, came down from the roof, took a deep breath, and walked into the house with heavy steps.


As soon as Lin Xiangxiang saw him coming in well, she immediately ran over and hugged him.

 “Brother Shun~”

 Brother Shun reached out and hugged her, "Don't cry, I'm here."

 After saying that, the two hugged each other with deep affection.

Sister Ying looked on at the side and was very moved, so she quietly left.

Since the two of them are in love with each other, they will definitely not be far away from getting married in the future.

As for the heirs, as long as the doctor doesn’t kill him, there is still hope.

Brother Shun himself has thought about it, "Even if I don't have children, I still have my brother. He can carry on the family lineage. Don't worry."

Lin Xiangxiang didn’t expect that he would actually do this for her, and her eyes immediately turned red again.

 “Brother Shun~”

Brother Shun lowered his head and gently comforted her, "It's okay, leave it all to me. I will make it clear to my mother."

Lin Xiangxiang was wrapped in his full sense of security and said "Yeah" with peace of mind, "I believe you."

Since she cannot marry him as his wife, she is willing to stay with him as a slave and maid.

Sister Ying will now return to the main room and sit next to Mrs. Wu and others.

 Second Sister Wu liked Sister Ying the most and asked her to come closer with a smile.

Sister Ying leaned over obediently, and Sister Wu gave her a box of exquisite snacks.

“Here, these are mochi dumplings. We only have three boxes at home. I’ll leave them for you and your brothers to eat. We won’t eat them ourselves.”

Sister Ying said thank you sweetly.

Picked up a piece of mochi dumpling and fed it to Second Sister Wu’s mouth, “Second aunt, eat it first.”

Sister Wu was so moved that she said, "You girl." But she still opened her mouth and ate.

 “If you ask me, it would be better to have a daughter. It’s a pity that I don’t have a daughter, otherwise it would hurt like an eyeball.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "If you don't have a daughter, you have nothing to worry about. It will be the same if you ask Brother Shun and Brother An to give you a granddaughter in the future."

 Second Sister Wu smiled, "I'm looking forward to it too."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that this year Brother An fell in love with a girl from a family, but the daughter of that family was the daughter of a county magistrate. The magistrate's family was a bit arrogant and looked down on businessmen. So I’m quite worried about this.”

Wu asked, "You said that the other party looked down upon An Geer's status as a businessman?" Why?

Second Sister Wu sighed and said, "That family doesn't look rich, but they are quite arrogant. I have visited before and the county magistrate's wife is very powerful and wants to marry her daughter off to a wealthy family. "

 According to Second Sister Wu’s intention, she did not want An Geer to marry the daughter of the county magistrate’s family.

 Because the other couple are too snobbish.

If this kind of family cannot reach the level of wealth, they may settle for the next best thing and marry into their family.

But once someone from that kind of family gets married, their natal family will be a steady stream of vampires who will keep pestering them for this or that.

Second Sister Wu doesn’t like to be an in-law with such a person.

 Wu asked, "What did An Geer say?"

 It mainly depends on An Geer’s opinion.

Second Sister Wu sighed, "He is also hesitating."

 After all, An Ge'er has been in business for several years. He is not a fool, so he can naturally see how difficult his sweetheart's parents are.

But he really liked that girl, but he was afraid that he would compromise if she couldn't let her go.

If that girl really comes in one day, there will be really a lot of trouble in the future. Mrs. Wu also said, "I'm afraid they keep encouraging my daughter to come to your house to ask for this or that."

Second Sister Wu said angrily, "No, we haven't even gotten engaged yet, and before even a single word of birth, she started to encourage her daughter to come and ask An Ge'er for this or that."

“You don’t even know how many gifts Angor has given them this month. It makes me mad.”

 An Geer happened to come in at this moment, and when he heard this, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed on his face.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wu hurriedly called him over.

The elder chatted with him like he was heart-to-heart, "Brother An, tell your third aunt, do you like that girl enough to move all the family property to her house?"

 Brother An has been having trouble with Second Sister Wu recently, and Mrs. Wu will be here, so he can have a chat with Mrs. Wu.

He sat over, sighed gloomily, and chatted with Mrs. Wu, "Oh, Third Aunt, I'm actually a little hard to make a decision."

 He likes the girl, but he doesn’t like the girl’s parents.

The moral character of that kind of parents is not good at first glance.

 In addition, the other party has two sons in his family, one of whom is a nerd and the other is uneducated.

This kind of family is basically a bottomless pit. They use their daughters in exchange for money and cheat the son-in-law's family. An Ge'er has also seen this kind of family.

But that girl is really nice, a very gentle and carefree girl.

 It’s because her parents are not good, otherwise he really wants to marry her.

Wu chatted with him like a friend, "Actually, you can imagine that scene. In the future, her parents will come to find your wife, and then encourage her to take care of two useless brothers every day, or ask you to do it all the time. Her two brothers are wiping their butts and causing trouble for your family and your mother. Will you really be able to bear it then? "

Human ambitions and desires are constantly growing.

Especially for people who have no control, once the other party continues to receive help, they will only continue to cause greater trouble next time.

Mrs. Wu, "They think so little of you now that they dare to keep accepting gifts from you. If they really marry my daughter to you in the future, things will be even more complicated."

“The family is so peaceful now, but in the future it will be messy because of such a family, and your mother will also have a headache. Do you really think she will be happy with this kind of ending?”

 An Geer seriously imagined that scene, and it turned out that he couldn't stand it.

 He grew up in a messy home.

Now that he has grown up, he prefers a clean home more and more, so he does not like noisy things at home.

And the third aunt is right.

That little county magistrate looked down upon him so much that he dared to collect his things and even dared to instruct him to use money to do things for his family.

It can be seen that this kind of person has extremely poor character.

If someone becomes successful one day, it is possible to kick him directly.

 The more An Geer thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he said angrily, "I've spent tens of thousands of taels on that **** old man this month."

It really makes me lose my blood just thinking about it.

He wouldn't feel bad if he gave the money to the girl. The important thing is that the money would go into the pockets of the couple.

When Second Sister Wu heard this, she immediately said angrily, "What? In just one month, you actually spent so much on others!"

 Their family has money, but they don’t spend it like this.

 The money was not spent on the right path, but on a couple who looked down upon their family. It makes me angry just thinking about it.

Angor knew he was wrong, so he said, "I won't do it next time."

Second Sister Wu wanted to scold him, but Mrs. Wu stopped her.

"Don't scold him. He knows he is wrong. Scolding will only hurt the relationship between mother and son. Let him think carefully about how to resolve this matter."

“That kind of person is like a blood-sucking insect. Once sucked, it will definitely be difficult to remove.”

 (End of this chapter)

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