Chapter 210, An Geer was tricked

“You say you are the magistrate of the state, who knows whether you are true or false.”

Liang Jin showed the other party the token to prove his identity, but the county magistrate said, "Who knows if this is a fake."

Liang Jin did not argue with him about this, and only said, "If you don't believe it, just go to the magistrate's office with me. When you see it, will you arrest my nephew, or I will arrest you!"

The county magistrate somewhat believed it when he heard what he said.

 It's just that An Ge'er never told him that his family had an uncle who was a governor, otherwise he wouldn't have despised An Ge'er so much.

  If he had known that this boy had relatives who were the fifth-rank magistrates, he should have taken care of them.

But looking at their posture, I guess they didn’t want to make things worse, so the villain magistrate rolled his eyes and thought of another idea.

 He came over to please Liang Jin with a mean smile.

“Sir, this is all a misunderstanding. I am still very optimistic about An Geer. You see that he has such a big business at such a young age, which shows that his future is limitless. It was all a misunderstanding before.”

Liang Jin had no expression on his face and did not fight with him, "Of course it is a misunderstanding. He is not married to my niece, so there is no teasing."

“Besides, if your wife’s reputation is damaged, what good will it do to your son’s future? You think so?”

 Nowadays, no matter how immoral a man is, he can still be forgiven.

 But women cannot. Once a woman's reputation is damaged, she will be criticized for the rest of her life.

This county magistrate is not a fool, so he cannot let his daughter harm his son.

 He was just scaring Angor before.

Who would have thought that this kid would not be fooled at all and even call Zhizhou down.

Although this Zhizhou looks unfamiliar, at least his official position is higher than him.

Moreover, An Ge'er is so rich. As long as he manages things a little bit, he may be the one who suffers.

 So this villain, the county magistrate, rolled his eyes and planned to turn a big thing into a trivial one.

"Sir, since this is a misunderstanding, let's forget about peace."

He said forget it, but used his eyes to signal Liang Jin to give him some money to settle the matter.

 How could Liang Jin give him money?

 Given this once, there will be a next time.

 Furthermore, he is an official, how can he be the head of bribery? Naturally, he cannot give money to this villain to magistrate the county.

He sneered and said, "The authorities are arresting corrupt officials recently. If you accept my nephew's money, I will arrest you directly and you will be able to accomplish a meritorious service. What do you think of this idea?"

This little man, the county magistrate, was a little angry when he heard his threat.

"Don't threaten me anymore. You sound so clean. There is no one in Jiangnan who is not greedy. I don't believe you even confiscated a single copper coin."

This mouth actually dragged all the officials in Jiangnan into trouble.

Liang Jin narrowed his eyes, knowing that what he said was probably true.

 But he will not be led by the nose.

"Whether someone is greedy or not has nothing to do with me. But if you want to be greedy to my family, I will naturally report it to you first. When the time comes, if you want to make meritorious deeds, I will naturally come to your family to get someone. Tell me, is this the case? reason?"


 This villain, the county magistrate, was almost angry to death by Liang Jin.

The other party refused to accept soft or hard advice, nor did he give any money, and he was helpless. He was really angry to death.

Although he has several connections, their official positions are not high.

Furthermore, he was also afraid that other high-ranking officials would really drag him out as a scapegoat for meritorious service, and that would be more of a loss than a gain.

So he waved his hand and told them to go quickly.

Liang Jin didn’t want to tangle with him any more, so he took Brother An and Brother Shun back and went back.

On the way back, An Geer was also quite disappointed.

 I don’t know if the girl will be embarrassed by her parents.

Liang Jin comforted him and said, "After all, she is her own daughter, so they don't dare to do anything."

They are officials after all. If they really betray their daughter, it will have an impact on their official position. They are not that stupid.

 After hearing this, An Geer was relieved. "That's good."

 He really gave up.

Since they are so unsuitable, it would be better for both of them to give up as soon as possible.

 Happily, his third uncle came to help this time, otherwise he might have lost a lot of money again.

Liang Jin patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Every time you learn something, you will gain wisdom. Next time, first observe the family situation of others before making plans. Don't jump into it head-first."

Angor nodded obediently, "I understand."

 After returning home, Second Sister Wu was also waiting anxiously.

 Er Sister Wu breathed a sigh of relief when Brother An told her that it was okay.

During dinner in the evening, Second Sister Wu chatted with Mrs. Wu and said, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise I would be worried to death."

 Businessmen are most afraid of getting entangled with officials.

 They have a low status, so compared with officials, they end up suffering more.

 Sometimes the most you can lose is a little money. But I am afraid that the lion will open his mouth and it will be thankless even after giving the money.

 Fortunately, there was no danger here and no damage was caused.

 An Geer also grew up after this incident, and later he actually asked Sister Wu to introduce him to a partner.

 Second Sister Wu was overjoyed, but she was afraid that he was angry.

“I picked it for you, just because you don’t like it. Otherwise, why don’t you find it yourself?”

Anger knew that his mother was afraid that he was angry, so he said, "I'm not angry. The one my mother chose for me is definitely not bad. I won't choose it this time."

Seeing that he was serious, Second Sister Wu happily said yes and quickly asked her servants to invite a famous matchmaker nearby.

After the matchmaker came over, Mrs. Wu also stayed to listen.

As soon as the matchmaker entered such a magnificent place, she immediately listed all the best girls here.

"Let me tell you, the girl from the Ding family is the right person for you."

The Ding family is an outsider’s house in the distance.

The Nading family is also well off, with five sons and one daughter.

However, the daughter has been spoiled by pride since she was a child, and her temper is somewhat unruly and willful.

As soon as Second Sister Wu heard that she was being unruly and willful, she immediately said forget it.

"Is there anyone who is gentler? When looking for a daughter-in-law, you should be gentler and sensible, so that the family can be peaceful."

If someone is aggressive, the quarrels will be endless.

The matchmaker said, "Yes, the little daughter of the Ding family's cousin is very well-behaved and sensible, but she is a bit timid."

There are six daughters in the family of Nading's cousin's brother. The other five are all married, leaving only the youngest.

The other party is also from a wealthy family, a businessman, and his family background is not bad.

However, their family is more patriarchal and doesn’t love their daughters very much, but it’s not too bad either.

 Because the last one born was a son, he was favored by thousands of people.

On the contrary, the sixth girl is the one who is least favored.

 After all, the girl has many movies, so it doesn’t matter. Naturally, she only loves her only son.

The matchmaker said, "Lao Liu is already seventeen this year, and the family has not found a home for her yet, so they have completely forgotten about her."

“I went to her house this year, and her parents asked me to introduce girls to their son, and they didn’t even mention anything about Liu Yatou’s marriage.”

After hearing this, Second Sister Wu clicked her tongue, a little disgusted with the way her parents behaved.

“The girl is seventeen years old and she still doesn’t want to find her husband’s family?”

 What an incompetent parent.

 (End of this chapter)

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