Chapter 209: Lovers finally get married

 Er Sister Wu did not want her precious son to become a widower at a young age.

It is the biggest concession to let Lin Xiangxiang become Shun Geer's wife temporarily, but the marriage will definitely not be possible.

 She wanted to leave a way out for Brother Shun.

 Lest there be any accidents in the future, Brother Shun will be said to be a wife-killer or something like that.

 Everyone present did not understand her good intentions, even Lin Xiangxiang felt very guilty.

“Madam, I am sorry for you”

 As he said that, he was about to kneel down.

 Brother Shun did not help him, knowing that he would not let her kneel down, which would make her feel even more guilty.

Second Sister Wu is not a cruel person. She knows she is a good girl, otherwise she would not have let her come to her home to recuperate.

 But she still felt uncomfortable facing her sick daughter-in-law.

  After all, my son is such an outstanding person. If I don’t want to marry a wealthy daughter, I have to find someone who is healthy.

 But they love each other so much, and as a mother, she cannot forcefully break them up, so she can only give in.

 “Oh, you go down first.”

Brother Shun was very tolerant knowing that she could do this. He sighed, pulled Lin Xiangxiang to kneel down and thanked her, and then went down.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wu also sighed.

“Since they insist on being together, they can only pray for Xiangxiang’s good health.”

“As long as the child can take good care of himself, it’s not impossible to give birth.”

The doctor didn't say anything to death, did he?

 But Second Sister Wu didn’t have much hope.

“That girl is too thin. Even if she is lucky enough to get pregnant, who knows if she will survive to the end.”

  A woman’s childbirth is a direct step into the gate of hell.

 If you are in poor health, it will be even more dangerous.

After hearing this, Mr. Wu sighed deeply, "That's all, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. We only hope that they will be well."

 Second Sister Wu nodded, "Yes, I just hope that they will all be well."

 What was originally a happy party has turned into melancholy.

Second Sister Wu also knew that it was hard to be so decadent during the Chinese New Year, so she cheered up.

“That’s all, my son is no longer in control of his mother, so I don’t care about their affairs. Let’s eat first and then talk after eating.”

Mrs. Wu also said, "Okay, let's eat first. I'm hungry too."

Mrs. Liang also nodded, thinking that everyone was hungry.

Hearing this, Second Sister Wu quickly asked her servants to serve food.

 It was quite lively during the meal.

Lin Xiangxiang rarely sits at the same table with everyone and eats together.

Second Sister Wu looked at their loving looks and didn't say anything.

It was Brother Shun who took the initiative and suggested, "Mom, since you don't want to hold a wedding, then let the third aunt and her family be here and let them host the wedding for us tomorrow."

 You can’t have a wedding reception, at least it should be a witness in front of relatives and friends. You can't be too aggrieved.

What could Second Sister Wu say? Although she didn’t agree with it very much, she didn’t want to refute her son in front of Liang Jin’s family, so she could only nod in agreement.

“That’s fine, let’s have some fun together during the Chinese New Year.”

After hearing this, Lin Xiangxiang was very moved and immediately knelt down again.

Second Sister Wu asked her to get up and told her, "That's all. From now on, you take good care of your body and try to take good care of your body. Then I will feel relieved."

Lin Xiangxiang agreed with red eyes, "Okay, my wife knows."

At this moment, she called herself daughter-in-law. Brother Shun was very happy after hearing this, with a smile on his face.

Second Sister Wu saw that her son was so happy, so she asked the housekeeper to prepare things and let them have a simple visit tomorrow.

Lin Xiangxiang has no other aspirations and is very happy if her mother-in-law agrees.

 On the second day.

Mrs. Wu went to help Lin Xiangxiang dress up as a bride, and Sister Ying also went to help.

  Mother and daughter dressed up Lin Xiangxiang together and put her into a bright red bridal gown.

 Brother Shun also wore the groom's red robe.

Although there were no gongs and drums or eight-carriage of sedan chairs, both of them were very satisfied.

 Today Mrs. Liang happens to be here, and there is an additional elder sitting in charge, which can be regarded as a formal worship to heaven and earth. This matter was not disclosed to the outside world, only the family knew about it.

 Kang Geer acted as the host and called them, "Worship the heaven and the earth~"

 “Two bows to the high hall~”

  “Wife worship~”

 “Sent into the bridal chamber~”

 Then the bride and groom went into the bridal chamber.

Second Sister Wu asked Mrs. Wu not to go back so quickly, it would be better to stay a few more days.

Wu asked Liang Jin and Mrs. Liang for their opinions, and they both said it was okay.

  It’s quite comfortable here anyway, just treat it as a vacation.

 Second Sister Wu was happy after hearing this.

 The next day arrived.

 Brother Shun and Lin Xiangxiang came to serve tea, and the two of them were chatting with each other, which showed that their relationship was warming up a lot.

Second Sister Wu drank their tea and gave them red envelopes, "From now on, you guys will live a good life."

Lin Xiangxiang said respectfully, "Yes."

Sister Ying and Brother Kang smiled and went over to shout, "Cousin~"

Lin Xiangxiang blushed instantly.

 A few days later, there was indeed a problem on Angor's end.

 Originally, he had already asked for the love token back and had no intention of interacting with the magistrate's family.

 But after he left, they immediately encouraged the girl to come to An Ge'er and ask for money.

Anger naturally refused, and said that his family was already looking for a marriage for him, and asked the girl not to ask anyone to look for him again.

The girl was naturally sad after hearing this.

But she also knew that her parents would not let her marry An Geer, and would only use An Geer to give them money, so she endured it and did not want to go to An Geer, so as not to delay others.

But the county magistrate and his wife did not receive the money, so of course they were not happy.

They even felt that Angor's money should be given to them and was owed to them, which made them even more shameless.

 An Ge'er was not a soft persimmon, so he couldn't let them manipulate him, so he immediately settled an account with the magistrate and his wife.

 If they wanted to make trouble, he would report it directly to the prefect.

When the county magistrate heard this, he was not afraid at all. He said with disdain, "I know all the officials in Jiangnan. I even have acquaintances around the magistrate. I may not be sure who will be jailed by then."

What a brat, I want to sue him.

Anger chuckled, "Then try it? Let's see who goes to jail in the end!"

 Officials who commit corruption and accept bribes are punished with more serious crimes.

 An Ge'er is not stupid, he must have left a way out when doing things.

This corrupt official took his money, and he kept evidence of it.

And the things he gave to their home also had receipts.

 It is not certain who will go to jail by then.

When the county magistrate heard that he dared to spare a hand, he was so angry that he wanted to arrest him on the charge that he was indecent to a good woman.

 Even asked his daughter to be the witness.

As long as his daughter comes forward to testify, An Geer will lose his skin even if he doesn't die.

This kind of family, for the sake of money, even ignores the reputation of their daughter.

Anger was so angry that he immediately thought that what the third aunt said was indeed right.

This kind of ambitious and stupid people are blood-sucking insects that cannot be shaken off. Fortunately, he left a way out for himself, otherwise he would have harmed his family if he had been tricked.

 Brother An was so angry that he went back first and immediately told Liang Jin about the matter. Liang Jin was used to seeing such shameless people, so he naturally knew how to deal with them.

 He asked An Geer, "Let's go, call your brother, and let's go over together to meet this shameless county magistrate."

Seeing that he was seeking justice for himself, Brother An immediately nodded, called Brother Shun, and took Liang Jin to the little magistrate.

The magistrate did not expect that they actually brought a magistrate over. For a moment, I still didn't believe Liang Jin's identity.

 (End of this chapter)

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