The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 208: , Brother Shun wants to marry Lin Xiangxiang

Chapter 208, Brother Shun wants to marry Lin Xiangxiang

When Second Sister Wu heard this, she said, "That's right."

She looked at An Geer and said, "This matter is over. From today on, don't go to the magistrate's house. Let them be cold for a while and see how they react."

If someone is in a hurry and comes over, it's a good time to let Angor see what those guys are like.

Angor nodded obediently, "I understand."

Mrs. Wu was smart, so she asked An Geer, "Do you have any token of love for that girl? If you do, it's best to get it back secretly. Don't be used as a basis for prosecution."

 The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. As long as there is evidence that he molested women from good families, the impact will be bad.

Angor thought about it carefully and said, "There really is one, but it doesn't have my name engraved on it. It's just a jade pendant made of mutton-fat white jade."

Mrs. Wu said, "That won't work. You go and get the things back in the next two days, otherwise there will be endless trouble."

  Mrs. Wu has become an official's wife in recent years and has seen many cases. She has become smarter and knows how to take precautions before they happen.

 An Geer used to ask his aunt Wu for help when he was young, so he trusted her now and said, "Okay. I'll get it back right now."

 After saying that, he left, obviously to do this.

 Second Sister Wu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she had persuaded her son.

“Look, I still kiss you, and I only listen to you.”

 Wu Shi smiled, "What are you talking about? He doesn't want to kiss you, he just wants to annoy you for speaking unpleasantly."

Second Sister Wu has an outspoken temper. Although she means well, her loyal words are off-putting and the children never like to hear them.

 Fortunately, Mr. Wu came in time, otherwise there might have been a commotion.

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "You should control your temper more in the future. I think you have been the boss for a long time, and you manage your son just like you manage your subordinates."

 Second Sister Wu laughed loudly after hearing this, "I know, I will change it slowly."

 After talking about Brother An, the two started talking about Brother Shun again.

 Second Sister Wu didn't know how much she sighed.

He said to Mrs. Wu, "You don't know that my two sons are really not in a good relationship. The girl that the eldest son likes is so sick that he doesn't even know whether he can have a child."

“The one An Ge’er likes is too weak, and her mother’s family is not good either. I’m not satisfied with either daughter-in-law.”

Wu asked, "Brother Shun, do you think highly of that girl Xiangxiang?"

Second Sister Wu nodded, "Yes, but that girl is so skinny that I'm afraid she will be blown away by the strong wind. How can she give birth to a child with a body like this?"

“And the doctor also told me that she has a poor foundation and will have difficulty conceiving children.”

If Brother Shun is willing to take a concubine and let her have a son, Second Sister Wu can reluctantly accept it.

 But Brother Shun wouldn't have the temperament to accept a concubine at first sight.

But he won't take a concubine. He will have no children in the future. How can a mother like her feel at ease?

Mrs. Wu was also very melancholy after hearing this, "Hey, how can we solve this problem?"

 She was at her wits end.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "There are still times when you can't help it."

Mrs. Wu also laughed, "It's not that there's no way, but even the way may not be satisfactory."

 It's like Lin Xiangxiang can't give birth, but she can adopt An Geer's child in the future.

Since the two brothers live in the same house, it is not impossible to raise An Geer's children.

 But this thing always feels weird, and An Ge’s daughter-in-law may not be willing to do it.

Second Sister Wu also said, "Yes, the child must be our own, even if it is a biological brother, there is still a sister-in-law to stop it."

 It’s not like people can’t afford to raise them, so why should they give their children away?

Unless you are a very open-minded girl, it will be difficult for the sisters-in-law to adopt a son without becoming enemies.

 Brother Shun, who was leading Lin Xiangxiang over at this time, paused when he heard this.

Originally, he thought that his mother would not agree with his marriage to Lin Xiangxiang, so he never mentioned it.

 I didn’t expect his mother to think so much about him.

It was not easy for his mother to raise them, and Brother Shun also understood the difficulty of his mother.

But he really didn’t want to miss Lin Xiangxiang. If he really married her, Xiangxiang would definitely not be able to bear it.

Even though she said she was willing to be a slave, he was not willing.

 When you like someone, you want to give her the best, and he does the same.

 So he didn’t want to wrong Lin Xiangxiang.


Second Sister Wu turned around and realized that her son and Lin Xiangxiang were coming.

She waved to them to come in.

 “Come in and sit down.”

“Xiangxiang is not in good health, why did you bring her out?”

Lin Xiangxiang felt ashamed and didn't want to miss Brother Shun, so she could only stand firmly by Brother Shun's side.

Looking at this posture, Second Sister Wu didn’t understand what they were going to do.

She asked Brother Shun, "You also know that Xiangxiang's aunt is even worse than Brother's sweetheart's family. If you marry her, be careful when that family comes to blackmail you."

 Brother Shun is not worried about this.

 Aunt Lin Xiangxiang and her family are only minor officials, which is not enough evidence.

 He could find a new identity for Lin Xiangxiang and let her stay at home with her mother.

 I'm afraid that Lin Xiangxiang really can't give birth, which will make her mother worried.

In ancient times, having children was a big deal. It was the greatest enlightenment for Sister Wu to step back and let her unmarried son marry a second-married daughter.

But if Lin Xiangxiang is not in good health and cannot give birth yet, of course she will hesitate.

Every mother hopes that her son will have a happy family and enjoy happiness in his later years.

 If Brother Shun has no children, she will not be able to feel at ease when she gets old in the future.

 Brother Shun felt sad when he saw her talking about this.

 But he still wanted to fight for it.

"Mom, even if Xiangxiang can't give birth, I won't regret it. If you are really afraid that I will have no children in the future, I will adopt a child from outside."

"If Ange's daughter-in-law is willing to adopt a child to us in the future, Xiangxiang and I will take good care of him. If they are not willing, we will go outside and bring one back."

Lin Xiangxiang didn’t expect that he would actually do this for herself.

In order to marry her, he even gave up having any children.

Her eyes were red and she said directly, "Brother Shun, just let me be your concubine. You can marry a real wife in the future."

She really can't harm him like this. She's not in good health and can't give birth to a child. She didn't delay him.

Brother Shun quickly put his finger to her mouth to tell her to stop talking.

"What is a concubine? Don't say that. I don't want to. If I want to marry, I will marry you. You will be my wife."

 Lin Xiangxiang, “But.”

Brother Shun, "It's nothing, I've already thought about it and decided. Don't say anything, just listen to me."

Lin Xiangxiang shed tears, but she really didn’t say anything.

Second Sister Wu was not unmoved by their love, but she also sighed, "Okay, you go back and rest first. It's not impossible to get married, but."

 Everyone immediately listened to her nervously.

 Er Sister Wu, "It's okay to get married, but let's not hold the wedding yet."

 This is her biggest concession.

Letting a sick woman become his son's wife is not a good choice no matter how you look at it.

Let’s not talk about the issue of life or not. The key point is that she is afraid that Lin Xiangxiang will suddenly die of illness one day, and how sad will her son be?

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 (End of this chapter)

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